Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 370 Fight for the market!

In Xinzhonghai Electronics Mall, a young guy dragged Old Feng out and complained: "Boss, you are old and old, don't join in the fun!"

"I look down on your boss!" Old Feng was full of excitement, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Even though your boss is old, he was also made from the mountains of swords and blood in the village. Let me show you today..."

"Boss." The clerk pointed helplessly and said, "The police are here!"

"It's boring!" Old Feng curled his lips and shouted loudly at the crowd: "The police are here, guys get out!"

"Huh~" As soon as the voice fell, the crowd dispersed, as if they had undergone countless trainings—this group of old fritters showed their hideous colors for the first time after Zhao Song came here!

After a while, there were two big men lying on the ground moaning, and a group of security guards.

Qin Hai greeted the two uniforms with a gloomy face, and said in a low voice, "It's Zhao Song inside. We were one step late. At that time, these two people had already subdued the security guard at the office door. There was another person inside."

The two uniforms froze and said nervously, "Let's go in!"

"Wait!" Qin Hai stopped them, "Our people have gone in, let's see what Mr. Zhao has to say later."

The two uniforms looked at each other, nodded, one took out the walkie-talkie, and walked quickly to the door.

If something happens to this star entrepreneur, let alone the city, the big bosses in their district can pull out the skins of a bunch of people!

Qin Hai took out his cell phone, dialed it, and said darkly, "Old Hong! Where's the bodyguard?"

"It's in the shopping mall, Lao Qin, my buddy said that they didn't threaten them, but they are used to being arrogant because of their identity as a Taiwanese company!" Captain Hong of the Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering obviously got the news.

"What do you mean no threat?" Lao Qin roared, "Whether there is a threat or not is up to him."

"..." On the phone, Captain Hong was speechless. He knew that this time, the bodyguard with personality had taken care of him.

"Old Hong, Tesla is going to fight again! I usually don't care about coming here. Zhao Song dare not rush you, you have a bit of a spectrum, please resign your bad security captain quickly, the head of Tesla's security department The place is always reserved for you!"

Speaking of this, Lao Qin was afraid for a while, what if there was a threat this time? No wonder he lost his sense of proportion in public just now!

"I'll be there in two days!"


After hanging up the phone, Qin Hai came to the door of the office and stood there motionless!


In the office, after Shi Tong glanced at the two people who came in to watch him, he knew that he had made a fool of himself this time.

"Mr. Zhao, I came here with sincerity this time."

"Your sincerity is that you didn't make an appointment and broke into the door without warning? Huashi's sincerity is to launch a high-end motherboard with the same function, but it has dropped below 3,000 yuan?"

Ding Tao, who just ran in, yelled angrily, Huashi’s general manager is currently transferred from Jiaming to Shenzhou. Of course, Shenzhou will be the first to know if there is any trouble, but it is just to protect the interests of all shareholders. Zhao Song will not do it for Tesla. For his own selfishness, let Shenzhou do what, how Jiaming sold it in the past, and how he sells it now!

Shi Tong didn't even look at Ding Tao, and said to Zhao Song confidently: "Mr. Zhao, not only Huashi, Gigabyte, MSI, Qingyun and other brands will launch the same competing products, and some brands even directly copy special products. Slah's design."

"So what?" Ding Tao asked impatiently.

"Not much, but the price will be within 3000, or even lower!" Shi Tong spread his hands and smiled at Zhao Song: "As long as Mr. Zhao has something to say about the world's advanced semiconductors, as long as Mr. Zhao is interested in future OEM contracts Commitment to the price, our circle welcomes young people like Mr. Zhao very much!"

Zhao Song seemed to have never heard of it, with a cold face, dark eyes, and slowly raised palms.

After a long time, Zhao Song put down his hand and returned to his usual appearance.

Fu Jianxing, who restrained Shi Tong on the other side, breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

"Lawyer Fu."

"Boss." Fu Jianxing responded quickly.

