

Wen Jing covered her mouth first, and then couldn't help laughing out loud, which attracted dissatisfied eyes from the diners in the restaurant.

"Pay attention to your image!" Zhao Song said angrily, "Tell me about Liu Cong, how is my brother doing in America?"

"It's amazing!" Wen Jing said in admiration, and then, feeling that she hadn't expressed enough, she added: "It's amazing."

"How powerful?"

"He first took over the Tesla agency business of Weiwei Group, and then helped LeTV underwear enter the European and American fashion circles."

Wen Jing stared at the stars and exclaimed: "Zhao Song, are those underwear designed by your new girlfriend?"

"That's right!" Zhao Songyan said insincerely, anyone who has nothing to do to read Victoria's Secret fifteen times a month, to waste toilet paper, can bring this kind of talent when he is reborn.


At the dining table, there was a sudden silence. Wen Jing put down the knife and fork, leaned on her chin and looked at Zhao Song.

"Unexpectedly, when I saw you again, I became the richest man." Wen Jing's eyes were a little blurred, as if caught in a good memory, "Do you still remember that you gave our dormitory a computer? The first time, I gave You water, you think your hands are dirty, so you didn’t pick it up.”

"Hands were quite dirty at the time." Zhao Song continued to be puzzled.

"If you are like that now, who would dare to think you are dirty?" Wen Jing smiled.

"For some reason, I have the name of the richest man." Zhao Song looked at Wen Jing seriously, unmoved by her words, and suddenly changed the subject, "That Mike, is it good?"

"..." At the dining table, silence returned.

Wen Jing's face gradually calmed down, and after a long time, she asked seriously: "Hard disk company, what are your plans?"

"It's just like what Li Wei said..." Zhao Song said with a smile as if he didn't see Wen Jing's expression, "I'm a businessman, so I have to think according to the businessman's thinking. Your research and development progress determines the hard drive. The company's next investment will determine whether the company will continue to invest."

"Why?" Wen Jing's face was full of puzzlement, "We are no longer inferior to Hitachi in terms of aluminum alloy materials for discs, and we have even obtained related patents in terms of vertical recording."

"What about the magnetic head? What about the motor? What about the interface? Data protection, anti-shock technology?" Zhao Song said slowly: "Perpendicular recording technology can only guarantee the possibility of HDD hard disks developing to TB capacity. Have you confirmed the next-generation mainstream technology? Lattice media? Or heat-assisted magnetic recording?”

Looking at Wen Jing's shocked face, Zhao Song was neither sad nor happy, "Wen Jing, my biggest achievement during this time is not to become the richest man in Laoshizi, but to understand all the cutting-edge technologies in that small case. two!

Great Wall HDD, every time a piece is sold, the intellectual property authorization fee needs to be paid 3%. Tell me, in terms of research and development, how much do we need to spend every year to catch up with Seagate’s advantage of hundreds of millions of dollars in research and development expenses? "

"..." Wen Jing sat upright and asked in a murmur, "In this case, Shenzhou and you, why did you invest in the Great Wall Hard Drive?"

"Because what I need is an honest R\u0026D supervisor!" Zhao Song stared at Wen Jing with a very angry look.

He was really angry. Wen Jing's departure was the beginning of his ordeal with Tesla. This year, he encountered more things than he did in his previous life, which made him understand a lot!

An 18-year otaku would never turn him into a strong-willed person all of a sudden, but after a few months of getting along, the two of them did everything, how could he resist leaving that film behind? Is it a cultural boss? You know, if a man is smart, let alone a cultural boss, he will throw it away without any care!

At that time, who is playing whom?

"Wen Jing, I spent a total of two million US dollars, nearly 18 million RMB, and got 13 patented technologies, but Fujitsu's hard disk department told me that they can easily break through the past, are you kidding me?"

Zhao Song didn't believe it at all, that Mike's father was at this level!

"..." Wen Jing lowered her head slowly.

Zhao Song leaned down and said softly: "You let your aunt have a baby, but you took money from Uncle Wenhua. Because of you, the three-way relationship between me and your father has stagnated for a month and a half. !

You bitch, do you wanna gaha? "


Ten minutes later, outside the hotel gate, Zhao Song looked back at the shiny signboard above the hotel gate, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

In the past, Wen Jing was here to teach him how to eat western food, raised his hands and worked hard, and the two fell in love with each other. At that time, who could not be moved?

"Zhao Song."

Zhao Song turned his head and saw Wen Jing standing there timidly, hesitant to speak.

"Gahaer?" Tonight, for some reason, he didn't like anyone, and he used Northeast dialect from time to time.

"Sing me that song again~"


"Zhao Song!"

At that time, Capital International Airport.

Zhao Song turned his head.

Wen Jing dropped her luggage, ran over with all her strength, jumped on him, and hugged him tightly!

"Sing me those two little monsters again!"

I want to be a scumbag, I want to find a girl who can let go, but why does every woman I meet have their own story?

As if sand had blown into his eyes, Zhao Song narrowed his eyes and hugged the girl in his arms tightly.

"Wen Jing, stay here, I can support you, and we will be a pair of little mice. Love each other clumsily, live in a daze, snuggle clumsily, and stay together foolishly. Okay, Wen Jing."

"Zhao Song, sing me those two little monsters again!"

Wen Jing hugged Zhao Song tightly, and repeated what she said just now, as if Zhao Song didn't say anything!

"...I am Babo Erben"



"Zhao Song, sing me those two little monsters again!"

At the entrance of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, this sentence is still the same, but it is indeed a completely different scene.

"Ha~" Zhao Song was still smiling, but what he said didn't match the expression on his face at all, "Bitch~"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song turned around and left.

At the beginning, if you could stay and stay with me in this city, I would sing to you as many times as you want!

Now, if it weren't for Liu Cong's discovery, the richest flower grower, the capital's Nanxin Fadi boss Wenhua, the mechanical and electrical genius Mike, and his equally talented father with a broken leg, the four big men would still be fooled around by you!

You not only want a blockbuster in academics, but you also want shares in international companies! Are you comparing yourself with Li Wei?

Selfish school bully girl, you are awesome!


On the bustling Zhongguancun Street, it is a lively moment at night.

People came and went, and the people playing didn't realize that a young man with his head down and red eyes would be the richest man occupying the financial headlines these two days.

Zhao Song walked alone, turning a blind eye to the colorful scooter not far behind him.

He forced himself to calm down, his head spinning rapidly.

Before the vertical recording technology, the ultimate technology of the Great Wall HDD should be 320G, and there are still 6 years, or 8 years. 320G, it won't last long at all.

Either the memory or the hard disk, these two are the deepest red links in the big circle in the future!

A choice had to be made, he alone couldn't afford two!

Touching his eyes, Zhao Song put on the hat in his hand, raised his head, and sang loudly regardless of the eyes around him!

"I am Babo Erben

you are runboerba

baboer baboerba

two happy little monsters

Everyone loves beauty like a flower


What kind of animal are you, woman?


Personal funds: 267 million.

Self-developed chip progress: 87.98%

It's not appropriate for a cultural boss to sell vegetables and invest in hard drives.

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