Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 402 Yes, Heated

Beijing Electric Control Electronics Park, Shenzhou Technology No. 1 factory building.

The screens of the monitors hanging above the head resumed their working state, and countless technical workers below were still looking at them with emotional ups and downs.

Recalling the scene just now, Wu Zhen couldn't help smiling when he thought of the youngest daughter at home who was about the same age as Linda.

At this time, no management team came out to give a pep talk, and there was no follow-up program. After the Shenzhou advertisement, the ear-splitting start bell rang.

Wu Zhen immediately stood beside the machine, clenched his fists, and started busy work.

The Tesla Industrial Park is very strong, but it is just a step ahead of the large residential area in Pyeongchang District! The 30 billion Shenzhou was established on the basis of the Jiuxianqiao Electronic Industry Base, and we will not be slow!

Little richest man, others don't recognize you, but we do!

Just look!


On April 26, at 8:00 a.m., the blockbuster creative advertisement that exhausted all the publicity and distribution expenses of Shenzhou Technology was released nationwide.

Half an hour later, Tesla and Jiangmin Technology launched the first CIH variant virus killing tool.

As Tesla's various corporate users are not affected by the virus at all, when they quickly enter a new day of work, Tesla's services have gradually become popular.

Coupled with Shenzhou Advertising, Zhao Song's two high-tech PC companies, the great vitality shown, made all competitors even more concerned!

Although many business people do not agree with Zhao Song's status as the richest man, no one is so stupid as to ignore Zhao Song's power as the best product manager and advertising expert!

This day is April 25, Tesla time.

Many corporate procurement departments have begun to inquire about the centralized procurement of Tesla T1, and countless consumers are looking forward to the Shenzhou Technology Youth series of computers.


Zhonghai Electronics Mall.

Zhao Song gently put his coat on Li Yu who was already in a deep sleep, and then walked out the door.


"Huh?" Zhao Song turned his head, looked at Li Yu who had opened his eyes, and said with a smile, "Get some sleep, and leave the rest to the customer service department."

Li Yu nodded: "Our Tesla's after-sales engineers are the best in the country. I believe in their technology. Boss, I just want to ask when our Tesla software department will be established. Now those drivers and firmware are always Outsourcing is not an option.”

Since Tesla attaches great importance to service, Li Yu has always been puzzled by the fact that a software department that can play a huge role has not been established for a long time.

Hearing Li Yu's question, Zhao Song asked with interest: "Why, are you interested?"

Li Yu quickly shook his head: "Boss, I am Ye Luzi, I still have this self-knowledge, focusing on safety is enough for me to keep busy."

Zhao Song nodded. He understood that Li Yu asked this question because he regarded himself as a member of Tesla and cared about the company's development.

"Li Yu, the software department is the top priority of the company, and the inspection of relevant personnel has been carried out for a long time."

Seeing Li Yu's original expression, Zhao Song continued, "If you have any suitable candidates, you can also tell Sister Gui."

Li Yu's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "There really is one, he is a master of technology in the forum, he can solve any deep problem quickly, and he is in the capital, and he is said to belong to our Tesla. loyal customers."

"Do you know the real name?"

Li Yu shook his head regretfully.

Zhao Song smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"You can reveal your identity and find out his name." After saying this, Zhao Song paused for a moment, then added with a smile: "If his name is Wang Xin, there is no need to report, he is already in the It's on our inspection list."

"Uh~" Li Yu looked at Zhao Song dully, speechless for a moment.


Open the door of the customer service department, and you will find the lively hall of Zhonghai Electronics Mall.

The excited old Feng grabbed Zhao Song who was wearing a hat and brought him to his counter.

"Zhao Er, the Shenzhou advertisement is your idea."

Zhao Song nodded honestly. It also didn't explain why the good flower grower used a group of foreigners to advertise.

"Awesome!" Boss Feng stretched out his thumb and praised: "I haven't seen your advertisement for a while, and my heart is itchy. I saw it today, and it really..."

Boss Feng stretched out his hand and gestured indiscriminately, but couldn't find a suitable adjective, so he gave up his plan to continue to praise.

"Zhao Er, Tesla products are selling like crazy, not to mention Shenzhou accessories, 99 memory has already been sold at a premium of 10 yuan in shops."

When Boss Feng said this, he looked at Zhao Song embarrassedly, rubbed his hands together and said, "Zhao Er, Shenzhou Youth Generation, what is the price for a secondary dealer like us?"

Zhao Song didn't answer immediately, took out his mobile phone, glanced at the new text message, and then said with a smile: "Uncle, I have a question for you."

Lao Feng looked at Zhao Song's smile and said in his heart, "Ask."

"If Shenzhou releases a Geforce2 MX 32m graphics card with a suggested retail price of 599, and an 815PE motherboard with a suggested retail price of 699, and give the sub-distributor a 15% profit, will you do it?"

"Do it!" Boss Feng blushed and danced excitedly: "This price is matched with Shenzhou's advertisement this morning, and our dealers in the Dajing circle can cover all the goods for you!"

Zhao Song then asked: "The youth generation will give you a profit of 500, will you do it?"

"Do it! How many goods are there? We'll pack them!" Boss Feng's face was already turning purple, but soon he calmed down, looking at Zhao Song who didn't change his face, and asked cautiously: "Zhao Er, is it right?" What are the conditions?"

Finally asked the question, Zhao Song was happy.

"Shenzhou's new products will be available in Zhongguancun this evening, so that from low-end to mainstream, Shenzhou will be fully active, plus high-end Tesla..."

Zhao Song drew a big circle with one hand, and added cheerfully: "My condition is very simple, starting from tonight, I cannot sell a single Huashi product from you!"


Boss Feng didn't answer, but turned his head to look at the bunks that gradually surrounded him, and gave each other a few winks.

Zhao Song didn't care, and patted Boss Feng's arm.

"Uncle, you have thought it over carefully, you can go to the office to find me at any time, I will be there today!"

"Don't think about it!" At this time, a shopkeeper who was older than Boss Feng stood up and said, and the guys from several nearby shops also intentionally or unintentionally surrounded Lao Feng's counter to prevent others from seeing what was going on here.

"Zhao Song, we are all helpless shopkeepers. No one cares about what we want to sell, and we don't care." The old shopkeeper said word by word: "Huashi will not be killed for a while. Do it, the pressure is on your side."

"What pressure do I have!" Zhao Song smiled casually and waved his hand indifferently.

Hearing Zhao Song's words, the shopkeepers were silent. They all understood how there was no pressure. This person was not only facing Huashi, but also the industrial alliance of Wanwan Province.

Zhao Song pretended not to see their eyes, and asked respectfully to the old shopkeeper: "Old Uncle Rong, what other conditions do you have?"

"Give us a certain amount of Tesla T1." The old shopkeeper looked at Zhao Song with burning eyes: "I know that T1 is in short supply abroad, but as long as it meets our requirements, the entire Beijing circle, and even our entire North China region will go offline. , there will be no more Huashi products!"

Tesla's performance in today's CIH virus incident was too eye-catching. While major PC manufacturers were jealous, they also received countless consulting calls from old corporate customers.

Now, Shenzhou and Tesla products mean continuous business.

This time, Zhao Song thought for a long time before slowly nodding.


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