Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 386 The Butcher Set Sail

In the early morning of April 19, 2001.

Very ordinary day.

At 8:00, Tesla’s official website was updated.

"4.26 is approaching, beware of the resurgence of CIH, Tesla's customer service center will be on duty 24 hours from today, providing all customers with virus scanning, file backup and other telephone services."

"Affected by factors such as the overcapacity of the international chip industry, starting today, the prices of all motherboards and memory products under the Kingdom of Gamers will be reduced!"

This is the first time that a PC manufacturer has warned its users about a virus incident.

This is the first time that a terminal manufacturer in the semiconductor industry has officially announced a price cut. Before that, in the spare parts market where Wanwan manufacturers occupied the mainstream, the price response speed was always half a beat slower than that of the upstream market.


An office building.

Wang Xin closed Tesla's official page, stood up and stretched.

Afterwards, he sat down again, opened the notepad, and flicked his fingers on the keyboard.

Five minutes later, the dense code is revealed on the notepad, save-change the suffix name-run.

There is no problem.

Wang Xin smiled slightly, looked at the empty lower right corner of the Windows operating system interface, thought for a moment, and shouted loudly: "Xiao Li!"

As soon as the words were finished, a big head popped out from the corner of the office and replied, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"Notify everyone, from today to the 27th, install all Super Net Dart and Kaspersky on me!

All data is backed up once. "

Little Li with a big head immediately put on a sad face when he heard the words, and sighed: "Boss, those two things take up too much CPU resources. After installing them, our work will be at least half a beat slower."

Too! Wang Xin scratched his head, thinking of the reminder email Tesla sent just now, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'll send you a small Tesla program in a while, decompile it, and run it on all our working machines!"

Hearing this, Xiao Li with a big head said excitedly: "Boss, let's go together, I was just doing it! Let me tell you, Tesla has a master, who writes this small program, will soon catch up with you Halfway!"

"Sycophant!" Wang Xin scolded with a smile: "He is a really good man, with less than a thousand codes, he can fully integrate with the bottom layer of the windows system, realize locking and changing the BOIS and system time, and I can do it in a short while. arrive!"

"For you, Boss, it's just a matter of spending more effort!" Big-headed Xiao Li said with a smile.

Wang Xin shook his head, stopped paying attention to this kid's flattery, and finally warned: "I will go to work later, let everyone know, and at noon, all computers will be completely disinfected in DOS state, backup data, and anyone who dares to open it casually in the past two days What kind of internet bastard, be careful I will deal with him!"


Under the Windows interface, anti-virus software is not omnipotent. Now, 99% of all PC users in Huahuajia do not know that they need to use different brands of firewalls and anti-virus software. The most effective anti-virus must be carried out under DOS!


After explaining, Wang Xin picked up a purchase form and filled it out.

Not to buy something with a reduced price, but the flagship gfouce3 128M graphics card that is always out of stock and worth 4999 yuan in the gamer country!

As a top programmer and a small fan of Tesla, Wang Xin can probably see that sooner or later Republic of Gamers will become independent from Tesla, a brand that never cuts prices - the price of computer accessories fluctuates up and down is the norm.

Maybe after this price cut, he thought of the flash mob, 'Go Break' and other creative advertisements, as well as the press conference of Xin Zhonghai, which is still hotly discussed, Wang Xin suddenly looked forward to that magical Zhao Song: Player Kingdom... What method will he use?



China Shipping is open.

The tenth aisle is the shopping aisle with the largest distance apart from the main aisle.

The open counter of Shenzhou Technology is located here. The pure bright yellow layout is very simple and lively. Four guys, two men and two women, all of average appearance, with gentle smiles on their faces, stand at the counter arm in arm. sides.

After several months of integration with Pengcheng, such Shenzhou stores have spread all over the country. In addition to Jiaming, which is about to be merged in the near future, Shenzhou’s sales channels are fully in line with its 30 billion identity, and independent stores that have nothing to do with Tesla This is Zhao Song's greatest contribution to Shenzhou.

In the corner, Zhao Songzheng and Li Bowei were sitting opposite each other in casual clothes. Outside the aisle, the customers coming and going turned a blind eye to the two of them.

Zhao Song is like this. He looks like a person in a suit, and he looks like a person in ordinary clothes.

At this moment, he was listening to Li Bowei's report seriously.

"The 12 workshops in the electronics park have all been contracted by Shenzhou, and a new agreement has been signed with Jingcheng Electronic Control."

"Four lean assembly lines and 12 SMT production lines have been running at full speed for three days, and there have been no mistakes in quality control. The engineers supported by Tesla have withdrawn from all lines yesterday."

Speaking of this, Li Bowei looked up at Zhao Song: "Chairman, from now on, Shenzhou Technology and Tesla have nothing to do with each other."

Zhao Song nodded and explained: "The board of directors has to come up with the articles of association for the issue of affiliated companies. If it doesn't work, consult the Securities Regulatory Commission. The relevant disclosures must be done well!"


"In the future, Shenzhou will only cooperate with Tesla Microelectronics. Even in terms of PC design and abrasive tools, I will transfer Tesla-related products to Microelectronics."

Compared with Fantasy Group, Shenzhou Technology is a purer comprador than it. According to the bird nature of those shareholders, once the research and development expenses are too much, there will definitely be some troubles.

