Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 385 Prelude to the Price War

The Mercedes-Benz disappeared at the end of the road, and Zheng Nan immediately burst into tears.

She looked at Shi Tong in confusion, and asked, "Why doesn't the chairman want to apologize?"

"He is the only one in the whole world who is pursuing it!" Shi Tong said angrily, "You asked the chairman to apologize to a brat?"

"But Tesla can't do anything to Huashi, and Huashi can't do anything to Tesla. If this continues, the end result will be a loss for both sides!"

Shi Tong shook his head and said, "I don't know if it will hurt both sides, and with the illusion that the Great Wall is fanning the flames, the Huashi desktop will definitely leave the mainland early!"

At this point, Shi Tong turned his head, and Zheng Nan continued to say: "Anyone who has studied Zhao Song will know that except for the two women, anyone who cheated on him will end well. Apologizing is useless!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Tong walked forward, and greeted Zheng Nan at the same time, "Let's go, go back and think of a way!"

"What are you going to do?" Zheng Nan said dejectedly, "I'm going to Zhongguancun Police Station!"

"What are you doing?"

Zheng Nan replied with blank eyes: "Under investigation, concealing the facts when reporting the case, obstructing judicial justice!"



In a dilapidated commercial building in Manhattan, New York, USA.

It's a brand new day, the weather is fine, the scenery is beautiful everywhere, the butterflies are busy, the bees are busy, the birds are busy, and the white clouds are also busy, but Liu Cong, who is in the office, can't cope with this great time.

"Mr. Williams, yes, you heard me right, the Player Kingdom has dropped to the same price as Huashi, no matter how much it quotes. The extra profit share is all yours!"


"Yes! Our only requirement is that in your store, there will be more advertisements for Player Kingdom than Huashi!"


"Okay, looking forward to your good news."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cong stood up and stretched his body, feeling tired all of a sudden.

Now, the sales channels of Tesla products are completely in his hands. When the agency contract of Weiwei Group expires, they can be directly transferred to Tesla America.

In this regard, Li Wei was very aggressive. The only condition was that Liu Cong was in charge of the Weiwei Group and handled all Tesla product sales issues for her.

And she herself, with the assistance of a group of elites, opened up the global trade market. They sent cooling oil to Africa, and then sold the pots and pans; they went to Europe to export fly bait, and then sold the pots and pans; they exported to island countries Earthworms, then sell the pots and pans; export yellow sand that can be used to build swimming pools to Arab countries, and then... sell the pots and pans!

As for how she knew that those countries were in short supply of so many evil things, Liu Cong didn't even have to think about it: No one could study this except Zhao Song!

In fact, it's not just pots and pans, but also lighters, electric shock sticks, aunt towels with small wings (because many European and American girls don't like tampons), and various adult products...

What impressed Liu Cong the most was what Zhao Song said on the speakerphone during the time when Zhao Song and Li Wei were in constant contact: "Let me tell you, European and American bras have different styles. Good-looking big cups, but most of them don't take into account the other needs of big-breasted girls besides beauty.

As the saying goes, 'I laugh at others for having too flat breasts, others laugh at me for walking erratically. ’ There are two small pieces of cloth that don’t accept breast milk at all. And our flower growers, especially LeTV's bra products, can perfectly solve this problem! "

After saying that, Zhao Song also solemnly warned him: "Liu Cong, if a blond girl makes 'dipping' and 'fishing' movements in front of you, don't take it as a flirtatious glance at you. That's just her embattled NAI falling out of her bra!"

"Pfft~" Thinking of this, Liu Cong couldn't help laughing out loud, making the eyes of the two secretaries peeping at him through the glass bright.

Thinking of Zhao Song, Tesla's friends, and the family in that small village, he slowly put away his smile, casually changed into casual clothes, and walked out of the office.

It's time for him to go to class, he is also homesick!


Florist, Beijing.

In the Mercedes-Benz that was driving smoothly, Liao Yingzhu, who was sitting in the co-driver, picked up the walkie-talkie and said neatly.

"Pay attention to the car in front, the fifth ring road is charged, and the traffic volume is small, so we go to the fifth ring road."

As soon as the words fell, a reply came quickly from the walkie-talkie.


Seeing Ermao in the driver's seat nodding to her, Liao Yingzhu put down the walkie-talkie and opened the folder.

"Zhao Song, have you read the information? I have some important news here." Like Wen Zhenwen, she called Zhao Song by his name instead of 'boss' when she was alone.

In the back seat, Zhao Songfan looked at the technical documents in his hand, without raising his head, he said, "Read it, I have all the technical documents of Tesla Microelectronics here, I can just browse them."

"Okay!" Liao Yingzhu agreed, lowered her head, and read out some of the news gathered by the Information Department.

"IC Insights, a market research company in the United States, released an industry analysis report. The global semiconductor total is expected to drop by 34% this year, and chip sales are expected to drop by 27% this year. This figure is the highest annual sales decline in the global semiconductor industry in 16 years. , surpassing the record high drop of 20% set in 1985."

"Fujitsu, the largest chip manufacturer in the island country, announced that it plans to cut costs by reorganizing or closing down its subsidiaries and cut 15,000 employees by March 2002 to save the computer chip business."

