Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 372 Set the direction.

The new Zhonghai electronics market has changed a lot, but one thing remains unchanged, that is the main passage connecting the east and west gates of Zhonghai.

All the counters there are still gold counters, Gold No. 6, still there.

Gold No. 6 is the only Tesla counter in the country that mainly sells Tesla U disks. It has ultra-thin spotlights and a rotating display stand. The beautiful and expensive Tesla U disks are quietly placed on it. this.

Here, there is nothing but the Tesla USB flash drive. The kid who opened the cabinet here once said that he wanted to make a USB flash drive, so here is only a USB flash drive.

The product is single and the price is expensive, but the business is unexpectedly good. Excessive packaging and price factors make it a popular candidate for business gifts. The golden No. 6 that Ding Tao and Liu Cong snatched back is always exuding the power of his golden counter!

Sitting in the corner of Golden No. 6, Liao Yingzhu took out a photo from her wallet. In the photo, Zhao Song, Wen Zhenwen, Ding Tao, and her smiles are so bright, and the two men in it are so youthful , now? Looking at Zhao Song and Ding Tao today, they completely changed their appearance.

Why not yourself? Suddenly, Liao Yingzhu laughed, and she remembered the stupid thing about taking out a sponge pad to hide money on her chest.

After several months of study, Zhao Song has found so many high-level teachers who have already made her understand the cruelty of the financial market.

She has no confidence in entering Internet finance now, but facing Wen Jing who is also a fledgling...

"Then do it!" Putting away the photo, Liao Yingzhu stood up, showing a clown girl's smile, which was extraordinarily attractive at this time, "But does Zhao Song know that women are cruel to men, and women are even more cruel to women! When the time comes , will he be scared by me?"

Thinking of Zhao Song's gloomy expression these two days, Liao Yingzhu suddenly didn't worry, everyone is growing up, isn't it?


Of course, Zhao Song is growing up. After anyone is cheated, he will put aside his resentment and conduct a period of self-reflection.

Reflecting on himself, it is more to reflect on the passionate Tesla Microelectronics. Today, Zhao Song rejected the suggestion of focusing on the core CPU of the expert group headed by Mr. Ni, and put Tesla Microelectronics in the initial stage. In order to stay close to the market and users, and focus on the low-end, this is the result of his reflection.

The excitement and support of Li Qiang, the new project leader of Microelectronics, made Zhao Song even more determined!

"The industrialization of chips needs to rely on top engineers with millions of dollars in annual salary, instead of pinning their hopes on the selfless dedication of old experts who commute to get off work by bicycle with thousands of dollars in salary.

If this problem cannot be correctly understood, the flower growers can only miss those model workers and L Feng in the memory of the industry's setbacks again and again. "

Zhao Song forgot who said this, but he didn't want to be a model worker like Mr. Ni. These old experts were playing with Tesla's idea of ​​billions of cash in their hands, trying to rely on the enthusiasm of the second idiot Zhao Song And their relationship, make flower cores and operating systems!

Zhao Song would never do it now!

He quickly rummaged through various official newspapers and watched various political news. Wen Jing had tricked him, but the temporary retreat of the cultural boss, coupled with Wen Jing's repeated reminders, made Zhao Song full of vigilance.

They are the most sensitive group of people to the news from the upper echelon. They must know something, so they have no confidence in making hard drives, most semiconductors!

"This is it!"

Zhao Song threw away the project application handed over by the expert group, and spread a newspaper on the desk.

Combining the memory of rebirth and the analysis of this industry in the past year, Zhao Song is sure: during a certain period of time from 2000 to 2015, the national power that has always supported the development of semiconductors seems to have suddenly weakened a lot, or even disappeared!

So where did the money go? It must not be eating, drinking and having fun, or there will be so many full-fledged keyboard warriors in the future.

Looking at the tofu cubes in the newspaper in front of him, Zhao Song fully understood that part of the country's investment strategy has already determined the direction. The "wind power" and "solar energy" in front of him are part of it, and the huge subsidies will definitely fall in those directions.

As for the result, Zhao Song didn't even have to think about it. In the future, it will definitely be the world's number one in terms of installed capacity and output. Since the beginning of the new century, this is what flower growers love to do most, and they have to earn the world's number one in everything they do!

At this moment, he finally knew:

These days, why those media ignored the four-star counter-cycle, but criticized Huahong NEC for its huge losses, and no one intervened.

Why is Spreadtrum slow now? Because the Ministry of Information Industry fooled those sea turtles back, the promised 500 million investment has to be implemented in batches, and now even the first batch has not come down.

"No wonder you let me laugh!"

Thinking of this, an inexplicable smile slowly appeared on Zhao Song's face, and he took out his mobile phone and called Da Da's brother-in-law.

"Brother-in-law, I will sue a Wanwan company for plagiarizing Tesla's circuit design in the next two days!"

"What do we need to do?"

"Aside from asking the relevant departments to speed up the trial, do nothing! Just watch the excitement."

"..." The brother-in-law on the phone was silent for a while, and then said: "The result will not be very good."

"If you lose, it's fun!"


Putting down the phone, Zhao Song thought carefully for a long time, and made up his mind: Since you plan to be shameless, then do it thoroughly!


April is a season of warm spring and flowers blooming.

Since then, Shanghai, an international metropolis, has devoted all its resources to supporting integrated circuits, filling Zhangjiang Hi-Tech with various chip design, manufacturing, and service companies, whose output value once accounted for half of the country.

In the future, when countless people are discussing "why Shanghai lost the Internet" or clamoring "we will never be able to make chips by burning money to deliver food", few people will remember Shanghai's persistence over the years.

On April 14th, Mr. Zhang Rujing held the arm of his 90-year-old mother, Ms. Liu Peijin, in front of the construction site where pile drivers roared in Zhangjiang North District, Shanghai.

On the same day, a high school girl named Wen Jing departed for the United States. There, she will give up her talent and turn to business, trying to prove something to someone.

A few months later, there will be a man in science and technology who changes his major from microelectronics to software engineering. Oh, by the way, this man in science and technology may start a company in the future, named: Bytedance.

In this time and space, in this country, in this era, it seems that there is only one city left, and a group of people are insisting on something.

Of course, there is also a reborn shit stirrer in the capital, who intends to let go of the burden of his previous life and travel lightly.

Not only does he want to open the gap leading to the upstream industry chain through the Wanwan Company, he also intends to grab the business of some domestic companies!

"In this era, in this industry, there is no national team!"

Zhao Song will no longer be intimidated by the company names in the investment lists of those big funds in the future!

He suddenly discovered that his golden fingers were not only ten 3T hard drives, but also those memories hidden deep in his mind?

For some businesses, rather than putting them in the hands of companies that are not enterprising, it is better to let them hold them! For example—the second-generation ID card...the chip in it? How many billion people is that a market?


April 14, 14:00 pm.

Tesla filed a lawsuit and brought Wanwan Qingyun Company to court.


Tesla’s official website was updated, announcing the launch of Gamer’s Country’s first promotional event, with a price of 3666 for a set of dual 128M memory plus E-ATX motherboard, targeting directly at Wanwan stock Wang Huashi Group.

This chapter uses the ID card as an example, because I am afraid that book friends will not understand and dig holes indiscriminately. The change in writing is not temporary, and we are working hard.

There is a chip in the ID card. Most people know that, in order to prevent accidents, add some words. Usually, the ID card should not be placed together with mobile phones and other electrical appliances, and degaussing needs to be re-applied.

Calvin, today's chapter.

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