Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 407 Silence.

After sending off the bald old Liu, the door of the meeting room was just pushed open, and the bearded man quickly stood on one side. After Huashi Shi Xuebin and his party filed out, he straightened his suits and entered the meeting room.


Yang Qing, who was bowing his head in meditation, raised his head when he heard the voice, and the most distinctive large part of his head flew up slightly, as if a big frying pan with a corner missing was completely buckled on his head.

"Here we are." Yang Qing raised his head and asked with a smile, "What's so urgent just now?"

Looking at the floppy side part and the square eyes covering half of his face, the bearded man quickly looked away.

"Tesla, in conjunction with a number of companies, is conducting a big promotion in the computer accessories market. In terms of desktop computers, Great Wall Computer took the lead in responding in the south."

Yang Qing nodded, the soft hair on his head fluttered, seeing the bearded man trembled in his heart.

"What is your PC department doing in response?"

"Follow up quickly!" The bearded man said decisively: "Since the Internet began to encounter a cold wave, the IT market has declined in all aspects, especially in the personal computer market.

Zhao Song's price reduction behavior is just the collateral effect of causing the collapse of the upstream industry chain in advance, but this behavior is beneficial to consumers. Generally speaking, they are opening up the market! "

Yang Qing shook his head and smiled wryly when he heard the words: "Have you ever thought about the inventory problem? The reason why Huashi and other Wanwan board card manufacturers are so passive this time is because they haven't digested the inventory of high-priced raw materials."

"President, we just need to follow up in the retail market."

Yang Qing's eyes lit up, he and the bearded man looked at each other for a moment, then nodded slowly.

In addition to the retail market, there is another big head of fantasy, that is government procurement. The two did not go deep into this topic, and everything is self-evident.

At this time, the bearded man hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "President, now is the time when Zhao Song is in the limelight. I think it's best not to provoke that stunned young man."

Yang Qing didn't speak, picked up a document in front of him and handed it to the bearded man.

"Xiao Wei, take a look at their quotations for foundry and OEM board product lines, and..."

Having said this, Yang Qing closed his mouth and waved his bearded man to see for himself.

Picking up the documents, the bearded man glanced at the numbers on the first page, nodded lightly and said, "Very low, it can indeed be considered."

As he spoke, he turned a page backwards, and first introduced the words in front of him, which suddenly made his whole body shudder.

'World Advanced Integrated OEM Agreement'.

The bearded man stared dumbfounded at those words, then quickly raised his head, and said anxiously: "President, you can't touch it, even if their OEM memory price is lower."

Looking at the silent Yang Qing, the bearded hands holding the materials suddenly trembled involuntarily.

He suddenly remembered the last few words Zhao Song said that day in Fantasy Industrial Park.

"Capital comes into the world, from head to toe, dripping blood and filth from every pore!"

"But Director Wei, I am very clean, and I will try my best to keep it clean!"

"Don't mess with me!"


In Fullmetal Alchemist, there is a very classic line:

If a person does not sacrifice, he will get nothing. In order to get something, he must pay the same price. This is the "equivalence exchange" law of alchemy!

This rule also applies to the real world.

Just like Zhao Song's Tesla and Shenzhou Technology, if they want to develop rapidly, they want to eat the cake in other people's mouths. If they want to eat the cake in their own mouths, of course they have to pay countless prices to achieve it.

Therefore, Tesla is fighting all the way.

If they want to develop rapidly, Tesla and Shenzhou Technology will continue to fight in the future.


A new day has begun, and it is the last weekend before Labor Day, a beautiful weekend with bright sunshine and clear skies.

However, the workers of all enterprises under Zhao Song's banner did not have holidays, and all of them were working hard.

In fact, in this year, even if it is May Day, the country does not have statutory holidays. If you want Golden Week, wait another 7 years!

Shenzhou Technology does not have holidays, but is fighting for production and speed. Only by taking advantage of this wave of upsurge and putting as many low-priced products on the market as possible to reach a certain scale can it form its own profits and not lose money.

And Tesla does not have a holiday in order to complete more orders.

With the topping out of Asia's largest single factory building, the nineteenth factory building was put into use, and the 5,000th official Tesla employee stepped into the Tesla Industrial Park.

A large-scale manufacturing industry cluster has formed a scale in Pingchang District of the capital at the fastest speed.

Counting the surrounding supporting factories, this industrial park, involving hundreds of thousands of people, was completed quickly and on a large scale, and the promotion of social and economic benefits made every official of the Pingchang District Government ecstatic.

Early in the morning, Tesla Industrial Park.

The grass grows tall and dense on the sunny soil slope of a depression under construction. The faint scent of the sun-baked black earth could not overpower the faint scent of the blooming wildflowers.

Yuan Wu was wearing a dark gray Haitianxiangyun uniform, with a knife-sharpened face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a straight nose bridge, thick lips, and several months of experience in sweatshops, which made him look majestic.

Bending down and grabbing a handful of black soil, looking at the various heavy machines that were busy in front of him, Yuan Wu's mood was as cheerful and joyful as the morning sun.

The boss said that it is the speed of planting flowers at this time, but Yuan Wu has never seen any construction site that can be completed as fast and as good as the Tesla Industrial Park. He always thinks that this should be called Tesla speed!

This is the last deserted corner of the industrial park. In two more months, the last four large factories of the first phase of the project will be completed and put into use as quickly as possible.

At this time, Yuan Wu was thinking about planning the future job recruitment, when the siren sound from Yuanchuan suddenly made him turn his head, watching a convoy of heavy trucks slowly driving into the industrial park under the clearing of the police car, and immediately smiled.

"President Yuan, please wait."

At this time, a middle-aged man walked quickly from a distance.

Yuan Wu frowned, seeing the middle-aged man panting heavily, he asked, "Old Qi, how did you come in?"

"I didn't leave at all!" The middle-aged man called Lao Qi said with a sneer.

Yuan Wu asked angrily and amusedly, "Didn't I explain it to you?"

"Mr. Yuan, give me a chance to visit our factory?"

In the distance, the police car that opened the road had stopped in front of the gate of the single factory building, and the management personnel of the Tesla park had begun to handover with the personnel of the equipment manufacturer.

Yuan Wu glanced over there, then turned his head, and said helplessly, "Old Qi, you should know that Tesla's support for domestic manufacturers, especially private enterprises, is obvious to all, but in the domestic machine tool industry..."

Speaking of this, not only Yuan Wu couldn't continue talking, but even Lao Qi, the manufacturer's representative, was full of sadness.

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