Some people eat too fast and choke in a mess, and what is even more unfortunate is that they not only choke in a mess, but also choke to death.

When someone was going to university, he had a serious illness during the exam. He should have been admitted to Huaqing, but ended up in Beijing University of Technology. What was even more unlucky was that he performed exceptionally well and got a score in Huaqing, but his first choice was Beijing University of Technology.


It was still April 14, when Zhao Song and Ding Tao showed fearless smiles.

Zhongguancun Huashi Computer Company, Long Xiaoxiao looked at the two uniforms in front of him without tears.

I bought a notebook with the company of the richest man. Unfortunately, the CPU of the notebook is broken. The probability of this is very low. It may be as low as 10,000.

What's even more unfortunate is that after the repair was completed, it crashed again, and then with the help of a classmate, it was discovered that the CPU that Kengren Company had replaced for her was actually a test CPU.

Of course, there is the most unlucky thing - when she went to Beijing Huashi Company to defend her rights, she broke the law due to the huge amount of claims... This is what the previous two uniforms said, and Long Xiaoxiao said angrily at this time She couldn't say anything, she didn't really want 5 million US dollars, it was just a moment of anger.

"Miss Long, please come with us."

"I need to make a call!"

"After you understand the situation, you will have a chance!"

Long Xiaoxiao had no choice but to say to her classmates who accompanied her: "Hanfu, don't tell the school before you go back, just help me and Sister Linna!"

"Miss Long, this lady is also going back with us, what's the matter, let's talk about it after we understand the situation."



The unlucky guy's unlucky journey continued, Zhao Song of Zhonghai didn't notice it, at this moment, he was eating the breakfast brought by Liao Yingzhu, while looking at the half-person-high document.

Picking up a document, Zhao Song took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun, and asked while eating, "Yingzhu, what did you buy?"

"Baozi!" Liao Yingzhu said suspiciously, maybe this person didn't know about Baozi because he was so busy during this period of time.

"Where is stuffing?" Zhao Song raised his head and looked at the clown girl angrily, "You bought the undercover mantou, right?"

"Uh~" Liao Yingzhu stretched her neck to look at the stuffed buns in Zhao Song's hand, her face turned red, and said nonuo: "I got up late in the morning, so I just found an early stall to buy."

After hearing her words, Zhao Song smiled, put away his feigned anger, and asked softly, "Finance, how are you doing?"

Liao Yingzhu thought for a while before answering: "The more I learn, the more I feel that I know less!"

"I will find some more teachers for you!" Seeing Liao Yingzhu's expression about to go crazy, Zhao Song hurriedly explained: "Yingzhu, listen to me."

"Say it!" Liao Yingzhu pouted her mouth to the sky, "Zhao Song, you can't treat me like an animal!"

Zhao Song stood up and felt relieved when he saw a few security guards guarding the door through the window.

Sitting back again, Zhao Song whispered, "Yingzhu, I made the booth too big. I'm afraid that one day Tesla will..."

"No, Zhao Song, our TPOD is selling so well..." Liao Yingzhu said anxiously.

"Listen to me!" Zhao Song interrupted her with a wave of his hand, "Originally, Tesla would just stay in the IT industry honestly, competing with imaginary companies like Apple, and then seriously making useless products like integrated circuits. An industry where people play, it is very safe!"

"Yes! Yes!" Liao Yingzhu nodded vigorously, "It's safe, everyone treats you as a fool!"

Zhao Song didn't care, and said with a smile: "Yingzhu, I want to keep doing it. If one day, I mean, Tesla is short of money..."

Having said this, Zhao Song paused, and said seriously: "I will enter the Internet industry!"

"What does that have to do with me?"

"The Internet is finance!"


"Especially in flower growers! The Internet is just blowing bubbles, you blow it, I blow it, and whoever blows it will take over!" Zhao Song stared into Liao Yingzhu's eyes, "Yingzhu, you have to blow the last bubble early It's my job!"

Liao Yingzhu hesitated for a long time, and asked, "Zhao Song, you mean just in case... we only enter the Internet."

"Yes!" Zhao Song smiled again, which reassured Liao Yingzhu a lot, but what he said next made her heart ache again, "There is still an improbable thing that needs to be done by you."

In another time and space, Liao Yingzhu became the financial director of a listed company when she was less than thirty years old. In this life, Zhao Song believes that with his blessing, this clown girl can do better!

"What?" Liao Yingzhu's mouth was numb.

"Watch Wen Jing to death!" Zhao Song gritted his teeth and said the name, "After a while, there will be an offshore company with more than a dozen turns in your hands, no matter what that stinky bitch did in America What, find a way to get involved!"

"Oh, huh? That..." Liao Yingzhu stood up dumbfounded, and made her stare at that genius school bully girl?

"Zhao Song, I have to think about it, I have to think about it..." After finishing speaking, she opened the door and walked out without saying hello to Zhao Song.

Zhao Song grinned, ignored the dizzy clown girl, spread out all the documents on the table, took out his mobile phone and dialed - before the war, we must straighten out all the things in Tesla!

"Wan He'an, is Teacher Li Qiang here?"

"Boss, he is by my side. He just finished a simple handover!" On the phone, Wan He'an said in a relieved tone.

"You turn on the speakerphone."



"Mr. Zhao!" Li Qiang's voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Li Qiang, let's get straight to the point. I want to ask, how sure are you of this code-to-code chip modification?"


"Not to mention technical indicators, I just want a number!"

"Ninety percent!" Wan He'an said firmly, he is more qualified than Li Qiang to answer this question!

"Okay!" Zhao Song said happily: "This time, we will stream the film directly without waiting for Fujitsu's MPW service!"

"Boss..." Wan He'an was instantly stressed.

"Teacher Li."

"Mr. Zhao, I'm here!" Li Qiang, who jumped over from Ark, said excitedly. This time, he finally saw the courage of the fool Zhao Song!

"Ms. Li, if Tesla Microelectronics wants to continue to develop, we must ensure that every project must be profitable."

If the code-to-code project ends, the next project must follow closely. If you waste a day, you will lose a day's wages! This is not allowed by Zhao Song, who is determined to be a qualified capitalist!

"You say it, I will do it!"

"The next two projects will be led by you.

First, use the outdated FM synthesis technology in the field of computer audio to make polyphonic ringtone chips. Technical route: 4 chords, 16 chords, 64 chords, and then change to stereo! "

"Mobile phone ringtone?" Li Qiang instantly understood Zhao Song's plan!

"That's right, if this project starts now, we are only one month behind Yamaha!"

"I will start the preliminary argument immediately!" Li Qiang nodded solemnly.

"The second project..." Zhao Song said and paused here, "Mr. Li, there are currently 85.26 million mobile phone users of Huahuajia, the second largest in the world! And it is growing at a rate of almost doubling every year! Let's not go to high Luyuan is making core chips, but if we can make an LCD driver circuit..."

"Huge social and economic benefits!" Li Qiang continued excitedly. Is this the fool they said? This fool is down-to-earth and calm enough to be scary!

"Yes! Teacher Li, take back the money we should earn from the foreign devils!"

In order to make the mobile phone display normally, each mobile phone has an LCD circuit controller, which is the most important integrated circuit besides the core chip of the mobile phone. At that time, this circuit was controlled by foreign countries.

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