So Shenzhou's R\u0026D department is more like a product testing department and an after-sales engineering department.

Li Bowei nodded solemnly, and asked casually: "Chairman, the equity transfer has been completed, and the most important issue now is to determine the resumption time."

"No rush! Zhao Song shook his head and said, "Tesla Microelectronics has just settled in a group of professional teams and is doing its best to publicize two small projects. "

While talking, Zhao Song took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Li Bowei.

"This is the final product of the project. It is of positive significance for breaking the foreign monopoly, filling in the domestic blank, and saving the country's foreign exchange. A shell company was established at the fastest speed. The name is Jingcheng UMC. Tesla Microelectronics holds 5 shares In addition to Shenzhou, the rest will find a few shareholders who can help us get business."

Li Bowei glanced casually, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly tore the sticky note into pieces.

"Chairman, are you sure?"

"I'm sure!" Zhao Song leaned down and said in a low voice: "All the team members have ten years of working experience in Silicon Valley semiconductor companies. For that SIM card, we plan to use FLASH flash memory technology. Toshiba is very interested and has sent a The technical team is here to assist!"

Of course Li Bowei knows what a SIM card is for a mobile phone. At present, this thing is all imported, and the purchase price is more than 80 RMB per chip. He endured his excitement and asked, "What is the estimated cost? What is the selling price?"

What is the cost? Zhao Song didn't say a word. If he can become the owner of Huahong NEC, he can fully master their 4-inch, 6-inch, and 8-inch production line technology, and form a deep integration of production and R\u0026D. The price of 2 yuan is considered a huge profit.

Zhao Song tilted his head and asked as if consulting: "The cost will be very low, and the price is... 28?"

Li Bowei blushed instantly. If this thing is made, how much economic and political effect will it have? At that time, as long as there are units and individuals who have a relationship with Beijing UMC, there will not be too few promotions and fortunes.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Bowei agreed very simply.

"I will handle it!"

Zhao Song seemed to know what he was thinking just now, smiled, and said softly: "Tesla Microelectronics' first chip with completely independent intellectual property rights has been taped out and entered the final testing stage. The success rate is high."

Hearing this, Li Bowei asked curiously: "Chairman, can you tell me what kind of chip it is?"

Now that there is nothing to hide from people close to Li Bowei, Zhao Song said bluntly: "If the test is successful, within the next three months, there will be Shenzhou brand wireless keyboards and mice on the market that cost less than 100 yuan. The cheapest wireless keyboard and mouse will be reduced to less than 30 yuan!"

"Hiss~" Li Bowei gasped.

Zhao Song stood up, glanced at his beloved Rolex, felt the vibration of the mobile phone, and said with a smile: "Let's save this exclamation for the customers later! Uncle Li, this time Shenzhou and Tesla have jointly launched a joint venture of market share." But I hope that one day in the future, when people mention the name Shenzhou, they will no longer associate it with Zhao Song.”

"Will do!"


ten o'clock in the morning.

The People's Court of Xiyang District, Beijing rejected Tesla's lawsuit against Qingyun.

At the same time, more than ten models of E-ATX Wanwan series motherboards were launched. Except for a little lack of functions, they completely overwhelmed Tesla's player country in terms of price.

At this moment, all eyes were on Zhong Hai, on the young richest man who was only 21 years old.

After all, the two pieces of news were too much of a blow to the player kingdom that had just been demoted.

Discussion, ridicule, and dismissiveness, when everyone felt that the young richest man would usher in his first failure under the siege of the Wanwan brand that has been cultivating the market for many years.

Many people forget that there is not only one Zhao Song in Tesla. It has been more than half a year since Shi Ming took over the Tesla PC design department. The original board products may not be mature in design. But if you copy it, it's no problem at all!

The failure to sue Qingyun Company has found the best breakthrough for Tesla and Shenzhou.

Reverse research and development, Wanwan may be very powerful, but mainlanders can play the original to bankruptcy and "copy people"!

10:30. The front page banners of all mainstream IT websites in the land of China have been replaced.

"In the name of popularization, Shenzhou goes out!"

"Shenzhou red memory, 64M 99 yuan, 128M, 199 yuan!"

"Shenzhou 815 motherboard, 399 yuan, KT880 motherboard, 366 yuan!"

"Shenzhou TNT2 graphics card, 299 yuan, Gfouce MX 64M graphics card, 366 yuan!"

"On May 4th Youth Day, Shenzhou Technology's first generation of PC products will be released soon, youth generation: 4999!"

Price butcher, the ship of God sets sail!


PS: 1, thanks to the book friends in the previous chapter for helping to explain: Wuhuan was charged at the beginning.

2. The final quotation reflects the real-time price in July and August 2001.

3. For book friends who use win10, the Windows Defender security protection software will come with the WIN10 system. Both the home version and the pure version will carry this security software. In the safety evaluation, it scored 17.5 out of 18

According to the evaluation, the built-in security software is better than the third party. And if the computer is high-end and has a huge memory, it can be safe with a security software. After all, a guard who has used it for so many years is not used to it. (It’s just a skill, because the number of people using the genuine version is small.)

All the opinions expressed in this article are based on the PC industry and have nothing to do with facts or politics.

Said that the island country is a teacher, and it is the semiconductor industry. You have brought me the issue of stationing in J. It's really dangerous.

A big chapter today.

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