Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 379 Outburst of anger.

The setting sun stretches the shadows very long, and the wind is warm and smooth, "the willow wind blowing on the face is not cold".

The evening in Zhongguancun is always so crowded.

Bustling and bustling, profits come and go.

When the time came to 18:00, there was a burst of warm singing in Zhonghai Electronics Mall.

"The five-star red flag is fluttering, how resounding is the song of victory~"

It is "Singing the Motherland" by Hao Ying.

Since the opening of Xinzhonghai, this song has replaced the closing bell of old Zhonghai.

Under the command of the security guards, the shopping crowd dispersed in an orderly manner, and the guys at the open counters began to clean up their own hygiene.

In the passageway of the office area, some shop assistants looked enviously at Lao Feng's counter. Today, this old Jianghu in Zhongguancun really has a lot of face!

Overclocking three monopoly counters, in the corner, three Maza, a lounge chair.

Lao Feng, Ding Tao, and Wen Zhenwen were sitting on the mat, counting the endless ten-cent notes.

Zhao Song sat in the lounge chair, leisurely reading the newspaper.

At this time, the three giants of Tesla accompanied Lao Feng, not only for his personal face, but also for the face of the entire Zhonghai veterans.

"Zhao Er~" After counting the last ten-cent note, Lao Feng asked shyly, "Your Aunt Liang always asks me what I like about her."

Time is quiet and good people are easy to grow old, old and handsome, with a spring smile, the middle-aged widowed old Feng fell in love.

Zhao Song put down the newspaper and said with a smile, "Just say it directly."

"Say it!" Lao Feng scratched his head, and said in the playful eyes of Ding Tao and Wen Zhenwen: "I like her hands, they are very rough, and she looks like a woman who loves to work!"


A smart woman can tell by her eyes, a rich woman can tell by her neck, and a hardworking woman can tell by her hands.

Zhao Song didn't expect Old Uncle Feng to be able to understand this kind of truth. At this moment, he said dumbfoundedly: "Uncle, you are in a relationship, you should be more romantic."

Lao Feng had a headache instantly, how could he be romantic.

Seeing Lao Feng's appearance, Zhao Song thought for a while before saying, "Uncle, if Aunt Liang asks this question again, you will remember a formula."

Old Feng's eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly, "What formula?"

"A point in time + a small thing + description and polishing + each other."

As soon as the words fell, not only Lao Feng, but also Wen Zhenwen and Ding Tao looked at him with interest.

Zhao Song, who was a bit crazy, sat upright and gave a serious example: "One morning a month ago, you were busy preparing breakfast for me. Looking at your figure, I saw an angel in a daze. It was so beautiful. At that time, I silently Say to yourself: This is the woman I want to love and hurt for the rest of my life. Then, you hug her tightly and don’t need to say anything more. As the saying goes: Pretty mother-in-law is chic, and the sunset is bright and intoxicating! It’s so beautiful ~"

"..." What kind of operation is this? Looking at the excited Zhao Song, they really didn't know what to say.

"Boss!" At this moment, a clerk broke the calm and put a big cloth bag in front of Old Feng.

"There is news from the Shenzhen market that the world's most advanced integrated memory chips have changed their logos, which were just picked out."

Lao Feng took out a few memory sticks from the cloth bag, handed them to Ding Tao and Zhao Song respectively, and asked casually, "How many memory sticks are there in total today?"

The guy opened his mouth and answered, "175."

Old Feng nodded, and said kindly: "Okay! After all the other shop orders arrive tomorrow, let Zhao's richest man pay the commission!"

"Pfft~" Wen Zhenwen couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Song rolled his eyes.

The man scratched his head, smiled and left.

Putting the memory stick in his hand into the cloth bag, Lao Feng asked Ding Tao worriedly: "Will those memory manufacturers return it?"

Ding Tao nodded and said, "As long as the quantity specified in the agency contract, we can return the goods unconditionally! As for the loss, they are still responsible for the world's advanced, and it has nothing to do with the five major distributors."

