Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 365: It Turned Out to be a Spare Tire

Time flies, "whoosh", one night passed.

Not to mention someone who stayed up all night, but Zhao Song from Xiagou Village slept soundly.

A good night's sleep, Zhao Song is in a good mood in the morning, after being reborn, he is in a good mood every morning.

After serving the two cuties at home—Xiao Yu and Lian Shun's son Four Eyes, the sun was already high in the sky.

There was a rumble in the construction site behind them, and after finishing their chores, Zhao Song and Lian Shun squatted at the door of the security hall, watching Four Eyes fighting with Garfield in the distance.

Lian Shun is aging rapidly. According to the foreign veterinary team, this dog should have died long ago!

"It hurts, it hurts every day, if you... make a decision early!"

decide what? The military dog ​​Lian Shun died a long time ago, and now he is the watchdog Lian Shun.

Thinking of a group of military uniforms trying their best to persuade him to return to the kennel, Zhao Song rubbed Lian Shun's hair and said cheerfully: "Brother Lian Shun, wait for the big house next to it to be built." Alright, I'll move the security hall into a big house, so you and Uncle Lu will have room to mess around."


At this time, Uncle Lu came out of the guard hall with a little black dog in his arms. After putting the little black dog next to Lian Shun, Uncle Lu asked.

"Zhao Er, why don't you go to work as a busy person?"

"Uncle, my working hours will be postponed by one hour." Zhao Song said casually, scratching the little black dog's belly again and again.


"I have to cover the meal!" Zhao Song raised his head, his face full of helplessness, "It's all a meal, if you don't want to go, you can't go."

Reminiscent of the news about the richest man's treat in the past two days, Uncle Lu suddenly realized, "Zhao Er, you have already done such a big business, and it would be good to make more friends."

"Uncle, making friends is the business of Shenzhou's shareholders. I just need to let Shenzhou earn money!" Zhao Song hugged the little black dog that crawled on Lian Shun's body, and continued: "I have a Tesla, I have Don't make friends."

Uncle Lu didn't know if he understood what Zhao Song meant, so he didn't want to dwell on this topic anymore, so he asked with a look of embarrassment: "Zhao Er, look, the stock market is about to rise to 2000 points, uncle also takes How about some money to enter the market?"

Zhao Song looked at Uncle Lu strangely, "Are you short of money?"

Shake your head.

"Master, if you are bored, you can travel around with my parents, and you don't need to spend money."

Shake your head.

"Then you just stay there, Brother Lu, I'm waiting for the notice from my brother Lu's unit. If their superiors agree, I will replace some vehicles and equipment for them. This way you can rest assured."

While talking, Zhao Song stood up and put the little black dog in Uncle Lu's arms, "Uncle, I don't understand stocks, but I think it's coming to an end, so don't join in the fun if you don't understand."

"Understood." Uncle Lu saw the Mercedes-Benz slowly parked by the side of the road, and waved to Zhao Song, "Go ahead."

"Hey~ Brother Lian Shun, let's go."


After saying hello, Zhao Song walked towards Mercedes-Benz. In fact, considering the current economic trend, Zhao Song really understands the stocks at this time.

As flower growers are advancing indomitably on the road to the world's factory, funds in the market are rapidly flowing into the real economy, of which the manufacturing industry is the most important thing, plus that certain supervisor who is talking the other way is useless The boss of the meeting, Zhao Song can be sure that the announced plan to reduce state-owned shares will definitely come to an end within this year.

The landing of peripheral supporting manufacturers driven by Shenzhou and Tesla is definitely speeding up this process. This is the butterfly effect of a reborn person. Zhao Song waved his unrecognizable fists, and beat the beautiful little face of the flower planter Stock Exchange with great vigor. Even if he remembers the K-line chart from before, if he speculates according to it, he will be courting death again!

In this time and space, the general environment has not changed, but in the IT industry, as Zhao Song's involvement deepens, the greater the change.

Just like in the PC industry, with the deepening of the transfer of the industrial chain to Asia, although the sales volume of personal computers is increasing by leaps and bounds, the profit margins are dropping sharply. Major IT media have released "the field of personal computers has entered a cold winter". remarks.

Therefore, Yang Qing, who has just officially taken over the position of CEO of Fantasy Group, is obviously unwilling to be satisfied with the role of a manufacturer. It is undoubtedly an a1 path to learn from IBM, transform from manufacturing to service, and take advantage of the capital advantages of listed companies to acquire IT service provider Hampoo.

However, it was intercepted by Zhao Song's Shenzhou Technology.

