Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 376 Advance

Tape-out, also called tapeout, also called PG.

What happens in integrated circuit design companies every year or every few months is similar to everyday food, and tape-out is just a hard dish.

But at Tesla, what they are about to welcome is the first industrial tape-out!

Last time, Zhao Song joined the MPW streaming service provided by Fujitsu for the academia by opportunistically. Several companies jointly paid for the one-time streaming, but this time, Fujitsu Semiconductor only serves Tesla. , Zhao Song took out by himself.

After receiving the latest appointment call from Ding Tao, Wan Hean walked out of the laboratory, took deep breaths in the corridor, and tried to minimize the psychological changes brought about by the job change.

For tape-out, Wanhean doesn't want to make any mistakes, even if the annual salary is one million! Professor Zhou couldn't take it anymore.

But who can guarantee that the tape-out will be 100% successful? Ding Tao said on the phone just now that the boss has gone to Lama Temple to offer incense.

Wan He'an couldn't help showing a smile, turned around and returned to the laboratory, and said goodbye to Second Master Guan.

In the laboratory, more than 20 servers and workstations are still running Benchmark (benchmark). Professor Zhou and his students are still trying to find out whether there will be a better performance architecture and size.

During this period, the time management of these people is almost the same as hardware design, parallelism, assembly line, Da Vinci sleep method-they used all the time they could save!

These people are using their own way to repay the trust of the young boss!

In the company that has just been established for one year, the film is released twice a year. If it succeeds twice, it will receive a year-end award. If it succeeds once, it will receive a small award.

And Tesla, which has not yet successfully taped out, is not like a small company at all. Zhao Song accepts failure. As long as there is innovation and progress, he will pay the tuition fees that should be paid, and it is fine if he does not have a miscarriage.

Tape-out is not expensive, but every industrial-grade tap-out, budget funds, transnational cooperation, confidentiality agreements of various contract terms, multi-party mediation, the manpower and material resources consumed, plus the salary of researchers, is an astronomical figure. In particular, Tesla's industrial tape-out this time is countless times faster than the normal process. Zhao Song and Wei Fang did not tell everyone how much they paid and how much they spent!

In the corner, Erye Guan was burning with incense, and in the center, Professor Zhou was discussing something seriously with the students and the engineer sent by Fujitsu. Wanhe An came to the computer screen after burning incense, and looked at the netizens The intensification of criticism against Tesla.

Wan and An frowned and glanced twice. If his voice could be heard by these right and wrong netizens, he really wanted to tell them loudly what the young Tesla was doing in their mouths, and the younger Zhao What is Song doing! He has seen the VAM purchase contract between Tesla and Elpida. According to the current situation, Tesla won the VAM contract.

After reading the contract, Wanhe Anzhen felt that it would be cheaper to buy than to rob.

"Xiao Wan."

Just when Wan Hean was angry, Professor Zhou called him. Wan Hean looked up and saw him approaching. He hurriedly closed the webpage and left his seat: "Professor Zhou, what's the matter?"

Professor Zhou told Wan He'an solemnly: "Just now, Fujitsu's engineer said that the company in the island country that was going to tape out had an accident and asked us if we could do it the day after tomorrow. If we didn't do it the day after tomorrow, it would have to be postponed to seven days later. "

"Two days in advance..."

Wan Hean lowered his head and pondered for a while, and after thinking it over, he asked: "Will the production process change?"

Professor Zhou shook his head: "No, they are all 0.65."


Wan He'an rubbed his trembling hands and asked again: "What's your opinion?"

"I think do!"

Professor Zhou's answer was decisive, "We have checked all the problems that can be checked, and repeated the simulations that should be done twice. There is no difference between one day later and one day earlier."

"Then do it!"

Wan He'an took out his mobile phone, "I'll call the boss and talk to him right away."

Just to say, because Zhao Song will definitely agree, it's not that Zhao Song is stupid and has a lot of money, but he knows the difficulty of filming, and Zhao Song will never be reluctant to spend the money that should be spent.

Professor Zhou also knew about Zhao Song: "I'll go and book a plane ticket!"


Wan Hean didn't care about making a phone call, and quickly reached out to grab Professor Zhou's arm: "Mr. Zhou, the boss won't let you go."

Professor Zhou withdrew his arm from Wan Hean's hand, patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "Let me teach them this lesson. From the theoretical basis to the test after tape-out, if it can be successful, these Even if the students have experienced a complete practical education! It is much better than those who only rely on simulation teaching in domestic design institutes.

Xiao Wan, before the level of those people in Spreadtrum is determined, they will be the biggest wealth of Tesla Microelectronics! "

It is also the best gift you can leave for Tesla!

Wan He'an didn't say this, and didn't stop Professor Zhou again. He picked up the phone again and told Zhao Song the news.

While waiting for the connection, he suddenly remembered a passage from a foreign semiconductor senior in the NHK documentary "Electronics Founded in China":

"Every time the chip is tapeout, I feel very uneasy and can't sleep well. I always wonder if there is a problem, and what is wrong. When the chip comes back, I press RESET for the first time, and my heart is extremely nervous. When RESET is released, it is the moment to distinguish between heaven and hell. The logic analyzer numbers are confused, and the mood instantly falls into hell, and no one wants to talk. If everything is normal, people are like entering heaven, as if the whole world is revolving around themselves. Like I'm the king of the world."


At the same time, around 5 p.m., Huashi Computer issued a statement on various websites saying:

"Recently, Long XX and Zhang XX extorted 5 million US dollars from Huashi Computer on the grounds that Huashi Company used a beta version of the CPU in the maintenance process. It seriously violated the legitimate rights and interests of our company, and also violated the normal operation of our company. The business has had a great impact. At present, the persons involved in the case have been criminally detained by the public security organs. Huashi Computer has issued the following solemn statement on this matter.

As a responsible enterprise, Huashi Computer regards product quality as the life of the enterprise, and always actively treats any problems and suggestions related to products or services in the attitude of serving customers and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. However, there is sufficient evidence to show that not long ago, Long XX and Zhang XX demanded 5 million US dollars from Huashi Computer on the grounds that the so-called "Huashi maintenance engineer replaced the 'test version CPU' for the user" was not ordinary. It is not a product quality or service maintenance problem, but an act of suspected extortion. At present, this matter has entered the legal process, and the judiciary is investigating further. "

The Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests of Chinese Citizens, which came into effect on January 1, 1994, is just a legal provision, and the public has not yet had much awareness of it. They are more concerned about the figure of 5 million US dollars, and they will not go to it in the first place. I wondered whether the two consumers were cheated, and no one paid attention to what the two consumers were facing at this time.

Compared with buying Mercedes-Benz, the kind that leaks oil, Huashi computer is an advanced example of cheating consumers!

Do you want to buy a laptop? The kind in jail!

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