Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 394 The battle for market share begins.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Zhongguancun entered the busiest time period.

Pedestrians were in a hurry, and the solicitors scanned the crowd with burning eyes, trying to find the last few who were taken advantage of today. Small carts shuttled back and forth among the crowd, and peddlers were shouting loudly.

Here is the daily scene of the Seabird Building. If you can come over in the morning, you can still see the super-large banner with black letters on a white background:

"Return my hard-earned money!"

This is the merchants who encountered walking ghosts, protesting the inaction of Hainiao Mall property.

In Zhongguancun, apart from Zhao Song's Xin Zhonghai who is still resisting with all its strength, other places have already begun to fall. Apart from sales and profits, there is no room for anything else!

Suddenly, there was a commotion in front of the square of Hainiao Shopping Mall. There were noises, the sound of shutters, and the voices of security guards maintaining order.

"It's that girl~"

"I've seen her, and I was there when she came over for repairs that day."

"I heard that it was Zhao Song who supported her. This girl has finally come to the end of her hardships."

""Yeah, usually we just take advantage of it, but in the matter of this dragon girl, those few companies lack great virtue! "

Watching the thin girl holding a Huashi laptop, accompanied by family members, friends, reporters, and security guards, slowly come to the center of the square, the crowd is getting bigger and bigger, and many windows on the Hainiao Building are open , There were countless heads of spectators.


Shi Tong and Zheng Nan squeezed out of the crowd in a panic and came to Long Xiaoxiao.

"Miss Long!"

Shi Tong was panting heavily, he was a little out of breath just now: "Long...Miss Long, I have something to discuss, I have something..."

Seeing that Shi Tong was speechless, Zheng Nan quickly interjected: "Miss Long, the first two times your agent and lawyer Shi Shi opened their mouths, and Hua Shi had to make such a bad move. This time, let's talk alone. I will definitely give you a satisfactory solution, you see..."


There was a loud noise, and Shi Tong and Zheng Nan stayed on the spot.


The sound of shutters, the sound of footsteps, and the non-stop flashing lights clearly illuminate the scattered Huashi notebooks all over the floor.

Long Xiaoxiao took a big hammer from his father, bent down with red eyes, and smashed it down with a hammer at the slightly complete laptop body.


After a few blows, Long Xiaoxiao's eyes were no longer red, and a sickly rosy color appeared on her sallow face.

It wasn't until the notebook was smashed to pieces that she put a smile on her face again.

Looking at the girl in front of her with a slightly crazy look, Zheng Nan couldn't help shrinking her neck, a bitter feeling welled up in her heart.

This is not the current student Zhao Song, this is a normal student who has not yet graduated from university.

"Among the four walls, among the people they look down on the most, there are scammers! I stayed for three days under their contempt and ridicule eyes, and I stayed for three days with steamed buns and plain water."

Long Xiaoxiao took a step forward, her eye circles turned red again, and teardrops quickly slid down her withered face.

She stared at the two people in front of her, her compatriots, mainland compatriots who were old enough to be her parents, and amplified the volume: "During the three days I was out, I stayed in the room and never left. I was afraid that once I left that room, I can meet those eyes of discrimination and ridicule again... until..."

Until she received a text message from Zhao Song.

"Girl, do me a favor, go to Seabird and smash that laptop!"

"You are helping me, thank you, Zhao Song!"

Thinking of the conversation with Zhao Song in the text message, Long Xiaoxiao looked at Shi Tong and Zheng Nan, and gradually showed a relaxed smile: "The agent and lawyer are still in the police station, which has nothing to do with me. I don't want the notebook anymore! Compensation, I don't want it either!"

Handing the hammer in his hand to his father who came forward, Long Xiaoxiao took his father's arm, as if looking for some kind of support for himself.

"Borrow the most famous sentence that Zhao Song said in Zhong Hai..."

Holding his father's arm, Long Xiaoxiao's smile grew bigger and bigger, staring at them and said word by word: "Little girl Long Xiaoxiao, I wish you two, your family is ruined!"

"Ka Ka Ka ~"

Amidst the crazy flashing lights, Long Xiaoxiao supported his father's arm, leaned his head on his father's shoulder, and left the sea bird.