For fantasy and Shenzhou, Zhang Qi, the boss of Hampshire, has his own considerations.

Fantasy is the first full supply chain case in the country.

However, Tesla is completing the entire supply chain under the guidance of the world's best IBM service provider, and they allow Hamp to visit and study.

Fantasy's popularity could open up a bigger market for Hamp.

The richest man, Shenzhou Technology, plus Tesla is not bad, and if you count the markets of Shenzhou and Tesla’s suppliers and cooperative R\u0026D units, the gap can be seen at a glance!

Fantasy has 2 billion in cash. Tesla, the richest man, is also not short of money.

What Zhang Qi values ​​more is the huge order for Shenzhou, which has a complete channel and supply chain, to implement management consulting, Oracle's ERP implementation strategy, EIP (Enterprise Information Portal), and CRM!

Therefore, Shenzhou won. As a result, fantasy is the one that has done the most to fan the hype going on about the quality of Tesla's products.

Zhao Song didn't move. Before the sales of Tesla T1 dropped, he wished that those manufacturers would make Tesla's reputation known to everyone!

With a "bang~", Zhao Song closed the car door and said to Liao Yingzhu in the passenger seat: "Call Liu Cong and ask where the authorization letter is. I will sign it!"


Zhao Song started his day of reporting, communication, and meetings, while in another place, Wen Jing was sipping coffee leisurely.

In the Starbucks cafe on the west side of the International Trade Center, Wen Jing sat alone at a table in the corner. With a thick layer of cream, I turned my head out for a while, looking at the roadside scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The weather is gradually getting hotter. At this time, it is already eleven o'clock in the morning, and the sun outside the window is shining fiercely. Fortunately, the cross-street building connecting the West Wing of China World Trade Center opposite Starbucks has formed a door opening, and the sunlight can only penetrate through the door opening. Come over some.

The people walking on the road are in a hurry, and the people sitting in the Starbucks are talking loudly. These are the most familiar sights to her now. The only thing that feels strange is that most of the people here are yellow-skinned and black-haired, and the people she has to wait for , is one of the people she hates the most since she was a child. It can be said that although she and her are still young, they have been fighting for half their lives!

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

This is, a woman who can make people ignore her age stood in front of her and said with a smile on her face.

Wavy hair, boots, pencil pants, and a beige burberry trench coat in the middle, this kind of woman, one word can emerge at a glance-"strong woman". Then I still think: I don’t know which piece of cow dung will be inserted into it.

Wen Jing frowned and looked at her, "Li Wei, you are late."

Li Wei stretched out her wrist with a smile on her face, revealing her status watch with diamonds, and said with a smile, "It's still a minute away."

"Hmph!" Looking at Li Wei's quiet expression, Wen Jing felt annoyed for no reason.

"When did you come back? Date me so soon."

"Yesterday." Responding, Li Wei took out an information bag from her handbag and placed it on the coffee table between the two of them.

"What is this?" Wen Jing asked.

Li Wei didn't answer, and went to the bar to order a medium cup of coffee. After sitting down, she said to Wen Jing who was reading the materials: "That's why I asked you to come here."

Wen Jing looked at the document, frowning deeper and deeper.

"RPX Corporation, referred to as RPX, is a patent risk solution provider. Zhao Song authorized Chinese-American lawyer Smith Liu to jointly establish a company with various companies during the U-disk patent negotiations between Tesla and major storage companies in the United States."

"What does this have to do with me?" Wen Jing asked uncomfortably.

Li Wei took a sip of coffee, then leaned down and approached Wen Jing, and said softly: "Yesterday, that bastard Liu Cong specially gave it to me, and asked me to hand over this unsealed power of attorney to Zhao Song before leaving. What would that mean?"


"In the few months since RPX was established, it has not only consisted of shares in Tesla and several technology companies, but almost all of its follow-up investors are financial institutions, which can better avoid conflicts of interest in the patent operation process. Operations will also be more flexible.

RPX's team includes experienced intellectual property, investment and management experts, covering all aspects of patent operations, including patent identification, analysis, negotiation, transaction structure design, and litigation.

At the end of the introduction, Li Wei looked at Wen Jing seriously, and said solemnly: "As long as Zhao Song signs this authorization letter, your big trouble will come, Wen Jing!"

In the Starbucks of China World Trade Center, the loud voices set off the abnormal silence of the coffee table in the corner.

Ignoring the astonishing gazes from all around, a charming strong woman and an intellectual, elegant and academic dominatrix were staring at each other.

