Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 405 I've been doing it.

Xidan North Street, Zhongyou Department Store Tesla flagship store.

At this time, "A Laugh in the Sea" played by two girls in ancient costumes has come to an end.

The melody "La-la-la-la-la..." came out again, and this melody has been repeated. It is no longer the feeling of letting me be free at the beginning, but after experiencing the storm, there is a little bit of vicissitudes and emotion in the carefree . The sharp tone sounded again, it was two small waves, like a wave rushing forward twice, giving people the feeling of smoothness, with a sound of "Pang!", the song ended.

This is a martial arts dream of joyful grievances and swords.

But for Wang Xin, who is full of pride...

But guarding an empty city, waiting for an old man, waiting for your reincarnated soul; listening to a zither, waiting for a reunion, waiting for your all-powerful kiss.

And for Zhao Song's Tesla.

It should be brewing a pot of cold, waiting for a piece of cruelty, waiting for your life-long hatred to rest; drinking a cup of cruelty, waiting for an old news, waiting for your life and death to follow.


9:25 minutes.

The major distributors across the country, including the Wanwan brand represented by Shenzhou, all sent a brand new quotation.

Wanwan is a full line of board products, follow!


Huashi Chairman Shi Xuebin, like the head of the Organization Department of Shanghai City, has studied Zhao Song deeply.

He knew that this young man was completely different from most florists.

All business matters, or disputes, have never been coordinated or compromised. What Zhao Song asked for was to put Tesla in a relatively fair environment, and then fight you openly and endlessly. the kind!

The reason why I say this is because countless shopkeepers before, as well as Peng Cheng, who has been profitable for five consecutive years, are all dead!

He does not participate in various chambers of commerce, does not take the initiative to make friends with business people, he is respectful to the government, and handles affairs within the rules. What he has done since he was a child can be clearly seen on the Internet.

As long as you are caring, you will know that this kid is justified by other people, otherwise, he will come to you in the mall openly, if you want to play dirty, look at the protective shell behind him!

Shi Xuebin sighed, for more than a year, almost all the classic business cases were contributed by this kid, but this time, who will present the classic business lessons for everyone?


Shi Xuebin sneered, who will die?


Zhonghai Electronics Mall.

Old Feng was sweating profusely, but after looking at the price list handed over by the shop assistant, he took a deep breath.

The mobile phone next to his ear was still talking, Lao Feng looked away, and shouted loudly in the noisy environment: "Brother Li, you go to Tesla's official website, they are very sorry to all the VIP customers who bought the main board of the gamer country before." There are compensations."


"Isn't it for compensation?" Old Feng covered his right ear, listened carefully to the voice on the phone, and then replied loudly: "Brother Li, let your friend come in the afternoon, when you are about to finish school, today is just the beginning, pay attention to the IT website The news, this time, a real fight, a real price war in the accessories industry.

Brother Li, listen to me, come when you are about to graduate, it will definitely be affordable! "


Hearing something, Old Feng Chang breathed a sigh of relief, hung up the phone, then raised his head and looked at Zhao Song in the corner of the counter.

"Zhao Er, Huashi has dropped to the same price as the player's country. The second-tier brands of Qingyun and Shuangmin have directly reported to 999, and the other first-tier brands have also dropped a lot."

Zhao Song raised his head from the price list, and said calmly to Lao Feng: "Uncle, I want the data, there must be a mess at the major distributors, I want your data!"

"Wait!" Lao Feng immediately took off his coat when he heard this, and ran to Lao Rong's counter. Before leaving, he explained to Zhao Song: "Zhao Er, Overclocking Three is waiting for your message, and they will cooperate with you to release news at any time!"

Zhao Song stood up and shouted impatiently: "Data, I want data!"

The loud voice made the area around Lao Feng's counter suddenly quiet for a while, and then the shop assistants around the counter suddenly became busy as if nothing had happened.

No one will bother Zhao Song, this young man has never sacrificed the interests of various retailers since the day he entered Zhonghai, just like now, before the major manufacturers and distributors have clearly given them rebates , They will still focus on Zhao Song products.