"Toshiba, the second largest chip manufacturer in the island country, also stated that in the year to March 2002, Toshiba will cut semiconductor investment by 28.6%, from the original plan of 140 billion yen to 100 billion yen, and the output of computers will also be reduced. will cut.

In view of the loss in the chip field, Toshiba said layoffs will be inevitable. NEC, Japan's third largest chip maker, also announced that the company will revise its original investment plan of 144 billion yen this year, and will cut 4,000 jobs in the semiconductor sector, while reducing memory production within three years. "

Hearing this, Zhao Song interrupted Liao Yingzhu's voice, "Let the island country branch conduct a screening and summary of these laid-off personnel, as quickly as possible!"

This is an important reason why Zhao Song has been cooperating with the island country and paying attention to the semiconductor industry of the island country.

Under the crazy counter-cyclical business wars of South Korea's Four Star, Hyundai, and LG, they retreated step by step. In the future, these giants will announce their withdrawal from the memory industry one after another, allowing the integration of Elpida to enter the final stage.

These islanders are so tolerant. They have endured for 31 years since the "Super 301 Act" in 1987. As for whether they will continue to endure, Zhao Song doesn't know, because he had died back then.

Now, the anti-dumping tax collected by the United States on island countries has reached a maximum of 100%, but it is only a mere 0.74% on South Korea. The rise of South Korea’s semiconductor industry, in addition to the use of war reparations by the country, the United States has supported their entire industry, Investment is the most important factor.

Faced with this situation, the only thing the island country can do is to bear the burden of humiliation, save silently, and adjust the layout of its electronics industry.

Adjusted to 2018, the world's top 10 semiconductor equipment manufacturers, in addition to ASML, which only makes lithography machines and applied materials, there are four in the United States, and five in island countries!

Of the nineteen kinds of materials necessary for semiconductor chips, there are fourteen kinds of materials, and the island country occupies more than 50% of the shares, and even partially forms a monopoly!

Think about fourteen years ago (1987), when the island country realized the VLSI CPU management of the self-developed TRON operating system on the self-made Gmicro/200 32-bit microprocessor, American lawyer Javier warned:

Once TRON becomes the standard, the information industry of the island country will get rid of the clothes of the software industry of the United States, and it will be extremely difficult for the United States to enter the market of the island country.

As a result, even a localized 'Facebook' has become a luxury for the future island nation!

Such a warning, in the future, will be repeated in the game between flower growers and the United States with the advent of 5G.

Knowing the level of science and technology of one's own country does not hinder the love of the party, the country and the people.

And the island country will be the best teacher to recognize yourself!

Seeing that the two people in front didn't pay attention to this place, Zhao Song scratched his head vigorously, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart. He is alone, but he can't do anything. What he said now can't even get up to the legendary insider.

"Let's watch while walking~" Sighing in his heart, Zhao Song ordered softly: "Go on."

Liao Yingzhu heard the words, continued to look through the folder and said:

"The two-day national integrated circuit industry work conference was held in Shanghai yesterday. Director Zhang of the Electronic Information Product Management Department of the Ministry of Information Industry pointed out in a very serious tone without naming names that a chip manufacturing company in Shanghai lost 44% in the first 4 months of this year. 100 million RMB. Director Zhang also pointed out that the integrated circuit industry faced many difficulties this year, and many companies performed poorly, so she cited the above examples.

According to our analysis, the chip company Director Zhang is alluding to is the well-known Shanghai Huahong NEC Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huahong NEC"). "

After reading this, Liao Yingzhu paused for a while, seeing that there was no sound coming from behind, so she turned to the last page, and after browsing the content roughly, she read thoughtfully:

"The recruitment leadership team jointly formed by the Organization Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Huahong Group publicly recruited the president of the group from home and abroad. This is the first time in Shanghai that the top administrative leader at the level of a large enterprise group has openly recruited to the public. Not too often."

"That's it!" Hearing this, Zhao Song sat up straight. He had vaguely heard the news two days ago, so he asked the Shenzhou Secretariat to start preparing his resume.

"Submit my resume!"

"Zhao Song!" Liao Yingzhu overplayed, and asked worriedly: "That's a real tens of billions of companies. The depreciation of equipment alone costs 200 to 300 million per year. Are you sure you want to apply?"

"So we want to fight price wars to seize the market, and fight the world's advanced integrated circuits to death!" Zhao Song waved his hand fiercely: "Send me your resume first, and wait until the matter is over to discuss whether you want to go or not!

Let the team turn around, notify Shenzhou, and say that I will not pass, the training has been so long, if the memory produced does not meet the quality requirements, let the management all get out of here! "

"Understood!" Liao Yingzhu replied loudly.

"The news will be released tonight. All the accessories of the Shenzhou series, including two mainboards and one type of RAM in the Player Kingdom, will all be reduced in price!"

Thank you lingcu boss. Thank you readers for your votes. The cold is almost completely cured, I will reply to the original update volume as soon as possible.

Today is a big chapter, which is better than yesterday.

PS: The source of the data is "A Brief History of the Science and Technology War between Japan and South Korea". The news in this chapter is 95% authentic, and CNKI pays for inquiries. The time difference is more than a few months.

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