Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 366 Prelude to a new war. pity~

At night, Zhao Song was sitting outside the door of Xiaoyu's cubicle. On the Internet that he couldn't see, some things became more and more intense.

"The E-ATX motherboard of the player's country is not lit, there are pictures and the truth!"

"The three-guarantee slogan is loudly shouted, but what's the use of not acknowledging the quality problem? After the return period, the problem remains the same."

"Flagship-level motherboards require the accumulation of time and experience, a large amount of capital investment, and the efforts of R\u0026D personnel. It cannot be made by a young company simply stacking materials."

"This is true for flagship motherboards, and even more so for flagship hosts. As a flagship host that showcases the company's strength, the Tesla T1 is obviously not performing well in terms of user experience!"

"Tesla T1 pre-installed system has many background programs, which take up a lot of system resources."

"That's right, any anti-virus software installed on T1 will call the police, and even if you delete it, you can't delete it, so you can only click Ignore!"

"The young richest man paid the price for his recklessness and aggressiveness!"

"Why didn't Tesla come out and explain? Isn't there a need for a recall for such a large-scale quality problem with a large motherboard?"

"Upstairs, the country of players is not Tesla, they are an independent company."

"Uh~ Why doesn't Player Kingdom come out and explain?"

"It's explained, there's nothing wrong with it!"


"The banner on the official website of Player Kingdom hangs high: Zhao Song said, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"One more thing, Tesla also explained to T1, and the official website also hung a banner: Zhao Song said, there is nothing wrong!"

"Zhao Song said that if there is no problem, there is nothing wrong with it. How amazing is the richest man?"

"Upstairs, the richest man is really amazing!"

On the sixth floor of Wutong Building, the lights were brightly lit, Li Yu rubbed his wrists, and then continued to operate three computers by himself, arguing with others on IT forums, what a joy!

"If he is lucky..."

"You can have this luck too. His experience is all posted on the forum. You can search for it and learn from it. I'm afraid you won't be too lazy to read it. Let me summarize a few points for you first:

First of all, open a counter in Zhongguancun, the best thing is that the market has already opened, and the science and trade will be capped. This is a very simple matter. If one of the shops emerges, the first step is completed.

Secondly, make a few best-selling products, convince several distributors, and get your own supply chain. Finally, put the money you earn into the integrated circuit industry where no one is coming, so that the business people have a lot less people who want to deal with you. Do these points, and you will be the next Zhao Song. "

"...Upstairs, this is not a place for you to praise Zhao Song. We are discussing the quality of Tesla."

"You're the one saying he's lucky."


In Xiagou Village, outside the Xiaoyu cubicle of a house, Zhao Song, who was in a daze, came back to his senses and took out his vibrating mobile phone from his pocket.

"Li Yu, what's the matter?" Zhao Song asked in surprise, if there was no special matter, Li Yu seldom called him.

"Boss, suddenly there are a lot of negative news about us on the Internet."


"Check the IP, that's right, and there are several dials."

Zhao Song thought for a while, then asked on the phone, "Is there any news about Shenzhou's USB flash drive?"

The black film industry chain is slowly maturing, and the current quality is not particularly stable, but Shenzhou and Great Wall's refund and replacement policies allow them to quickly occupy the market.

"No, only our Tesla."

"Understood!" Zhao Song nodded, "Leave them alone, tell Ding Tao to let him pay attention to Tesla's sales tomorrow!"

"Understood, the manager hasn't left yet, so I'll go right away."

"..." Zhao Song yelled helplessly: "After the explanation, you two go to bed with me!"

"Ka~" After finishing speaking, Zhao Song hung up the phone and continued to think wildly.

Zhao Song admits that there is a gap between people.

Some people know what they are doing very early, just like the children in the courtyard, they know how to make friends who are useful to them since they were young;

Just like Masayoshi Son, like Papa Ma.

That night, Zhao Song sat outside Xiaoyu's cubicle door, thinking for a long time facing the empty small square.

What are you thinking? Of course, he wanted to think about what he had done with these women?

China Technology with 30 billion, the richest man with 10 billion.

Although he couldn't move the 10 billion yuan, since his rebirth, Zhao Song never thought that he would be so pissed off to this extent.

In the final analysis, I still found the wrong woman!

Two mental patients were sent to a mental hospital by him.

A temporary girlfriend, now that she has changed her ways, she will not show her head.

The rest, a village girl, was once blinded by the colorful world.

The girls in the two yards...

For the latter three, Zhao Song had flirted with them. After a long period of poverty but now rich, a peerless otaku will definitely show off in front of the girl he loves.

This night, Zhao Song wanted to break his head, just to recall what he had said to them.