"This gentleman came here uninvited, and sent a copy of the surveillance inside and outside the house to the police. There are still three patent documents in the house that have not been applied for. Robbery? Or theft? Let the police decide."


Zhao Song nodded, turned around and sat back on the office chair without looking at Shi Tong.

Since the introduction of investment, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and foreign capital have been rampant and domineering, and it is not uncommon for them to bully others. He didn't expect him to meet him for a while today.

"Ding Tao."

Ding Tao, who was walking out with Shi Tong, turned his head.

"Let the two uniformed uncles outside tell me, if this guy can come out of the police station today because of identity issues, I will lock up Zhong Hai tomorrow!"

Because of the security issue, the customs will be closed for a few days, which is a good reason. As for the loss caused by closing the store for one day... Zhao Song doesn't care!


Even if it's okay, I'll disgust you for a while!

As the office door was closed, Shi Tong's roar was blocked from the door.


In the office, silence returned.

Zhao Song picked up the mobile phone and notified Liao Yingzhu to cancel the large meeting this afternoon, then picked up the buns brought by Ding Tao and ate them.

Don't be in a hurry to summarize the company's affairs, he has to make a comprehensive summary of himself, Zhao Song knows that his stride is too big, it's a shit!

He once told those women that doing business is not about emotion, but what about himself? He not only talked about feelings, but also brought back the Wenqing thoughts of his previous life.

There is no problem with Shenzhou. The reborn plus the power of capital are forward-looking in everything they do. What about Tesla? As a sole proprietorship private capital, he is greedy for perfection and ambitious, trying to satisfy his petty vanity, but does he really have that ability?

Tesla alone has 4 project teams, mobile phone, Tpod, PC, and Daniel Wellington.

Although these costs are not much in the early stage, what about the later stage? Once Tesla's various products perform unfavorably in the market, it will definitely make ends meet.

Now, he didn't know what to do with the idea of ​​the world's advanced integrated circuit company. Regardless of the policy or the economic situation, they ignored the "Two Mega Double Stars" industrial policy just released by Chen Biandan of Wanwan Province, which includes the DRAM and LCD panel industries, and the only world-leading company that can conduct industrial technology research is even more top priority.

Behind it are the shareholders of thirteen large IT companies headed by Zhang Zhongmou Bay Semiconductor. Zhao Song's move to block the world's advanced memory chips in the domestic market is naturally stabbing a hornet's nest.

In the market, Huashi, Gigabyte, MSI, etc., which have cheated Tesla, etc., except for the Xiaoyingba and Mercedes-Benz brands of Shenzhen Xintianxia, ​​are almost all Wanwan products, which are more or less the same as those thirteen large IT companies. Zhao Song's reckless behavior brought about an encirclement and suppression operation with a disparate force for himself!


Zhao Song's face became more and more calm. Looking at Ding Tao who walked in alone, he made up his mind in his heart!


"Call Yuan Wu, the plan of the independent player country brand is postponed, and the word "T" will not be removed from the spare parts packaging for the time being!"

Ding Tao nodded, and then asked: "Do you really want to fight?"

"Fight!" Zhao Song said fiercely: "Last time it was the channel, this time it's the market! If you win, you can live a beautiful life!"

"Still fighting alone?" Ding Tao looked at Zhao Song expectantly, expecting him to name Shenzhou or other distributors.

Zhao Song shook his head, "This is just Tesla's own business. Those companies will follow the business rules."

"Okay!" Hearing this, Ding Tao didn't ask any more questions, and stood up with a smile: "Hua Shi?"

One-to-many is definitely looking for death, just press and hold one (Pengcheng) madly like last time is the right way!

Zhao Song also smiled, and nodded heavily, "Hua Shi!"

Amidst the cheerful laughter, the two young people didn't know that this time, they were no longer fighting alone, and there was another unlucky guy who had been unlucky for eight lifetimes, who was still unlucky silently!

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