Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 388 I need you to appear on the scene.

At the counter, Zhao Song ignored the reporters outside the crowd holding up the cameras, put down the last empty box, shook his head at Old Feng with a wry smile, and shouted loudly: "Uncle, it's out of stock, come back in the afternoon."

In fact, there are still goods in stock, but Shenzhou has to keep some stock for retail customers anyway.

This is the aftermath of one-step price reduction sales. There are plenty of memory chips, but Shenzhou's limited production capacity has caused a situation similar to the hunger marketing of 'Redmi Phone', but Shenzhou didn't do it on purpose. As for Redmi, no one knows if it was intentional. !

Sending the reporter away with a red envelope, Li Pei in a suit and leather shoes stood next to Zhao Song and said enthusiastically, "Zhao Song, borrow two Tesla production lines from Shenzhou!"


Zhao Song said angrily: "The estimated sales volume of T1 abroad has been increased by 50,000 again. How much profit will we make from producing one, how much foreign exchange, how much will Shenzhou have?"

"Small profits but high turnover!" Li Pei said with a stern face, "How about Tesla's worst two production lines, Zhao Song, shareholders need a bright turnover!"

Zhao Song smiled and patted Li Pei's shoulder: "Don't worry, there will be, Brother Li, how are our comprador groups preparing?"

"What kind of comprador group, it's really ugly!"

Li Peibai glanced at Zhao Song, and then said: "We have already started to prepare. After we have scanned all the 423-socket CPUs in the market, we will go to those Wanwan manufacturers. Without CPUs, their motherboards are rubbish."

Zhao Song paused and asked, "How much does the business department plan to recycle their motherboards?"

"5 USD!"


Zhao Song gritted his teeth and gave Li Pei a hard look.

It costs US$50 to produce the motherboard by yourself, but if the Wanwan manufacturer does not sell it, their products are not even worth five dollars.

Well done!

Zhao Song added to Li Pei: "Remember, settle in RMB! The home appliance war five years ago caused a loss of more than 10 billion state-owned assets. We Shenzhou can't do this. As long as it benefits the country and the people, we will be invincible." Land. Then, ask the people from Shenzhou to be honest with me, and I will return you a share of the Shanghai Composite Index!"

Li Pei nodded and comforted: "Don't worry, just as you told the supervisory department to catch one and give you a lot of shares, those people will definitely be able to stare at Shenzhou to death!"

Zhao Song was relieved, and finally confessed: "That's good, you keep an eye on it here, and give me the sales statistics after closing."

"Okay!" Li Pei looked at Zhao Song who was about to leave, and quickly shouted, "Zhao Song."

"What's wrong?"

"The internet doesn't scold you anymore, it only knows about price increases."

Zhao Song lowered his head and pursed his lips, then raised his head and replied loudly: "Yes!"

"Zhao Song!"

"What's the matter?"

"Still be a lone hero this time? Can you win?"



They bid farewell to Li Pei and left Zhonghai. Accompanied by Li Bowei, the two boarded a Mercedes-Benz and headed for the Electronic Park Shenzhou Science and Technology Park.

However, on the Internet, because of the Shenzhou official announcement, there was an upsurge.

"PC is not high-tech. For today's PC manufacturers, the important mission is to base on the popularization of PC, lower the price threshold of products, and use the progress of enterprise technology and management to reduce the cost. A product that ordinary people who grow florists can afford."

——"Shenzhou Parity Revolution Manifesto"

"Pioneer of the affordable revolution, Shenzhou Computer is coming!"

"An alternative to the PC industry, selling PCs like fruit!"

"Price butcher, Shenzhou Technology set off a storm of evaluation computer revolution!"

"Popularization is coming, and the long-debated question of computerization or home appliance computerization, the richest man Zhao Song will tell you the final answer: computerization and home appliance!"