Li Wei's Weiwei Group is round, cool and black, and quiet? What is quietness? What else did he say to Wen Jing?

The richest man, although he is a fake, not only now, but also every word he said in the past will be studied by someone, not to mention the women who have such deep entanglements with him.

"I really only want to buy 18 houses!" Zhao Song muttered to himself.

Quietness is a problem, a big problem.


The next day, morning.

Cars are coming and going, and the crowds are raging in a private large courtyard in Nanxinfadi.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see a lush and enclosed lobby. In the lobby, apart from all kinds of super-large green plants, there are also ten wooden figures, who look similar to the top ten marshals. Same with babies.

Literacy, he was really uneducated when he was a child. His original wife was the one who lived in the yard. Literacy, he was considered a half-married son-in-law. He didn't move out until his original wife, Wen Jing's mother, died.

In the living room, Lao Ba, who hadn't appeared for a long time, was squatting in the corner, carefully looking at his big slaps, this pair of big slaps, beating people these days can be regarded as a good time.

It's a pity... Will there be a chance to fight in the future?

Lao Ba glanced at the two men, one big and one small, who were sitting on the sofa, then glanced at the stairs leading upstairs, and lowered his head annoyed.

Wenhua and Zhao Song looked at each other, silent for a long time.

"Let's..." Wenhua hesitated for a moment before saying with a wry smile, "Shanghai's distribution center is almost finished."

"Send someone for the project money?" Zhao Song saw Wenhua nodded, and continued, "I'll pay for it first."

"Zhao Song!" Wenhua couldn't bear it anymore, pointed to the authorization letter on the coffee table, and asked, "If this thing goes to court in the United States, how will it affect Wen Jing?"

"Except for Tesla." Looking at Wenhua's graying hair at the temples, Zhao Song said bravely, "She still has 7 patent application numbers. Unless it is proved that these 7 patents have nothing to do with my funds, otherwise……"

"Otherwise what?" Culture asked anxiously.

Zhao Song did not rush to answer, he patiently explained to Wenhua: "RPX has been building a defensive patent collection for Tesla's TPOD, even so, in the future to respond to lawsuits against more than a dozen manufacturer alliances, especially Slah conservatively estimates that he will also pay nearly $15 million in settlement and litigation costs.”

That is the United States, not too few people have gone bankrupt in patent lawsuits!

Seeing the shocked look of the cultural boss, Zhao Song said softly: "Wen Jing here, unless she can prove something, otherwise, in addition to monetary compensation, not only will she not be able to keep her patent, but she will also suffer some damage to her reputation."

"Zhao Song..."

"Uncle!" Zhao Song interrupted Wenhua, "Her biggest problem now is not cheating, but she and Maxtor have been in contact for many times, and we don't know where she has progressed!"

"...During this period of time, I thought she was sensible." The cultural boss lowered his head and inserted his hands into his fluffy hair. This Chinese character, which has been standing in Nanxinfadi for many years, looks so helpless at this moment, " Her mother left early, since childhood, this child has no sense of security..."


"Hey~" Wenhua stood up nervously, looking at Wen Jing who came down the stairs a little helplessly.

Zhao Song also stood up helplessly, without looking behind him.

Lao Ba, who was squatting in the corner, clenched his fists, then loosened them, and clenched them again.

"Zhao Song, the money I got from my dad is twice as much as yours!"

Looking at Wen Jing, who was dressed in white and put on glasses again, Zhao Song was in a daze for a moment, then sat down slowly, nodded and said, "I know. That's why I came to find Uncle Wenhua."

Wen Jing tilted her head, showing no emotion, and teased, "Otherwise?"

"RPX has the best team of intellectual property lawyers in the United States. Now, you have no money!"

"I will promise Maxtor!" Wen Jing said relaxedly.

"In the power of attorney, I will agree to share the patent rights. As long as the hard disk manufacturers in the United States join RPX members, they don't need to spend a penny on those patents." At this point, Zhao Song looked at Wen Jing and continued with a sneer, "Even if you sign anything with Maxtor, they will break the contract!"


Wen Jing didn't speak, she raised her legs and leaned easily on the back of the sofa.

"My dad is a vegetable seller..."

"Boom~" In the kitchen, there was the sound of dishes being smashed.

"噗~" In the corner, Lao Ba stood up, looking at his cousin's back with a flushed face and angrily.

Zhao Song glanced at the expressionless Wenhua, leaned over and stretched out his hand, touched the hot teacup, thought for a while, and retracted his hand again.

"Go on."

"Heh~" Wen Jing chuckled, as if she didn't notice the movement in the room, and continued: "This is the kind of person who can easily get the shares of Great Wall Hard Drive, why?"

