Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 392 No Reconciliation

What will happen with Zhao Song?

At this time, what Huashi Company should understand most is what will happen to Zhao Rong who is full of resentment and full of ambition to take up a new position?

For the sake of her husband, this woman who had given up the achievements of more than ten years of hard work, now stood in front of the richest man. Coupled with her special status, she suddenly felt that the sea and the sky were vast.

Tesla Senior Vice President, Head of Public Relations.

When the former female president of Jiaming faced a new working environment and faced with colleagues who were all interviewed by her in the same ability as hers, she was filled with a new sense of excitement!

Introduce the IBM business consulting team, go to EPR, synchronize with American high-tech, and explore your own OKR key target work method...

This is a company full of vitality and potential!

Now, she finally understood what Mr. Zhao Song told her:

"Sister Da Da, it is not my insatiable selfish desires that have driven me to this day, but a cohesive and enterprising team behind me!"

Friday, April 20, sunny.

New China Overseas Zhongsong Office.

This potential Tesla has a lot of money and many departments, but it does not have its own office building.

Zhao Rong, also known as Sister DaDa, was sitting face to face with her students, looking at each other with great interest.

"The former teacher has now become a subordinate, aren't you uncomfortable?"

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Song said indifferently, and brought a cup of coffee to Sister DaDa along the way: "It's such a fulfilling thing to turn a former business teacher into a subordinate. I'm so happy that I don't want it!"

When Zhao Song said this, he couldn’t help but feel complacent. He always felt that his own behavior was the correct value. The best way to get revenge on the teacher who had abused him was to be his principal or leader. If you show a superior attitude and communicate with the teacher in a normal way, she will feel very abnormal; you are nothing, go to the street to stop the elementary school teacher, and give him two slaps on the way... I am disgusted. Say, even your family members can make you sick.


Sister Da Da gave Zhao Song a blank look, and she didn't want to chat with him anymore, she took out the folder and put it in front of her: "I've sorted out Tesla's media relations, and next, we'll make Long Xiaoxiao's case a big deal." ?”

Sister Da Da looked at Zhao Song with inquiring eyes, and Zhao Song scratched his head in embarrassment: "Try not to mention the word Tesla for this kind of behavior that has no overall perspective, it mainly highlights my personal behavior."

Sister Dada agreed with this, and at the same time she spoke out her plan: "Long Xiaoxiao, I will also take her out of the incident, treat that money-greedy Hanfu and Lawyer Zhou who wants to be famous as third parties, and treat that girl as a third party. Become a bewitched victim."

Sister Da Da is not a self-media that can ignore everything for the sake of traffic in later generations. She just promotes from the other side of the matter. Human beings are creatures who sympathize with the weak, and this will never be outdated at any time.

Zhao Song is very satisfied with this way of handling, which is exactly what he wants: "Just do it like this. In addition, there are no other factors in this matter. We only focus on one point of publicity: how to treat consumers correctly. Not for anything Platform, only from a commercial point of view, to create a healthy consumption environment."

Sister Da Da smiled, opened the folder and continued:

"One, the first press release, "Huashi's fake CPU defrauds consumers, the myth of Panshi will eventually be shattered", will be released in the domestic first-line national news report, reprinted by hundreds of well-known media, and form a follow-up report, staged Launch follow-up press releases in batches;

2. Cooperate with major domestic portals to jointly produce a "consumer rights topic" to attract netizens to participate in and discuss, mainly inviting professionals in the IT industry and representatives of major notebook computer manufacturers to participate in comments.

3. Participate in the production of economic interview programs, narrate the whole incident, expose Huashi’s malicious deception, remind consumers to guard against consumer fraud, and raise awareness of rights protection.

Fourth, Beijing Changji Law Firm will fully represent the legal matter of this case, and the People's Court of Dianhai District, Beijing will formally file a civil lawsuit against Huashi Company for consumption fraud.

Fifth, jointly hold a press conference with domestic famous IT professional websites, invite domestic major mainstream media and professional media reporters to participate in the report, invite famous consumer rights legal experts to participate in comments, and publish some relevant evidence materials of this case, including audio, video, pictures, Documents, appraisal reports, etc.

Sixth, formally proposed a settlement fee of 100,000 RMB to Huashi Company, all of which was used to establish the "Flower Planters Anti-Consumer Fraud Foundation". "

After reading this, Sister Dada closed the folder, looked at Zhao Song, and asked in a strange tone: "Boss, what else do you need to add!"

Hearing this, Zhao Song immediately shivered, rubbing the goose bumps on both arms: "Sister, can you speak well?"


Sister Dada held back her laughter and asked seriously, "Boss, do you have any other instructions?"

Zhao Song pretended not to see the smile in her eyes: "That's it, in all actions, Long Xiaoxiao's agent uses my name."

Sister Da Da nodded to express her understanding, looked at Zhao Song seriously, and said seriously: "You only have this chance to be willful, and you are the most mature entrepreneur. This kind of method of offending people to death is not allowed again. Done."

Zhao Song nodded seriously and agreed: "Sister, I understand."

"That's good!" Sister Da Da nodded, and just about to say goodbye, the phone on the table rang suddenly.


"Boss, I just got the news that due to reports from some consumers, the Tesla motherboard in the largest electronics market in Jiangsu Province was confiscated by the local Quality Supervision Bureau?"

Hearing Ding Tao's steady voice on the phone, Zhao Song paused, frowned and asked, "Where is the location of Huashi and its factory?"

"That's right."

"What reason?"

"Quality issues."

"Isn't it compatible? Didn't the video of me assembling a machine for a lady that day spread all over the Internet?"

"I don't know yet. The local person in charge of Xingsheng is communicating with them. I believe there will be news later."

Zhao Song raised his left hand, glanced at his beloved Rolex, and said with a sinking face, "Ding Tao, if you haven't received any specific news before you get off work at six o'clock tonight, let's make an announcement with Shenzhou officials..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted loudly by sister Da Da: "Zhao Song, calm down."

Slowly shaking his head at Sister DaDa, Zhao Song told the phone word by word: "Because of the impact of the local business environment, starting tomorrow, Tesla and Shenzhou will completely withdraw from Jiangsu Province!"

"Zhao Song!" Sister Da Da scolded again: "Are you crazy?!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Song looked at Sister Dada calmly: "Three billion, as a Wanwan businessman, can he use public power at will?"


Sister Da Da was silent.

Everything is for economic construction, Zhao Song can understand.

But when he came back after 17 years, he still felt too aggrieved.

17 years later, the diplomatic spokespersons of the flower growers have become the first-day group. What about this time?

Apart from "condemning", "expressing regret", and "urging", there are basically no other words. Is it a matter of ability? No, it is a matter of national strength!

If you are not strong, you will not be able to stand up!

This point, Zhao Song can bear it, after all he has endured it once, but he doesn't want to bear it with Shang Huashi.

This time, he wants people to know that even if he is young and hairless, the richest man is worth more than three billion!

"Sister, cancel the action to sue Huashi and propose a settlement fee, there is no settlement!"

Push the book.

Title: Life Superstar

Passive bankruptcy, helpless to change careers.

After turning around, there is a more beautiful scenery.

Here, there are many people who struggle for entertainment careers.

In order to improve the infrastructure of Huaguo music, some people tried every means to make programs.

There are also people who have gone bankrupt to build their own special effects team for their own film career.

"Why do you have to work so hard?"

"Speak small, I want to make money, say big, I want to make my industry better."

The rise of an industry always has a group of innocent people behind it.

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