"That's good!" Lao Feng nodded, feeling relieved. Then he looked at Zhao Song and said, "Zhao Er, who are you going to deal with, the world's advanced or Huashi?"

Zhao Song said softly: "The world is advanced, but in our mainland, Huashi can only jump out."

Old Feng understood, nodded, and sighed regretfully: "I thought you were going to confront Huashi this time, those people..."

Speaking of this, Lao Feng amplified his voice with anger on his face: "It's so fucking wicked!"

Zhao Song held up the newspaper with a wry smile and showed it in front of Lao Feng, "Uncle, the three billion investment is positive for local employment, the economy, and the country. It has a bearing on the overall situation. I'd better be honest. Try to help that chick communicate with Huashi Company and let them withdraw the lawsuit."

"You are the richest man!" Although Lao Feng understood Zhao Song's meaning, he still said with a look of resentment.

"The richest man?" Zhao Song smiled self-deprecatingly, "My restricted shares are 50% off. If you sell them for me, I dare to beat Huashi to death. Do you think it's okay?"

Old Feng waved his hands again and again, "Yes! Pretend I didn't say it!" He still has the original stock of Shenzhou Technology in his hand, even if he can help Zhao Song sell it, but without Zhao Song's Shenzhou, is it still Shenzhou?

"Zhao Er, hurry up, don't worry about me!" Handing the cloth bag to Ding Tao, Boss Feng finally added: "And I have explained everything to the old guys!"

Hearing this, Zhao Song was delighted, took out his vibrating mobile phone, and said, "Uncle, don't take favors! Tesla has given up such a big profit, and you can make more money by promoting Player Kingdom than Huashi." Already!"

"Hey~" Lao Feng laughed sheepishly, and saw Zhao Song pick up the phone, so he didn't say anything else.

At this time, all the customers in Zhong Hai had already left. In the passageway of the office area, except for a few counters, shop assistants had left for more than half of the time. Lao Feng's counter became very quiet, even the voice from Zhao Song's mobile phone receiver They were all faintly audible.

"Hey, Tang Feng, what's the matter?"

"Boss~" A woman's cry suddenly came from the phone, "Woo~ I'm Jiao Ning, the glass of our Xidan store was smashed, woo~ The store manager got hurt trying to protect me."

Hearing this, Zhao Song suddenly changed color.

"I C!" Wen Zhenwen also let out a loud voice in anger.

Ding Tao stood up, "Boss."



Half an hour later, the Tesla flagship store in Xidan.

Zhao Song and his party pushed aside the crowd of spectators, and at a glance they saw that a huge piece of floor-to-ceiling glass was missing from the window.

"How?" Zhao Song ran to Tang Feng anxiously, "Why don't you go to the hospital?"

Tang Feng smiled far-fetchedly and said, "Boss, just cut a hole, it's nothing serious!"

"It's nothing serious?" The angel in white who was bandaging him next to him said angrily, "You almost cut your artery, you're lucky."

Hearing this, Zhao Song's face was icy cold, and he asked darkly, "Did someone catch it?"

Tang Feng tilted his head to the side: "Over there, I'm being questioned by the police..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Song strode towards the corner of the flagship store. There, a young man was sending text messages on his mobile phone while being questioned by two uniforms with an impatient look on his face.

"Pa~" Zhao Song reached out and snatched the mobile phone from him, and fell hard to the ground.

Then he picked up the half-broken mobile phone, without caring about the sharp corners, and opened the plastic shell with his bare hands, revealing the main control board inside.

Then he took it out with his blood-soaked right hand, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, he asked the young man loudly, "Sun Thief, do you know what's in it and which country it's from?"

"Do you know that the best resistance is not to destroy, but to learn from him and surpass him?"

"If you are a good pen, the embassy is not far from here, and the toilet is not far from the capital! Why are you smashing Tesla?"

"You fucking best tell me that you are bewitched by someone rather than completely spontaneous, otherwise..."

Blood dripped on the ground along the broken main control board of the mobile phone. At this moment, the young richest man could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and exploded!

Two chapters today

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