"..." Zhao Song was speechless, why else? The Great Wall HDD, which does not think about making progress, has introduced a full set of equipment and technology authorization from IBM. It is not for the glorious moment when the news is released. Yes, which fool is willing to come in and play, welcome at any time, the reason why it took so long before is not because the butt was not wiped clean!

"When I researched the second patent, you told me that I was the only like-minded peer you could find." Speaking of this, Wen Jing showed a sneer look: "I don't mention semiconductors, just talk about so-called chips. Those silicon chips containing integrated circuits are divided into dozens of major categories and thousands of subcategories. Manufacturing a small chip involves more than 50 disciplines and thousands of processes, including design, manufacturing and packaging. links.

Since the state used 4 billion to invest in Huahong a few years ago, you are the only private capital that intends to enter this industry except for IC design! "

Wen Hua raised his head, his eyes became clear again, he glanced at Wen Jing, then at Zhao Song, suddenly there was something special in his eyes.

"That's why you became the richest man!" Wen Jing said meaningfully.

Zhao Song nodded without any rebuttal, just added, "First, Shenzhou can only be regarded as half a private enterprise, and second, hard drives are not semiconductors. However, you are right, and it is me who can take the lead. The reason for becoming the richest man!"

Shenzhou's backdoor listing approval all the way to the green light, Shenzhou take Penguin shares just say hello, Shenzhou integration Jiaming did not encounter any resistance, the transaction between Shenzhou and Shenzhen Great Wall Technology Group was not dirty, Shenzhou...

"These three patents will allow you to get admission tickets." Wen Jing didn't answer Zhao Song's words, took out an information bag and handed it to him, and then said: "There are three more, the price is 6.5 million US dollars."

Zhao Song glanced at the calm culture, nodded, "Yes!"

"As for the last patent..." Wen Jing smiled, "If there is no accident, it will be published in a magazine in a few hours. If you can take back my father's shares in Great Wall Hard Drive, I can give you priority." authorized."

"Yes!" Zhao Song looked at Wen Jing without sadness or joy, and said seriously: "I misunderstood you, I thought you looked down on your father."

"How could it be?" Wen Jing said with a sassy smile: "Our father and I have stayed in an environment that others looked down on since we were young. What I do now is just to let those people see it again. I am Wen Jing..."

Wen Jing stopped suddenly, got up and sat next to Wenhua, "I'm sorry, Zhao Song, I don't want to stay in a laboratory with no future for the rest of my life!"

"It's okay!" Zhao Song stood up, picked up the information on the coffee table, "I wish you success."


Quantum is the first high-tech storage company to develop hard disks with EIDE interface. Its Fireball 20G hard disk is an artifact that all post-70s and 80s dream of. The broken leg R\u0026D director of Quantum must have discovered some key technologies. In another time and space, Seagate kept up with the progress of the island nation's vertical recording technology!

In this life, Wen Jing, a talented female schoolmaster, flashed for a moment, making this technology born 3 years ahead of schedule!

"It's a pity~~~~~~~!" Zhao Song looked up at the sky and murmured.


Wednesday, April 4, 2001, advisable: Don't take anything else. The sky is clear.

At 11:40 in the morning, "PHYS TODAY", the world's number one authoritative physics journal, published the full text of a research paper by Columbia University doctoral student Wen Jing: "Research on CoPt Thin Films for Ultra-High Density Perpendicular Magnetic Recording".

In the comments in the appendix of the magazine, Shunichi Iwasaki, president of Tohoku Technological University in the island country, commented: The thesis of Ms. Wen Jing, a flower planter, opened the door to completely solve the superparamagnetic effect!



This time, Zhao Song finally saw how much energy a school bully can unleash when she doesn't focus on business.

This girl is from a family of flower growers with Zhengmiaohong roots. She was not born in Vietnam, nor in Wanwan Province. She is a flower grower!

"News from this station, flower planting scientists solve the problem of the century..."


"The terabyte capacity is now dawning, and the technical problems that have been entangled with the hard disk for many years have been solved by the scientists of the flower growers!"

"...Ms. Wen Jing obtained a double master's degree at Capital University, and then at Columbia University..."

"The sword points to Nobel, after the giant magneto resistance, there is Wen Jing, a vertically recorded intellectual student..."

This... YY is too HIGH, right?

Outside the private courtyard of Nanxinfadi.

Zhao Song looked up at the hot sun, took off his coat, and walked on the long dirt roads until they disappeared!

I didn't write about my feelings, but I can try to keep some suggestions from some book friends.

The journal papers in this chapter are all edited by me. The two scientists of giant resistance magnetism really won the Nobel Prize in 2007.

Two in one today.

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