"Heh~" Li Wei showed a smile that was not a smile, and Yin Yang said strangely: "We have been fighting each other since we were young, but I didn't expect that when we grow up, we will use all the skills we have learned on Zhao Song. .”

"It's you who are using it!" Wen Jing suddenly amplified her voice and said tremblingly, "You, Betty, and that seemingly silly little princess of the Hao family!"

Unmoved, Li Wei shrugged her shoulders indifferently, pointed to the authorization letter in Wen Jing's hand and said, "Who is this for?"

"The patents developed with Zhao Song's funding have all been given to him, and the follow-up will be my father's money!"

"Pa~" Wen Jing threw the power of attorney on the coffee table and said angrily.

"On what basis is the follow-up developed?"


"Let me guess..." Li Wei looked at Wen Jing with great interest, and said with an inquiring face: "That day, in your dormitory of Beijing University, a boy who was anti-bag came to your dormitory, sweating profusely. , covered in dust, you, who are a bit of a clean freak, held back your disgust and handed him a glass of water, why?"


"Because you know him, the story about me and him has spread all over the compound. Although you moved out there when you were in high school because of your family's business, you still want to see who Zhao Song, who lived with me, is like."

Wen Jing clenched her fists tightly, and veins popped up on her forehead.

"Do you need to talk later?" Seeing Wen Jing's appearance, Li Wei's smile grew bigger and bigger.

Two women who are good friends in a foreign country in New York, at this moment, one hides a knife in his smile, and the other looks like lightning, in this undisturbed corner of Starbucks, it seems that he wants to kill each other.

Woman, what kind of animal is that? This is Zhao Song's question, and it is also the question of all men who grow flowers in modern time and space. The only certainty is that they are definitely not the same as the ancient flower planters, they are men's accessories. They have desires, pursuits, persistence, and... …very many.

"Go on!" Wen Jing suddenly relaxed her body and said hoarsely.

"Okay!" Li Wei nodded, "During the process of your training with him, it was he who let you know how sensational it would be to develop an independent patent in the IT field of florists. It was a mistake that gave you this opportunity, so the spare tire was turned to use. Just for your fame and fortune, and because you want to overwhelm me in the circle of the yard!"

Speaking of this, Li Wei spread her hands and laughed: "The only thing you didn't expect is that Zhao Song would develop so fast, so fast that your father can't hold him back!"

"..." Wen Jing raised her head slowly, "Since you know, why didn't you tell him earlier."

"Because I believed in your evil!" Li Wei patted the table angrily, put away the power of attorney on the table, and stood up, "I only now understand that children who grew up in the yard only talk about feelings. of!"

After speaking, Li Wei turned around and left.

Wen Jing looked at her back, ignoring the lively eyes around her, and shouted: "What about you?"

Li Wei paused, and then walked out of Starbucks with a wry smile.


As night falls, the most important supporting role in this book—the Mercedes-Benz is driving on the main road of the Fourth Ring Road at a constant speed.

Sitting in the back row, Zhao Song carefully signed his name on the authorization letter in his hand, and then put it down again.

Just after putting it away, the phone rang.

"Chairman, there is news from the shareholders that Penguin shares need 12.5 million US dollars."

"Communicate with Yingke Little Superman?" Zhao Song asked in surprise, how could it be so fast.

On the phone, Li Bowei smiled and said: "No, I found the person you mentioned directly, the CEO. Now it is the climax of the Internet bubble. Sina and Netease have fallen to 1 dollar, and Mr. Ma over there has not yet found a profit point." ,so……"

Zhao Song nodded, and then asked with concern: "Is there any money left in Shenzhou?"

"If the money is paid, plus the construction of the factory building and production line in the electronics city, Shenzhou's share of the memory war and the profit from the U disk will be exhausted."

Zhao Song looked out the window and said calmly, "Uncle Li, as a listed company, we haven't got any loans yet."

"Chairman, if necessary, I believe many banks are willing to accept this business..."

"No need!" Zhao Song interrupted Li Bowei's proposal, "How much discount can we get on the restricted shares for loans at this time?"


After thinking carefully for a while, Zhao Song finally said to the mobile phone: "First, complete the integration of Pengcheng as soon as possible; second, the transfer of shares has been agreed, Uncle Li, let them speed up!"


After hanging up the phone, I turned my head to look out of the window in the morning, and said to myself in my heart, "Except for myself earning enough money, who would really invest money in this bottomless pit of research and development?

Zhao Song, don't trust anyone, especially women! "

Driving is not allowed, so Wen Jing is not the heroine, and she is not writing about feelings, let her lead to the patent layout.

Two chapters in one today.

I'm really not in a good state lately, sorry.

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