Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 378 I Don't Believe You!

PS: Let me explain, recently... for reasons, I changed the concept of the event. It's not right to treat people only. It is recommended that people should talk about quality and bottom line, positive energy. In addition, the news about the semiconductor and IT industries in the article is all found from historical materials, and the time and events have not changed. (free word count)


In the evening of the second day, a quiet cafe.

Two women with the most stylish wavy hair sat opposite each other. It attracted the attention of many customers in the cafe.

The woman with light brown hair was Li Wei. She took a sip from her coffee cup and said softly, "Linna, thank you for coming."

Li Linna shook her head and said softly: "It should be, Mr. Zhao Song mentioned you before."

"Are you saying I'm a bitch?" Li Wei answered with a self-deprecating tone, "What about now?"

Li Linna shrugged and said nothing. She hadn't heard the name of another woman from Zhao Song for a long time.

Li Wei suddenly felt a little stiff in her body. She tried her best to conceal her loss, took out a few newspapers from her carry-on bag, and put them on the coffee table.

"This is the news two days ago. I didn't expect them to hype it again with great fanfare in the past two days."

Li Linna picked up the newspaper and stared at the two familiar characters.

According to this publication, Huashi Computer stated that Huashi will continue to invest in the mainland of the motherland. It is estimated that the total investment will exceed 3 billion RMB. Transformation of production capacity."

3 billion! Not to mention Tesla, even Long Xiaoxiao's affairs have become difficult.

Li Linna took a deep breath and put the newspaper back on the coffee table.

"What do you want to say?"

Seeing Li Linna's Gujing Wubo expression, Li Wei asked, "Has Zhao Song encountered any trouble?"

Li Linna didn't answer, but asked instead: "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

Li Wei shrugged and replied generously: "I'm afraid he will be angry. And he should think that I have returned to America."

"It's quite angry!" Li Linna nodded seriously after hearing this, "In the past, no matter how busy he was, he was always happy in his leisure time after get off work."

Li Wei asked curiously after hearing the words: "What about now?"

"Now?" Li Linna looked at Zhao Song's first love in front of her and said, "Now he doesn't even have leisure time."

"..." A look of sadness flashed in his eyes, Li Wei didn't continue to dwell on this issue, and then asked just now: "Has Zhao Song encountered any troubles? I heard news in the past two days that several companies that make motherboards Wanwan Company reported Zhao Song's malicious competition to the higher authorities and restricted the circulation of some of their products."

Li Linna looked at Li Wei in confusion, "Li Wei, you should know that I have never participated in Zhao Song's work."

Seeing that oil and salt did not enter Li Linna, Li Wei frowned and increased the volume: "But you should know."

"Of course I know!" Li Linna nodded, looking at Li Wei sharply, "I know that he gave you an idea to help you grow the Weiwei Group, and I also know that you held him back in his most difficult time. I know There are many, many, but why should I tell you?"

Li Linna's words restored Li Wei's calm, and she asked softly, "Do you know the current scale of Weiwei Group?"

"Does it have something to do with me?"

"In China, it has already invested in 37 daily necessities manufacturers, and in two years, it will be able to monopolize part of the American market."

Li Linna leaned back, raised her legs, and asked indifferently, "Is it related to Zhao Song?"

"If..." Li Wei paused, skipped this paragraph, and continued: "These can all be his!"

"If I marry you?" Li Linna sneered, "Or if I let some people invest in Tesla?"

Li Wei nodded, "That's right!" After finishing speaking, she stretched out a chive-like finger and tapped the newspaper on the coffee table, "Economic development is the general direction now, and he has nothing to do when he encounters this situation. A richest man with a great reputation, his company can only shrink in a small circle, not even daring to take a step out, and the benefits are thrown to us women, or that weird Shenzhou."

Li Linna asked: "As you wish, Tesla can get more benefits!"

"Of course!" Li Wei replied without hesitation: "It doesn't have to be me, anyone is fine. "

Li Linna then asked: "With your wishes, Zhao Song can continue to do what he wants to do?"

"..." Li Wei was speechless, and she took out two more chapters of the newspaper and spread them on the coffee table.

"This is a period of time, in addition to the excitement caused by the revision of textbooks in the island country, and the news of the semiconductor industry. Two days ago, due to the industry's downturn expectations, AOS, a partner of Shougang NEC (Huaxia Semiconductor), ran faster than a rabbit.

In Shanghai, Huahong Microelectronics is declining at a rate of 100 million per month.

Linna, compared with these tens of billions of big projects, the idea of ​​using Wanwan memory with the little money in his hand is simply wishful thinking! "

Li Linna listened to Li Wei's long speech in silence. She looked at Zhao Song's first love girlfriend, the fashionable and beautiful woman in front of her. Capital girl, however, she did.

"After talking so much, don't you just want Zhao Song to do things for you?"

"..." Li Wei remained silent. In a certain sense, it was true.

Li Linna smiled softly, "Li Wei, I am different from you, you, Yuanyuan, Wen Jing, you are all women who have carried bags and endured hardships with him, how about me?"

Li Linna met Li Wei's bright eyes, and said generously, "I'm just sitting back and reaping the rewards! So, no matter what I do, I must first do one thing, that is, not to trick him!"

Having said that, Li Linna picked up her handbag, and flicked her long black and glossy wavy hair.

"Miss Li Wei, if you are looking for me, it means that Zhao Song no longer trusts you. If I trust you, I will cheat him!"

"Wait!" Li Wei stopped her and asked anxiously: "The Player Kingdom is on the cusp of the storm, do you need me to do something? The media, or something else..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Linna interrupted her, "No need, although I don't know why, on IT forums, many DIY enthusiasts are speaking for Tesla, I think its sales should pick up today .”

Those who build a DIY computer are those who have some knowledge of computer accessories. Naturally, they know that unless they don’t care about quality issues, they will never find a board without island products in the market.

Even in the major e-commerce stores seventeen years later, the island country capacitor is a must-have keyword in the title!

"Moreover, Zhao Song said that brand building is not something that happens overnight, and Tesla has the confidence to deal with the unsalable sales of the player country.

Don't forget his nickname in Zhonghai. "

After saying this, Li Linna nodded politely to Li Wei, and left with her handbag.

Seeing her disappear outside the door, Li Wei sighed and did it again.

She took out the last newspaper from her carry-on bag and placed it on the full coffee table. Then, she stared blankly at the big "T" on the headline on the front page, and after the introduction, the editor-in-chief The ending of:

Although there was some element of luck, in the memory war in 2000, our youngest and richest man, Mr. Zhao Song, dedicated to all of us business people the most moral business war among florists today, none of them !

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