The big Beijing circle is Tesla’s private land, and Shenzhou Technology has the sales channels of Pengcheng and Jiaming. Of course, the four major distributors can also distribute goods from Shenzhou, but how to get along with these second-level distributors depends on the characteristics of the Beijing circle. Sla, the Shenzhou of the whole country, has full autonomy.

This is an important reason why Zhao Song has been sitting in Zhonghai. This group of secondary dealers with great powers allows him to directly understand the terminal market. Zhao Song can know the rebates of the second-tier dealers at the first time.

Here, Zhao Song also plays the role of a salesperson of the manufacturer between the manufacturer and the distributor.

On April 26, as Tesla's corporate customers all entered normal working conditions and were not affected by the CIH virus at all, a term gradually became popular on the Internet-Tesla service.

The resulting effect is that the calls of Tesla's key customer department have been bombarded by countless new corporate customers who cannot afford Tesla's expensive products and accessories. It's sold out.


13:30 p.m. Shanghai City.

A spring rain is hitting the beautiful Oriental Magic City.

The rain is like silk, light and thin, you can't hear the sound of the patter, and you can't feel the dripping of the rain. I just feel as if this is a kind of wet smoke, shapeless and silent, softly nourishing the earth and people's hearts.

In the rain, the municipal party committee compound looked particularly solemn.

Office of the Organization Department.

At this time, it was still in the lunch break here. Xiao Wang, who was refreshed after drinking a cup of coffee, and the workers who were forgetting to eat and sleep, the printer was spitting out paper. Xiao Wang bound it up.

Print, align, bind, arrange.

Xiao Wang was busy in an orderly manner. Suddenly, the printer stopped, and Xiao Wang also stopped.

He looked at the monitor screen in doubt, and checked again and again, only to find that it was not a malfunction of the printer, but that there was only one piece of paper in this resume.

"Which god is this, so casual?" Xiao Wang picked up the A4 paper in doubt, and when he saw the photo in the upper right corner, he was shocked.

"Chairman of Shenzhou Technology Co., Ltd'; Tesla...microelectronics...three links and one kilometer..."

Pulling the chair over in a panic, Xiao Wang quickly opened the browser and found the official website of Shenzhou Technology. After confirming that the phone number on it was consistent with the phone number on his resume, he made a cautious call.

"Hi, hello, this is the Organization Department of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee. We have received a resume of the chairman of your company. I don't know..."

"Hello, this is the Shenzhou Science and Technology Secretariat. I am Liao Yingzhu, assistant to the chairman. That resume was sent by us..."

Don't underestimate the fact that there are no civil servants who strive to make progress. It is a derogatory term to say that each of them is the best of the best.

After the confirmation was completed and everything was guaranteed, Xiao Wang nervously and excitedly picked up the resume, tidied up his appearance, and solemnly came to the door of the leader's office, took a deep breath, and knocked on it lightly.

"Please come in."

"Leader, leader, here is a resume that I need you to look over." Facing the majestic middle-aged leader, Xiao Wang said a little nervously.

The middle-aged leader was neatly dressed, with a clean shaved chin and neatly combed hair. He was wearing a white shirt and a silver-gray tie.

"Oh?" He raised his head, looked at Xiao Wang with great interest, and said, "Let me have a look."

Xiao Wang exaggeratedly held the single-sheet resume with both hands, and respectfully sent it to the leader.

"The applicant's name is Zhao Song. I have confirmed to Shenzhou Technology Co., Ltd. that he is the chairman of their company and the youngest and richest flower grower, Mr. Zhao Song."

The middle-aged leader paused when he heard the words, looked at the information in his hand with a dull face, pursed his lips, and asked softly: "Are you sure?"

"Confirmed!" Xiao Wang answered quickly and said with certainty: "The person who answered the phone was Ms. Liao Yingzhu, assistant to the chairman of Shenzhou Technology. Sla focuses on training targets, she said, if we have intentions, Mr. Zhao Song will come to the door for an interview in person.”


