Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 377 Broad and profound language

Zhongguancun Street Police Station, Dianhai District.

Li Linna looked at Long Xiaoxiao, who was pear blossoms with rain, with a headache. The eyes of this best friend were swollen from crying, as big as two walnuts. She tugged on Li Linna's sleeves and kept crying, her voice was so hoarse that she couldn't speak.

Li Linna smiled apologetically at the 40-50-year-old uniform next to her, then turned her head to look at Long Xiaoxiao and blamed, "5 million dollars! Why did you ask Huashi Company for this number?"

Long Xiaoxiao choked and explained in a hoarse voice: "Yes, it was Sister Hanfu's suggestion. She said that after consulting her friend, Attorney Zhou, she can claim 0.05% of Huashi's turnover."

"Sister Hanfu?"

Li Linna is very unfamiliar with this name, "Who is she? Why did I come up with such a bad idea with you?"

"Senior sister who is two years older than us, after you left, she temporarily stayed in our dormitory. She was the one who found out that my Huashi laptop was replaced to test the CPU."


Li Linna was speechless, looking at Long Xiaoxiao who was said by Zhao Song to be full of eyes, and asked with a headache: "Five million US dollars, in the flower planter, which company will compensate consumers so much, how smart are you usually? "

This one, I'm afraid he was confused by such a large number.

Tears flowed out of Long Xiaoxiao's walnut-sized eyes again, and he shouted hoarsely: "Sister Linna, you can still bargain when buying vegetables. I didn't want that much. Moreover, they concealed the fact that they changed the test CPU for me when they called the police." matter!"

Li Linna frowned, and said to her helplessly: "Tell me the ins and outs of the matter."

Long Xiaoxiao nodded as if grasping at straws: "The other day, I saw someone saying bad things about Zhao Song's Tesla on the Internet, so I wanted to call you, but the computer crashed..."

This shrewd girl, when talking about Zhao Song, specially increased her voice, making the uniform next to her look sideways at Li Linna. It also made Li Linna smile bitterly in her heart.

Ten minutes later, after listening to Long Xiaoxiao's narration, Li Linna went outside and called Zhao Song. She came back after a while, smiled and said to the uniform: "Comrade, can you meet the person in charge of the other party?"

The uniform has already recognized Li Linna at this time, and their police station is about to station a guard room in Zhonghai Electronics Mall, so why don't people know who this is in front of them.

But uniforms didn't work: "Miss Li, it was a middle-level supervisor who called the police. She is responsible for all this. As for the person in charge of Huashi Company in Beijing..."

Uniform said in a strange tone: "Currently living next door to Miss Long..."

live next door? Li Linna thought for a long time before realizing it. Isn't Long Xiaoxiao's next door also four walls?

So, am I running into a more unreasonable food chain than anyone else?

Thinking of Zhao Song, who is at the top of the food chain and is covered in thorns...


On this untimely occasion, Li Linna couldn't help laughing anymore, and said to the uniform: "I'm sorry, Long Xiaoxiao is my friend, please take care of me here, my friend is young and ignorant. She was terrified."

You are not big either.

Uniform said something in his heart, but thinking of Li Linna's identity, he felt that it was only natural for her to say this.

Regarding Li Linna's request, the uniform hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "Miss Li, I have already gone to Hainiao's Kengren Company to investigate, but even if it is true that they replaced the test CPU, Long Xiaoxiao's matter is also very troublesome. .”

"Why?" Li Linna asked in surprise.

"They asked for a huge amount." Uniform glanced at the closed door of the office, and added: "And the other party hired the most famous barrister in the capital, Ms. Li, our country's current laws on this area are very vague, so it's really true." , Long Xiaoxiao is responsible."

Hearing the words of the uniform, Li Linna smiled and said "thank you", glanced at Long Xiaoxiao, and didn't say any words of comfort.

Whether to help or not, let Zhao Song make it clear and let him make the decision.


Outside the gate of Lama Temple.

Zhao Song put down his cell phone and looked at the sky speechlessly. This time and space was completely messed up.

The Beijing University girl has become a Beijing Fu girl, the only thing that hasn't changed is that no matter who it is, Huashi will send her in.

In the future, will there still be buying motherboards? The one with broken legs.

Although Long Xiaoxiao has a greedy heart under the bewitching of others, the employees in Huashili, the capital, are basically mainlanders. For their management, Long Xiaoxiao's age can only be regarded as a young man. grown up child.

But they don't care about the girl's age, nor the girl's future. Taking advantage of the east wind of the battle with Tesla, a criminal lawsuit locked the girl in the four walls. They really don't know what consequences this will have on the girl. ?

They have done something wrong and have to sue others on the four walls. How could they... have such confidence to do such a bad thing?

Zhao Song has been an upstart for a few months. In the past 18 years, he was a keyboard man who spat on the Internet when he encountered injustice. Now, the keyboard man has become the richest man with some ability. What will he do?

That's not what's happening now. At this moment, Zhao Song just wants to buy another ticket and visit Lama Temple again.

At this time, Wan Hean finally called.

After saying a few words, Zhao Song agreed without hesitation to the request to stream the film in advance. Hearing that Professor Zhou would also follow, Zhao Song agreed after thinking about it.

Let that old man be stubborn again.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Song walked decisively to the ticket window, and after buying the ticket, he walked into the gate of Lama Temple again—the last time was for filming, and this was a wish for the sharp weapon "Long Xiaoxiao Incident" that came to his door!

The efficacy of Lama Temple is well-deserved!


In this April, the island country began to act like a monster, and while the whole people were angry, Wanwan was not idle in the integrated circuit industry that most people ignored.

Chen Biandan, who would shut himself up for running in a small yard in the future, now has more and more technology restrictions on the mainland. High-tech companies from the Gulf are strictly prohibited from entering the mainland, and the "national treasure" integrated circuit industry is even more strictly blocked.

Huashi Group, which is mainly engaged in the final product of integrated circuits, the world's largest motherboard manufacturer, the world's third largest graphics card manufacturer, and one of the world's leading 3C solution providers, is the representative of Wanwan in this industry , standing in front of the mainland.

It is no exaggeration to say that investment, construction, employment, and investment in Taiwan can allow this company to enjoy super-G citizen treatment.

Now, there are two guys in their early 20s, a man and a woman, who have joined this company. The man sent their people in, and the woman was sent in by their people. Look, what a broad and profound flower language.

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