April 16, 2001.

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, female dormitory.

Li Linna turned on the Frozen desktop computer and skilfully browsed the webpage, her frowning revealed her worried mood.

"There are not many brand stores in major island countries."

"From the bottom up, Tesla, the sky-high price storage chip contract with the island country company, and the purchase of major key spare parts, let Tesla's new E-ATX motherboard have 36% of the island country's blood."

"Only in the dark? According to insiders, Tesla has given up 30% of the profits to distributors in island countries in the sales of TPOD."

"Unsalable! During the follow-up visits to the merchants of Hainiao Building by our special reporter, several merchants said that the sales of the Tesla Gamer Nation hosted a cliff-like decline in the past two days, and some merchants did not even sell a single piece."

"Today, many accessories manufacturers have released new products, covering mid-to-high-end and flagship E-ATX motherboards based on Intel i815 chipsets and VIA pt800 chipsets. It’s also very functional!”

"Click~" Li Linna closed the web page, took out her Motorola flip phone and dialed.

"Beep beep beep~" There was a busy voice, and she closed the phone helplessly.

Being the person in charge of LeTV and the girlfriend of the richest man for so long has allowed her to see many things clearly.

In the news that broke out suddenly in the morning, Zhao Song and Shenzhou were not mentioned, and it was obviously aimed at Tesla.

Not planning to wait for Long Xiaoxiao, who had disappeared for two days, Li Linna picked up her handbag, got up and walked out of the dormitory.

Suddenly, the dormitory door was pushed open, and a sweaty female classmate ran in.

"Sister Linna, there are two things. One is that your relatives are looking for you at the school gate, and the other is that Professor Yan asked you to go to the office when you are free."

This is the power of being the richest man's girlfriend, Li Linna smiled sweetly, "Thank you, Axue."

The girl waved her hands again and again, "Sister Linna, hurry up, your relatives are waiting impatiently."

Li Linna nodded and left quickly.

Since she started school two years later, she was considered the oldest student in her class, but in these years, how had she ever heard them call this "sister"?

Although Zhao Song greeted the major media, news of her rarely appeared in the newspapers, but the lifelong event of the young richest man, how could it not arouse people's curiosity. On the Internet, her beautiful photos and experiences have long been exposed.

Good, bad, rumors, slander, abuse, you can say anything, if it wasn’t so hard for grandma to remember her mobile phone number, she would even want to change the mobile phone number she uses now-everyday. A few insults for no reason.

She knew that someone was paying attention to Zhao Song, the diamond king, and they felt that she was not good enough for him!


Ten minutes later, at the gate of Jingfu, Li Linna's eyes turned red when she saw the slightly restrained middle-aged man at the school gate.

"elder brother!"

Under the strange eyes of everyone, Li Linna took the man's arm regardless of his shabby clothes, and said like a baby, "Why are you here!"

Looking at the strange eyes of the crowd, the middle-aged man pulled Li Linna's hand away at a loss, and said loudly, "It's my cousin!"

One movement, one shout, fully embodies the cunning of a low-level commoner!

Looking at the suddenly enlightened expressions of the people around, Li Linna smiled, "Brother, come to my dormitory area first, and come home with me later."

"Yeah!" My cousin nodded honestly, carrying two huge woven bags, and followed behind Li Linna.

"Linna..." As they walked, the cousin asked hesitantly.


"There are rumors in the village that you are Zhao Song's girlfriend."


"Plop~" My cousin stumbled with his left foot and his right foot, lying on the ground.

"Brother." Li Linna quickly helped him up.

"What... that... the richest man Zhao Song?" the cousin asked stammeringly.

"Yes." Li Linna admitted generously.

"Oh!" The cousin confirmed the question in his heart, and didn't know what to say for a while, numbly carrying the woven bag, and followed Li Linna like a wooden figure.

"Linna, the family..."

"Brother." Li Linna turned her head and said with a smile: "My family members are you and grandma. Without you, I would have been sold by them a long time ago!"

The cousin smiled honestly, "Why mention that?"

"Brother, I gave me those...two people two days ago." Li Linna didn't say the word "parents," and said, "They and their precious sons, whoever dares to step into this city, I will let Zhao Song sold them to Africa!"

Hearing this, my cousin suddenly realized, "I said why they didn't move, Linna, they believed it?"

Li Linna smiled, "I let them watch the Beijing Satellite TV news that day."

On that day, the leaders of the capital city inspected Tesla, accompanied by Zhao Song,

When I came to the dormitory, Li Linna suddenly laughed out of breath when she saw her cousin's face full of confidence and nervousness. She didn't explain much, and after sending a few text messages to her roommate, she said to her cousin: "Brother, you can stay here with peace of mind. After I finish seeing the mentor, let's go home."

"Okay, okay, you go first."


Ten minutes later, when Li Linna received the Long Xiaoxiao criminal notice from Professor Yan, which was more absurd than fiction, Tesla's closed-door meeting was tensely on the sixth floor of Wutong Building. In progress.

"Currently, the mobile phone project team has four sub-projects: capacitive screen, multi-touch, light and distance sensor, and 17 cooperative units. Boss, we are seriously lagging behind in software collaboration, and the relevant person in charge must be in place as soon as possible."

"Tesla Industrial Park No. 14 and No. 15 plants have entered the dust-free construction stage, and the procurement of related equipment is ready."

"Shanshi Equipment Factory has completed the overall relocation, and the Wuming Branch Factory has started trial production. Boss, our first-phase supporting suppliers will complete the settlement of the high-tech park in Pingchang District in one month! At that time, the gross profit margin of Tesla t1 It will reach more than 18%!"

"With the assistance of IBM, the company's erp project is progressing in an orderly manner. The current progress has exceeded expectations by 30%. The good news is that the failure rate of tpod2 has fallen off a cliff. The bad news is that our production capacity is still insufficient, and the order volume has already reached In three months."

"The company's talent strategy has already started. This time, it is the spring recruitment plan for fresh graduates from colleges and universities to recruit 79 people. The relevant majors and requirements have been sent to your mailbox!"

"After the branch in the island country, the branch in the United States and Northern Europe and Denmark has been established one after another. After one pass, our foreign exchange flow problem has been completely solved."

"Affected by the island country's policy..."

"Let's talk about this later! Let's discuss the issue of merging Spreadtrum into Tesla Microelectronics first!" Hearing this, Zhao Song changed the topic with a wry smile.

If he hadn't been sitting in this position, he would have been a member of the crowd throwing rotten eggs at a certain embassy just like in his previous life.

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