"Shenzhou's new product will be launched soon, but Zhao Song, the richest man, is selling it. Is it a well-thought-out plan or a deliberate marketing?"

"Industrial doubts are raging, PC industry veterans said that the low price of Shenzhou Technology ultimately represents low quality!

The above is the report of the media, but on the major forums, netizens have completely opposite attitudes.

"Now, no one is saying that Zhao Song's Tesla will only serve the rich in the future. Tesla is positioned at the high end, and Shenzhou is responsible for breaking the price barrier and benefiting more consumers. It's just that the company's positioning is different."

"But what should I do if I want Shenzhou's low price and Tesla's service?"

"People are not as popular as snakes, but Shenzhou's service is also good. The quality of the red bar is stable, and the U disk is guaranteed for three months. If there is a problem, it can be replaced at any time."

"That's right, I've changed four of them, the coordinates are in Shenyang, and the two Shenzhou after-sales service providers will serve you with a smile."

"... Is this good quality or not?"

"Incidentally, unless you use a Tesla USB flash drive, others use Toshiba's master control (shared patent), otherwise most of the USB flash drives on the market are all master control solutions from the same Wanwan manufacturer."

"The recall of faulty products throughout the whole process, the first PC three-guarantee company, the beautiful press conference, and today's ice-breaking price announcement, Zhao Song never said that customers are gods, and consumers are the parents of food and clothing, but this young man The richest man in the world gives out some benefits for consumers from time to time."

"Yes, if there is a company that can move me, it is Zhao Song and its Tesla. "Singing the Motherland" has tears in my eyes, "Going to Break" is full of enthusiasm, and "Xin Zhonghai Press Conference" is a symbol of national culture. pride……"

"I said, netizens, what are you talking about? If you have a computer that needs to be upgraded, hurry up and grab the goods. Countless parts dealers are furious. It is said that the accessories of Shenzhou have dropped to the bottom this time, and small dealers have already started to grab the goods!"

"That's right, according to reliable sources, Shenzhou's production limited!"


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Shenzhou Science and Technology Park.

Looking at more than a dozen huge factory buildings, Zhao Song's thoughts drifted away.

The best service is no service. Zhao Song did not think of any manufacturing company to achieve this.

Therefore, Shenzhou relies on low prices to attract customers, and it must rely on quality to stabilize customers. If there is a problem with quality, it is when the after-sales service is on the market. Song Ke didn't want this kind of thing to happen to Shenzhou Technology in this life.

The workers were very enthusiastic, and the management of the quality control department was very strict. Even if many middle-level managers saw Zhao Song, they nodded politely and did not come around.

They know what needs to be done most now. It is their responsibility to increase the yield rate, increase production, and cooperate with the marketing department to occupy the market as soon as possible. They can't get the employee option shares in the hands of the richest man.

"Uncle Li, Tesla implements the final elimination system, and the effect is very good, but the good product rate of Shenzhou has not been improved to the level of excellence. I think the reward and punishment measures are still not done well!"

Seeing the embarrassment on Li Bowei's face, Zhao Song slowed down his tone and said softly, "The wages of front-line workers are the highest, and some people who rely on relationships and slack in their work will be transferred to other idle departments!"

The national conditions are such that Zhao Song can't make much change.


Hearing that Li Bowei agreed, Zhao Song was obviously relieved. After telling him to pay more attention to his health after work, they bid farewell to each other.

It wasn't until he was sitting in the car that he picked up the phone and made a call.

"Zhao Song?" Betty's crisp and pleasant voice came from the phone.

Zhao Song pursed his lips, and asked seriously, "Do you still remember the commercial that you and Dashuai shot for Tesla?"

"..." On the phone, Betty seemed to be thinking about something, and she said after a while: "Of course I remember, it didn't take long, but it felt like a long time."

"Bai Li, I want to use it, I need you to appear on the scene!"

As soon as the words fell, a refreshing voice came from the phone, which made his heart rippling.


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