The middle-aged leader stood up quickly, almost bringing down the boss chair behind him.

"I'll report to the higher-ups, Xiao Wang, pay attention to confidentiality matters!"

"Understood, leader!"


3 hours later.

Conference Room No. 3 of the City Hall Building.

A mid-to-high-level meeting has been prepared.

The leaders of the Organization Department, Huahong NEC, and other departments all looked at the single resume in their hands with complicated expressions.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and the deputy head of Shanghai City in charge of related industries stepped into the door, sat directly on the main seat, and then said with a majestic face:

"Tell me, what are your opinions?"


In the conference room, there was silence.

A senior executive of Huahong NEC glanced around and said hesitantly: "Boss, what we need is a president who can bring international orders to Huahong NEC. I wonder if this richest man can..."

"Oh?" The leader of the organization department looked at Huahong executives and asked with a smile: "The order volume of NEC in the island country has shrunk to almost nothing. For international orders, you name him, and I will do my best to find him for you!"

"This..." Huahong executives blushed instantly, and fell silent.

This is, another cadre said: "As the richest man, Zhao Song has enough qualifications to apply for the job, but in terms of age, isn't he a little too young?"

The leader of the organization department laughed again when he heard this.

"A unit as big as Jingcheng Electronic Control can make someone an assistant to the chairman. When did our little Huahong start to be unable to accommodate a capable young man?"


In the meeting room, everyone looked at the silent deputy chief with drooping eyelids, as if they understood something, but before anyone could speak, the head of the organization department asked again.

"I have two questions.

First, Zhao Song founded Shenzhou, who got the most benefits? Among all the partners who have worked with him, who has suffered?

Second, the three links and one reach under the name of Zhao Song have already started the second phase of the project in this city. Let’s not talk about whether the rejection of Zhao Song will have an impact on this investment. Haven’t you heard that another company under his name, One Kilometer, Is it an upsurge in the capital? "


After a moment of silence in the venue, there was a burst of echo.

"I agree!"



Seeing that a consensus had been reached on the field, the big leader on the main seat slowly raised his head, looked at the leader of the organization department and said.

"Old Liu, be safe and don't be impatient! These few days, Zhao Song and the Taiwanese company Huashi have been tossing around very lively, wait for a while, wait for them to earn a result, and then send an invitation letter!"

Old Liu nodded when he heard the words, and replied softly: "Understood."

The leader's words must be carefully understood. He knows that no matter whether Zhao Song and Hua Shi win or lose, this invitation letter must be sent out as soon as possible.

He even hopes that there can be some moths in the capital, so that they can take the little richest man into his arms.

That is a talent, a young talent that is being studied carefully all over the world.

PS: 1, if you are interested in reading, you can take a look at the resumes of the chairman of SMIC after Dr. Zhang, they are very powerful.

2. Two days ago, a book friend said that the system produced by a certain company has nothing to do with the mobile phone operating system, and he was sad. Regarding this matter, I have my own humble opinion. You should just listen to a joke. First of all, in the semiconductor industry, IC design is only a small part. There is no doubt that the Central China Department and the East China Department of a certain company are very talented. , and make every flower family proud. But in the semiconductor industry of the whole country, the Huaqing department occupies half of the country, and the other half, the national investment of 100 billion yuan is in the hands of the 77 graduates of the Huaqing department. It can be said that the Huaqing department is the main force.

The country has come to this day, every laborer in the country has exchanged every drop of sweat, every drop of blood and sweat, and it is not all the credit of a single company.

Otherwise, we don't have to do anything!

It's as if I updated a chapter today not because I was lazy, but as a small property employee who was bullied by the leader, in order to ensure that the building where I worked would not collapse, I needed to patrol all night.

That's right, it's raining in Beijing, and I'm on the night shift. I'll see if I can spare time on the premise of ensuring my work.


The flood season is coming, I wish all book lovers, everything is safe!

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