However, if customers insist on choosing another brand, there is nothing they can do.

Seeing that the opposite shop transferred a Qingyun 815 motherboard at the request of the customer.

Zhao Song immediately took out his mobile phone, and after dialing, Zhao Song said firmly: "Put up the second advertisement!"

"Hold an advertisement!" The same words sounded in Shenzhen SEG and the whole country.


The headlines on the official website of Shanshi Co., Ltd. and major IT websites are updated at the same time.

The Shanshi G5 pure black mechanical keyboard, which has independent intellectual property rights and won the IF Design Award, is launched for the national retail market.

Buy the Tesla 815 flagship motherboard with the keyboard box, and get a discount of 50 yuan!

A company, a product, a single product assists!

Ten o'clock, Shenzhou, Tesla, Shanshi, 3VS Wanwan Department.


"Zhao Er, Zhao Er~"

Ten minutes later, Lao Feng ran over sweating profusely, shouting loudly.

"How many keyboards are there? Damn my high-end users are all waiting for the G5 to be released in retail!"

"I fucking want data!"

"Uh~" Lao Feng scratched his head embarrassingly, looked at the irritable Zhao Song, and hurriedly said: "There is no data, everyone is waiting and watching, Zhao Er, many Wanwan manufacturers bypassed the distributors and directly Communicate with secondary dealers, they promise that the rebate will never be lower than Tesla!"

"Pay them to death!" Zhao Song gritted his teeth fiercely, and walked to the office without saying a word.

Old Feng quickly asked: "Zhao Er, how many keyboards are there?"

"As much as you want!"

Old Feng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then said worriedly: "Zhao Er, this time, don't hurt the enemy one hundred and yourself three thousand."

Zhao Song stopped, turned his head, and scolded with a smile:

"Fuck your three thousand, I have prepared one billion, I have prepared all of Tesla's wealth, I will let them kill me!"

After finishing speaking, he continued to move forward. At the same time, he turned his head towards the direction of the Capital Airport. Are there more than a hundred people from Tesla Microelectronics already on the plane to the island country?

This time, it is not only to compete for the market and the minds of consumers, but also for a more important purpose. If it can be achieved, what if Tesla's family property is wiped out?


The overclocking Sandonghai first-generation heat pipe radiator with multiple patented technologies has been launched nationwide.

Buy the Tesla 815 flagship motherboard with the radiator box, and get a discount of 30 yuan!

A company, a product, a single product assists!


The Swans T200A, which has a self-developed top tweeter, is listed on the whole line.

Buy Tesla 815 flagship motherboard with the package box, and get a discount of 30 yuan!

A company, a product, a single product assists!


Produced by Wuming Chassis Factory, several chassis with multiple patented technologies are listed nationwide.

Phantom Red, Frozen, mid-tower cases, all case products that can only be seen on Tesla brand PCs, are distributed in the retail market.

Buy Tesla 815 flagship motherboard with the packing box, and get a discount of 20 yuan!

A company, a product, a single product assists!


Wesonic's first mid-to-high-end multimedia headsets are on the market.

Buy Tesla 815 flagship motherboard with the package box, and get a discount of 10 yuan!

A company, a product, a single product assists!


Great Wall launched an all-Japanese capacitor power supply product, the price is gratifying, and the competing products directly point to the high-end brand of Wanwan series.

Buy Tesla 815 flagship motherboard with the package box, and get a discount of 30 yuan!

A company, a product, a single product assists!

At 11:10, Zhao Song Department VS Wanwan Department!

The sound of the guzheng in "A Laugh in the Cang Hai" seems to be echoing in my ears, and the story of the "Smiling Proud Jianghu" is still going on at this time.

At this moment, countless eyes focused on Zhong Hai, focusing on the richest man.

They counted the several products released one after another, looked at the terrifying domestic production rate coefficients of these products, and suddenly found that the young man who was only 21 years old seemed so eye-catching at this time!

Over the past year and a half, he has driven so many domestic manufacturers.

They suddenly remembered the last sentence in that peerless press conference:

made in China!

It turned out that he wasn't talking big, he was doing it all the time!

asleep. Good night.

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