Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 393: No Parallel Imports!

In Xinzhonghai, the hall is very lively; in the office, it is extremely quiet.

Zhao Song was very calm, seeing Sister Dada worried, he laughed softly, and said to Sister Dada: "Sister, while dealing with the media these two days, if you have time, you can go to the Industrial Park, Wutong Walk around the sixth and seventh floors of the building, and I will say hello to Wanhean."

Sister Da Da had a headache, and sat back opposite Zhao Song helplessly: "Zhao Song, don't change the subject, you did this impulsively."

The voice was very soft, as if comforting the slightly irritable mood of the little brother.

"Go around!"

Zhao Song said the sentence again: "Let Aunt Wen introduce Tesla's export situation to you, and let Wan He'an talk about the research and development progress of microelectronics."

Sister Da Da started to rub her brows, but my little brother didn't listen to my persuasion.

"Sister, if you go around, you will know that Tesla has confidence! And..." Zhao Song emphasized, "Tesla is a private enterprise, and it just takes this opportunity to let some people know that it is not easy to mess with. .”

Private enterprises, these four words are so heavy. After more than ten years, countless private entrepreneurs have a stomach full of bitterness. They are private entrepreneurs, not private businessmen.

Seeing Zhao Song's confident appearance, Sister Da Da stood up and said seriously: "Only this time! You know, there are some bottom lines that cannot be crossed!"

Zhao Song spread his hands and said calmly, "Maybe, they sent the motherboard back before six o'clock."

Sister Da Da's eyes lit up, she rolled her eyes at Zhao Song, turned around and left without saying anything, she didn't want to chat with Zhao Song anymore, she was worried that one day she would really roll her eyes.

It wasn't until she walked into the noisy Zhonghai hall that she took out her mobile phone and called her husband Wei Liang, telling him about Zhao Song's plan to overturn the table. After hearing the serious tone on the phone, she hung up the phone with peace of mind.


In the office, after Zhao Song sent two text messages, he turned on the computer and browsed the webpage.

Ever since the Internet became available, this place has always been the first place where public opinion begins.

"The 13 Wanwan series E-ATX motherboards are fully launched. Different from the full-featured Tesla motherboards, these first- and second-tier motherboards focus on differentiated competition and highlight the cost performance."

"After the Dianhai District Court rejected Tesla's lawsuit, the representative of Qingyun Company was in high spirits. At the same time, he said that although the various boards of Shenzhou Technology Company were transitionally assimilated with Qingyun products, they are all products that will face elimination and will not It has too much impact on Qingyun."

"Tesla focuses on high-end, while Shenzhou captures low-end. Our richest man completely ignores the mainstream market. Is he young and energetic, or is he confident?"

"A richest man and a young entrepreneur, before the official release of the investigation results, went shirtless for his friends like a hot-blooded young man, messing around. It is completely different from the stable image that the public knew before. People have to worry about this. Is the young richest man inflated because of his recent achievements?"

"Major quality issue. It was revealed that the Tesla E-ATX motherboard was confiscated by the quality supervision bureau of a certain city in Jiangsu Province. Relevant information will be announced soon."

"Tesla Microelectronics, which has been established for more than half a year and has received relevant leaders, has not released any results so far. Is it for fame, or does it have other plans?"

"Picture your M!"

Zhao Song was furious, picked up the phone and called Li Yu: "Send you the address of the forum post, hack him!"

"ten minutes!"

Li Yu readily agreed. Of course, if he dared to hack that computer, the young boss might torment him. "Hack him" actually meant to find out what that person meant!


Shenzhen City, Hammer Factory.

The second uncle squatted on the chair, squinting his eyes like an old farmer, and when the old farmers in the room gradually arrived, he took out his mobile phone, called up the text message Zhao Song had sent him just now, and read it carefully.

After stubbing out the cigarette butts and taking a sip of strong tea, the second uncle said in a hoarse voice unhurriedly: "In the warehouse of a certain company in the island country, there are 200,000 mobile phones, each of which costs 20 US dollars, and can be settled in RMB."

A red-faced old farmer blushed even more after hearing this, and asked excitedly, "What mobile phone?"

"Little Smart."


The scene suddenly became quiet. Everyone was a mix-up from Huaqiangbei, so they naturally understood what PHS meant.

Looking at the quiet crowd, the second uncle smiled, lit another Hademen, and said unhurriedly: "When you go to the island country, someone will lead the way. After you buy it, someone will make a number burner. One-stop service. After buying that thing, one can sell for 800 in Hangzhou, isn’t it expensive?”

"It's not expensive!" The red-faced old farmer became excited again when he heard the words, and asked on behalf of everyone: "How can I guarantee that I won't be scammed?"

"The Richest Man Guaranteed!"

The second uncle opened the text message Zhao Song sent him, and then handed the phone to the red-faced old farmer: "Equivalent exchange, let's fulfill the conditions of the richest man, and he is responsible for smoothing all the roads for us."

The red-faced old farmer glanced at the text message, and then handed the phone to other old farmers.

He hesitated for a long time, but in the end he couldn't bear the psychological shock brought by the huge profit: "What, what conditions?"

The second uncle glanced at everyone, and said slowly: "After this order, the profit of several hundred million is stable. Zhao Song's condition is very simple, that is, to cut off the waterway of the Wanwan board card. In addition, order a few shops !"

"Walking by water?"

The second uncle nodded.


In the office, after a moment of silence, the oldest old farmer stood up slowly, he was the one who spoke in this group.

"The profit of a few hundred million is enough for our retirement..." The old farmer's eyes were so deep that he couldn't see to the end. Ordinary people would not even dare to look at each other for a short time. He said leisurely: "The order of the hammer factory is stable. Business, we have to recognize this favor!

That child is reliable, even if we don't think about ourselves, we should think about future generations! "

Speaking of this, he emphasized his tone, and the rest of the old farmers who were eating behind him looked at him with red eyes, panting heavily, he looked at all the old farmers, and ordered: "Let the wind go, from tomorrow, Huaqiang Beiwanwan It is a board product, no more parallel imports!"



Four p.m.

In the Shenzhou Science and Technology factory building located in the electronics park of Jingcheng Electronic Control, there is only the sound of machines turning, and the employees are meticulously working on the assembly line.

Ever since the richest man smashed the first Frozen, the workers in the Shenzhou Science and Technology factory no longer dared to deal with it.

Various accessories coming off the SMT assembly line, after going through multiple quality inspections, are skillfully packed into simple packaging boxes by packaging personnel.

It's really simple. In the box, there is nothing but a shockproof film and an instruction manual. Compared with Tesla's excessive packaging, it is simply the difference between street stalls and Tesla.

After the packing box is sealed, it is put into a large packing box. When it is full, it will be pulled out of the factory by a small cart. Outside, vans are ready to go.

After a period of time, these board products will appear in electronic markets all over the country. At that time, they may be bought by countless small and medium-sized shops without even opening the packing boxes outside. Next, countless three or four In first-line cities, computer stores in various streets and alleys, there will be second-hand monitors paired with brand-new host products, and the price may not even be 4000!

Shenzhou, the price butcher, has attracted countless families who cannot afford high-priced computers. It is opening up a new market!

Three chapters today, and one more chapter.

That Japanese company is called 'Kenwood'. Any book lover who goes back to that time must remember that 200,000 units, one for 20 US dollars, and one sold for 800 when returned to China. Japan has eliminated burnt mobile phones, and those are waste products. .

A bunch of eyes are staring at Zhao Song, he can't do this, so let's take it out as a gift and exchange terms.

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