Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 406 Fantasy enters the arena, the enemy and...?

Chapter 406 Fantasy enters the arena, the enemy and...?

In the corner of Zhonghai Thirteenth Avenue, there is an inconspicuous counter, and there are very few consumers who can visit this location and shop here.

But anyone who underestimates this place would be wrong. This counter is a dealer with countless terminal channels. What the owner does is to do accessories wholesale business for those small merchants who the general agent looks down upon.

The counter is very lively, and the bundles of RMB have been replaced by boxes of accessories. If you have cooperated for many years, you can also pick up some of the goods first.

Lao Rong glanced at the counter and found that there were no guests who needed to be entertained by himself, so he lowered his head and continued to fill out a configuration form.

One stroke at a time, Lao Rong wrote very seriously, even when he came to Zhonghai to start a business, he was not so serious.

It wasn't until Boss Feng was sweating profusely that Lao Rong raised his head slowly.

"It's all made in China, and it's almost there!"

"What?" Boss Feng didn't react, and looked at his big brother in surprise, the first batch of entrepreneurs in Zhongguancun, his guide.

Pointing to the configuration list, Lao Rong sighed again: "They are all made in China, and they are all good brands. How long has it taken?"

Boss Feng realized that the emotional big brother was praising someone, and immediately said with pride: "That's right, let's talk about the power supply of the chassis. There are many manufacturers that can do it, but those people would rather imitate Great Wall and Wuming than If you don’t want to make your own brand, that kid Zhao Er just made it for you.”

Lao Rong nodded and looked at the blank lines on the configuration sheet: "It's just short of..."

Before the words were finished, several Zhonghai guys quickly passed through the crowd and came to the thirteenth passage.

A guy in neat uniform came to Lao Rong and greeted him respectfully.

"Uncle Rong, please lend me your stool."

Lao Rong quickly picked up a stool and handed it over.

The guy took it, and with the cooperation of several other people, another long color page advertisement was hung high.

"Tianhua Yituo Technology, Jupiter first-generation 15G hard drive is newly launched, 5400 rpm, aluminum alloy single disc 15G capacity, average seek time 9.5ms, cache 512KB, transmission rate: 66MB/s, quotation, 780 yuan."

"Hiss~" Lao Rong gasped.

Boss Feng asked puzzledly: "Brother, Zhao Song's Yituo is backed by the Great Wall Group, which has the largest magnetic head and disk production base in Asia. It should be able to produce new products so quickly..."

"Look at the price!" Lao Rong said angrily.

Lao Feng looked up again at the color page advertisement, then picked up the price list and compared it with other brands.


"This Yituo hard drive should be a discounted product that matches the Shenzhou motherboard!" Lao Rong looked at the discount information under the brochure, and seeing that the employees of Zhonghai did not stop, he quickly reminded: "The following is the one that matches the Kingdom of Players! "

A new color page advertisement was pulled up again.

"Fujitsu Falcon 7th generation AL-7LE high-speed hard drive is reinstalled, and it can be matched with a full line of Tesla motherboard discounts."

Then, two more.

"NEC-Apache 12XDVD-ROM, United Tesla..."

"BOE's brand-new elegant 17-inch flat-screen CRT with Diamond Long tube is shockingly launched, and it cooperates with Tesla..."

Looking at the advertisements next to each other, Boss Feng walked into Lao Rong's counter trembling, took out the high chair, stood on it, and looked around.

Immediately, I found that the whole Zhonghai was like Christmas, with coloring page advertisements everywhere, which looked extremely festive.

"Come down!" Lao Rong shouted quickly: "How old is it, why do you still look like a young man?"

Boss Feng hurriedly supported Lao Rong's outstretched hand to adjust the high chair, and said excitedly: "Tesla and the others... are amazing!"

This time, he didn't talk about Zhao Song, let alone other manufacturers, just letting Fujitsu's hard drives that are only OEMs for PC manufacturers appear in the retail market, he didn't know how much effort he spent and how many difficult business negotiations he went through.

These cannot be done by Zhao Song alone!

Lao Rong ignored Boss Feng, put the price of the last accessory in the sky on the quotation, and then handed him the calculator: "Calculate quickly."

Boss Feng immediately counted it cracklingly.

"With P3 1G CPU, a total of 9288!"

"Hiss~" Breathed out again, Lao Rong looked at the quotation and muttered to himself: "One product for each family, the whole line is benchmarked against Huashi.

