Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 374 To get admission tickets.

As long as there is one thing, there is nothing to say about the rising national level. That is not a problem that the young Tesla can solve.

Zhao Song can say that all of Tesla's electronic products have entered the digital kingdom island country.

He can say that if it weren't for the support of relevant domestic units, Tesla's research and development funds could have flowed to the island country, and it could be completed faster and better.

He can even say that this is the semiconductor industry. Since the introduction of the "Super 301 Act" in 1987, the United States has implemented a devastating and precise attack on the island country's semiconductor industry and operating system market for 30 years. In this industry, island countries and florists can complement each other!

Unfortunately, who listens? As long as this kind of folk sentiment is not being used by others, it is worthy of recognition. The best way for Tesla is to shut up and wait for the limelight to pass!


Let's talk about exhibitions.

In the conference room, except for Zhao Song, everyone's faces were full of disapproving expressions.

"Boss." Wen Zhenwen said in embarrassment: "The budget of 500 million, let alone whether we can independently come up with it, who can guarantee that they will definitely do it!"

As the chief financial officer at Tesla, if she doesn't know about integrated circuits, she is absolutely incompetent.

In today's meeting, Zhao Song cut down so many projects, especially the rejection of all proposal applications from the expert group, which made Wen Zhenwen very happy, but she didn't expect that the business contraction this time was for the Spreadtrum team. You know, they are not Like Tesla is doing small things now, what they are doing is the core chip of GSM mobile phones.

"Boss." Ding Tao inquired, "Why don't we discuss this after we tape out next week? After all, Tesla Microelectronics is now..."

Ding Tao didn't finish his sentence, but Zhao Song understood what he meant. Tesla Microelectronics has not yet had any achievements that can be achieved. The only PHS project that has made breakthrough progress, the entire set of SOCs are made by islanders. When Tesla dies, he sends a few people to help and steal a teacher along the way.

Zhao Song crossed his hands on the conference table, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Let me tell you something, from the beginning to the end, from design to verification, almost all of the 2.4G code matching chips that are about to be taped out were completed by Professor Zhou alone. , other master's and doctoral students can only be regarded as a start.

A few days ago, Professor Zhou secretly led everyone to do the final verification at night! "

"..." The meeting room was very quiet. Everyone looked at Zhao Song in surprise. Apart from being surprised by Professor Zhou's behavior, they didn't expect that this industry would be so difficult! More than 20 master and doctoral students in Tesla Microelectronics are all thugs?

"The semiconductor industry has a unique feature: the talent training cycle is long, which is commonly referred to as "the bench will sit on the bench for ten years", and most top talents must get a Ph.D. Then more learning and exercise are needed. In particular, it is necessary to go to the global integrated circuit technology cluster - Silicon Valley in the United States."

Speaking of this, Zhao Song grinned, with a strange expression on his face. In this conference room, except for Wei Fang, a master student from Ivy League University, there was a room full of mud legs, and even Zhao Song was a college student who had not yet graduated. , Talking about such high-level topics as doctors and semiconductors...

"I have always said that Tesla Microelectronics is looking for an engineer with an annual salary of one million." Zhao Song continued to say, "The four core founders of Spreadtrum were all admitted to university in 1977~1978. One Huaqing, one Nantah University, all have a Ph.D., have gone to the United States to study abroad, and worked in the Silicon Valley semiconductor circle after graduation.

After the re-opening, the first batch of delayed bonuses for the normalization of college admissions are them! "

As for how early it was, it was Professor Zhou and Academician Ni who could count on their fingers!

Speaking of this, Zhao Song thought, is the country also waiting for the group of college students who went abroad in the 1980s and 1990s to come back ten years later?

Ding Tao opened his mouth and said, "Are they willing to come?"

"Yes!" This is, Wei Fang said, "As long as Tesla Microelectronics promises to give them a share of the project and is willing to invest funds strictly according to the contract, they are willing to join Microelectronics." While talking, she held the information in her hand. Distributed to everyone present, "If they can start working as soon as possible, they don't want to go abroad to find various investments. After all, our boss is a flower grower, and Tesla Microelectronics can be regarded as a capital enterprise of a flower grower. They came back for these of."

Zhao Song nodded in agreement. If it wasn't for this, why would these people give up the favorable treatment abroad and be fooled back to China? He still remembered what Dr. Wu said, "It doesn't matter if I am in Spreadtrum, but Spreadtrum must To stay in the flower planter is my biggest original intention of returning to China to start a business, and it is also the root of Spreadtrum's long-term development in the future. If I want to be a foreign company, then why should I come back?"

In another time and space, these founders all left Spreadtrum due to initial equity issues. They don’t understand the market, they don’t understand management, and the sales staff don’t even know the cost of the company’s products. The husband said that these returnees have good technology, but they don't understand the market!

Now, Zhao Song will not let the "I waited for Master Wang for a whole year, but Master Wang came to a company" to happen. Domestic capital will not invest, he will! With these people, Tesla Microelectronics is the real microelectronics!

In the conference room, after a long silence.

"Agreed!" Ding Tao said.

"Agreed!" Wen Zhenwen was unwilling.

"Agreed!" Yuan Wu said.



Amidst the voices of "agreement", everyone present was thinking that Tesla and Tesla Microelectronics are actually one company, and now Tesla Microelectronics is supported by Zhao Song's personal funds. That day is when they play.

"Okay!" Zhao Song nodded heavily, showing a bright smile, "Thank you!"

Rubbing his hands a little excitedly, Zhao Song continued:

"Everyone, the Internet has fallen to its lowest point. I have a hunch that with the coming of a new round of Internet tide, new wealth myths are about to rise. So we need to change our talent strategy. While I am still the richest man , take advantage of my fame, go to Huaqing University, go to the University of Berkeley, go to the real Silicon Valley, find the list of those people, use all means, wealth, patriotism, future, children's enrollment, no matter what means, put They tricked me back!

Finally, the low tide of the semiconductor industry has arrived. This year’s chip shipments are expected to be only 68% of last year’s. Therefore, this time against Shanghuashi, winning is not the goal. How sure is it, but we must limit the memory particle channels of the world's advanced integrated circuits. "

Zhao Song stood up, amplified the volume and continued: "We must speed up its bankruptcy and let those people come to negotiate conditions earlier. If we can win, we can get a real ticket for the semiconductor industry. We Tess Pull, you will have the opportunity to be the only IDM (international integrated component manufacturer) for flower growers!"

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