Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 389 The big light bulb is broken.

The sun is high in the sky, and the hot light is swaying on the earth. Among the green trees, the birds are singing loudly. The Mercedes-Benz cars running among the traffic flow have a little charm.

"Why did you promise so readily?"

In the car, Zhao Song asked suspiciously, didn't the eldest lady's parents forbid her to be on camera?

On the phone, Bai Li chuckled: "Zhao Song, that video was shot before they issued the prohibition order."

That video... The scene in the warehouse behind Lao Zhonghai suddenly appeared in Zhao Song's mind.

In the warehouse full of all kinds of chassis monitors, Betty stood beside the simple operation table, holding a memory stick, and plugged and unplugged a Huashi motherboard, unplugged, plugged, unplugged, and plugged in. ……..The camera next to her is on her movements, on her face. The sunlight swayed through the window grilles and swayed across the entire warehouse, and even the dust floating in the air could be seen clearly. Under the light, Betty was plugging and unplugging, unplugging...

Zhao Song shook his head vigorously, emptied the picture in his head, and said softly to the phone: "Thank you."

"You're welcome!"

On the phone, Beli seems to be in a good mood, and she can see the smile on Belle's face through the receiver of the phone: "Zhao Song, am I the only one here?"

Hearing Bai Li's happy words, Zhao Song's mood suddenly became inexplicably better, and he didn't need to think about it for six seconds, and said it directly: "Of course not, there are many people, from me Since we started our business, we have kept a lot of videos, Xizi and the three of them in the dormitory, Li Yong, Tongtong, and Hao Ying..."

"...beep beep beep~"

Zhao Song looked at the phone in a daze, and there was a clear voice of busy.

"What kind of bad temper is this?"

Regarding the way of thinking of the eldest lady in the compound, Zhao Song expressed that he did not understand, and closed the flip phone, Zhao Song suddenly laughed out loud.

Now he understood why Betty was in a better mood.

In addition to being able to help the richest man and say it looks good, she can also give her Yiren Beauty Club an advertisement. As for whether she has other ideas...

Zhao Song didn't bother to dig deeper, because all the girls in that compound were fucking special magical species!

After flipping through Bai Li's article, Zhao Song turned on his cell phone and called the handsome guy: "Handsome guy, are you busy?"


In a remote village in the middle of Sichuan, the handsome man apologized to the students in the audience, and walked out of the classroom with his mobile phone.

In the past two days, he has a question that he can't figure out, it's such a remote place, why is there a cell phone signal all of a sudden?

In the wilderness, poor mountains and bad waters, who can use a mobile phone, and which company is so full that it installs a base station?

Looking at the green mountains and green waters in the distance, and the muddy ground nearby, staying in this kind of place for two days is to cultivate one's sentiments, and living for a long time is simply suffering.

Standing outside the door of the classroom, not far from the small playground with potholes is the public restroom with a thatched roof, the handsome man quickly made up his mind, and asked gently: "What's the matter?"

"Remember the delivery commercial you shot for Tesla last year? If it's convenient for you, a film crew will go to your side to make up a few shots in the past two days."

Da Shuai Shuai didn't say if it was okay, but asked the price directly: "How much?"


The signal is not very good, I can't hear clearly.

The handsome man rolled his eyes. Sure enough, when the richest man heard the money, the signal would be temporarily blocked. The handsome man raised his voice again, and jumped out word by word: "I said, how much can the advertisement give me?" money?"


On the phone, Zhao Song asked helplessly, "How much do you want?"

"How much does it cost to build a toilet?"

At this time, the handsome man only had eyes for the public toilet in the thatched cottage.

"...Shuai Shuai, as long as you come back to take charge of Tesla's charity department, let alone a toilet, you can build a few schools every year!"

The handsome man said decisively: "I want the toilet!"

"One hundred thousand, the extra will improve the environment and food for you and the children."

Hearing Zhao Song's generous promise on the phone, the commander-in-chief breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't care that Zhao Song associated the toilet with the food, and asked with a smile: "Zhao Song, how are you doing?"


On the phone, Zhao Song said angrily: "I said handsome, you are really realistic. If I don't agree to give the money, will you not even say hello to me?"

"Hehe, as long as everything is fine, hang up if you have nothing to do, and go to class."

"...I'll send you the money later, remember to collect it. By the way, handsome."


"Take good care of yourself!"


Hanging up the mobile phone, the handsome man looked down at his toes for a while, then raised his head, thinking of the idle women on the edge of the playground in the distance, he smiled gently, then turned his head and walked into the classroom, as if he didn't hear the "bang bang bang~" behind him "The sound of the stool falling is the same.

It's all good!

After a while, the children's English conversations with accents came from the classroom.



“My name is Han Meimei. What’s your name?”

“My name is Li lei.”


He is handsome, a mountain village teacher... all subjects.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Iveco with a face stopped at the intersection of Xiagou Village.

Xizi got off the passenger seat and greeted the driver with a smile: "Brother Ming, see you tomorrow."

"No class tomorrow?"

Xizi smiled brightly: "No class!"

In the second year of sophomore year, the courses of the Business Administration Branch of Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering became more and more relaxed. This institution of higher learning does not implement the credit system, as long as you score 60% in each final exam and pass CET-4 in English, after four years , you can easily get a diploma and bachelor's degree certificate, as well as a professional qualification certificate for related majors.

Xizi is a marketing major. When he was able to get a full scholarship for packaging, he devoted all his time to resisting packaging.

Anti-package is too much money!

As long as you endure hardships, you can send about 20 families a day, and two or three thousand a month is not a problem at all. It's just that Xizi doesn't understand why many families who can afford Tesla T1 don't live in elevator rooms? That 17-inch flat-screen CRT was too heavy.

Seeing the red Iveco with the Tesla 'T' logo disappear at the intersection, Xi Zi said hello to Uncle Lu and walked into the small square. Then, he saw two people, two dogs and a dog that never existed in history. The sexy Garfield squatted in the center of the square and stared at him.

Glancing at Zhao Song, Xizi smiled and greeted each of them one by one.

"Hi Brother Lian Shun."

"Xiao Yu is good."

"Hi Garfield."


Xizi picked up the four-eyed Benben who ran over clumsily, came to Xiaoyu, handed it to her arms, took off the Tesla coat, put it in Xiaoyu's hand as well, and took out a ladder at the door of Zhao Song's cubicle.

"Zhao Song, there are more and more construction workers in Xiagou Village in the past few days, and the big light bulbs in the third and fifth alleys have been shattered again."

Those aunts who have dedicated their meager efforts to a harmonious society, the big light bulb that illuminates their way forward, is broken!

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