Here, except for the Shenzhou graphics cards, they are all the best mid-to-high-end accessories. As long as the Shenzhou graphics cards do not lose the chain, consumers who buy these sets of configurations will be their loyal customers in at least one year! "

"Brother, the Shenzhou graphics card is a public version, so it should be fine!"

Lao Rong nodded and sighed: "This set of high-end configuration, 80% of domestic brands~"

Boss Feng was also excited when he heard the words, and then asked suspiciously: "Brother, even if this is the case, Huashi is the world's largest manufacturer of boards and cards. How did Zhao Song win?"

Lao Rong shook his head: "There is no winner or loser, Zhao Song should be forcing it to apologize and admit that its products and services have problems.

By the way, knock down the Huashi brand from the altar, and let the common people of flower growers think that Tesla's player country is the best! "

"What if Hua Shi doesn't let go and apologize?"

"No apology?" Lao Rong sneered, and turned the monitor beside him to Boss Feng's side.

"If you don't apologize, Huashi will just wait for it to be replaced by another company as the king of Wanwan shares!"

Boss Feng looked sideways, and a cliff-like downward curve immediately caught his eye.

"Cow pen!"

While admiring, Boss Feng couldn't help worrying about Zhao Song—that's number one in the world, would he just sit and wait for death like this?


Of course not, that is the king of Wanwan stocks.

17:00 p.m. Fantasy Building, outside the meeting room No. 1 on the top floor of the group, a bald man in a suit who doesn't look like a good guy stands outside the door and stands with his hands folded.

The bearded man came out of the conference room cautiously, closed the door gently, and waved to the bald man. The two stood at the railing of the corridor, and the bearded man asked the bald man's subordinates, "What's the matter?"

The middle-aged bald man didn't immediately answer the bearded man's question, but asked suspiciously: "There are Huashi inside? What are they doing here?"

"Talking about cooperation, I want to use the reputation of fantasy to find another way to solve their plight."

"Director..." The middle-aged bald man immediately expressed his concern.

The bearded man shook his head: "The top executives of the company have their own considerations, which are beyond our control."

The middle-aged bald man nodded unwillingly. If it was possible, he really didn't want to fantasize about provoking Zhao Song at this time. Just look at the storm that Tesla caused in the national electronics market. In his opinion, the one who started this storm Zhao Song is simply a lunatic.

"You're looking for me so urgently, what's the matter?" At this moment, the bearded man's question interrupted the inner activities of the middle-aged bald man.

"Just received the news that almost all of the major distributors have brought out all the INTEL P3 CPUs to participate in this unprecedented promotion. As of 4:00 p.m., countless counters in Zhongguancun have broken their own historical sales records."

"Is there any more?"

The bald man lowered his head and thought for a while before saying, "Currently only the Huashi desktop has no competing products."

Tesla is too high-end, and Shenzhou is low-end, so it can’t pose a threat to Huashi’s desktop computers for the time being.

Looking back at the door of the meeting room, the bearded man pulled the bald man to the far window.

"Are other PC makers taking action?"

"Great Wall's Cool Black has cut prices across the board in the south, but they haven't made any moves in the northern market."

The bearded man nodded, leaned down and whispered in the bald man's ear, "Is the Huashi desktop easy to use?"

"Good fight!" The bald man nodded affirmatively when he heard the words: "The price of the Huashi desktop computer with the same configuration is much higher than that of domestic brands, and the industrial design is mediocre, which has been difficult to be accepted by the market. Akatsuki things..."

"Old Liu." The bearded man interrupted the bald old Liu, and ordered: "Notify the dealers, do a short-term promotion, and lower the price of Tianxi with the same configuration as Huashi before other brands move!"

The icing on the cake is impossible, and the best choice is to add insult to injury. Without the Huashi desktop, there is also one less potential competitor for Fantasy!

"Director!?" The bald old Liu looked at the bearded man in disbelief, and then at the door of the conference room.

The bearded man smiled lightly: "Cooperation is just cooperation, and they have no right to interfere with our business practices."


Tesla Cash: 1.07 billion.

Push the book: "Back to 2010", go back to 2010 to rewrite life, there is a strange golden finger

PS: Today’s chapter, there are still one and a half chapters of manuscripts, but they are not in line with the previous ones, some information needs to be checked, and I will try my best to make the plot coherent.

Another: When there are repeated texts and professional excerpts, they will write more and count them into the free word count.


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