And the seabirds, just like when she came, are still lively.

Only two people standing in the bleak wind were left in the square.

Shi Tong and Zheng Nan looked at each other and smiled wryly, feeling a chill in their hearts.

They never imagined that Zhao Song did not use commercial means to solve the problem, but dealt with them and Huashi from the point of view of personal morality.

And Zheng Nan felt annoyed that she did not listen to her husband's persuasion.


Zhonghai Electronics Mall.

Old Feng looked at the young customer in front of him with a smile, and asked softly: "Little brother, do you want to change the configuration?"

The young customer had a bunch of red hair. He glanced greedily at the package of the Tesla mainboard in the counter, and then shook his head and replied, "I won't change it, it's just this configuration!"

Seeing the appearance of the red-haired customer, Lao Feng changed with a smile. He took out the quotation issued by the management of Zhonghai and handed it to him directly.

Hongmao looked at Boss Feng in surprise, he knew that customers couldn't see this thing.

"Little brother, look at this."

Boss Feng pointed to a line in the quotation and said, "Look at the quotation for Tesla's E-ATX motherboard."

Hongmao looked at Boss Feng's fingers, and after a long pause, he raised his head and asked Boss Feng: "The price is the same as Huashi, what do you mean?"

Looking at the four distinctive Chinese characters on the price list, Hongmao's hands trembled uncontrollably. This is the capital city. Although the name of the motherboard is Player Kingdom, the logo on it is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the capital city. The...Tesla!

Lao Feng explained with a smile: "It means that the Huashi mainboard you configured can be replaced with a Tesla mainboard, not one point more, and similarly, one point less!"

Hongmao asked in surprise: "Fighting~ It's a fight?"

"We're fighting!" Lao Feng nodded solemnly: "Specially fighting Huashi!"



Friday, April 20. 17:30 in the afternoon.

Boss Han of Kengren Company on the sixth floor of Hainiao was taken away by two uniforms in full view. At the same time, Boss Ma also experienced the same fate.


On the Internet, in the Long Xiaoxiao incident, all the audio, video, pictures, receipts, appraisal reports and other materials were published, and the photo of Long Xiaoxiao smashing the notebook in Hainiao Square was put on the front page of the major portal websites Headlines!

"In an ordinary consumer rights protection incident, the management of some companies does not reflect on whether there are problems with their products and management, but uses public power against young consumers. Who gave them the confidence?"

"In the face of consumer complaints, no matter how much the claim price is, it is unwise for a company to elevate it from a civil dispute to a criminal case!"

"An analysis of the roles played by the two heads of Huashi, Shi and Zheng, in the Long Xiaoxiao incident!"

"Who gave it the confidence to be arrogant? For the same company, let's see the obvious difference in how it treats consumers in the United States and how it treats consumers in flower growers!"

The overwhelming news about the Long Xiaoxiao incident has focused many people's attention on Zhao Rong, Tesla's new head of public relations.

However, not long after, another earth-shattering news stunned everyone.

"Our news is that the first single-chip Flash chip with completely independent intellectual property rights of Flower Planters passed the test at Tesla Microelectronics today.

Professor Zhou of Huaqing University, the project team leader of Tesla Microelectronics, introduced that this product is widely used and is suitable for product design of computer peripherals, advanced remote control, security system, RFID application, medical parameter detection, and remote control toys. .

According to relevant informed sources, Shenzhou Technology Co., Ltd. will be the first to apply this product. In the next three months, wireless keyboard and mouse products within 100 yuan will be pushed to the retail market!

Mr. Wan Hean, head of Tesla Microelectronics, said: The successful development of this chip represents a breakthrough for Tesla Microelectronics on the road of combining production and research, and there is still a long way to go in the follow-up research and development work. ... Next, please watch the live interview with our reporter. "


In an electronics market in Jiangsu Province, the confiscated Tesla motherboard reappeared at the Xingsheng counter.

A battle for market share involving various factors has officially begun!

Before I knew it, there were already a million words, so I celebrated with flowers.

Thank you for still persevering!

Thank you for being here.

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