Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 408 Receive the message, C!

Looking at Lao Qi's embarrassed face in the Tesla Industrial Park, Yuan Wu hesitated for a moment, and pointed to the depression not far away.

"Old Qi, don't say that Tesla won't give you a chance. Two months later, 4 small cutting tool engraving machines, two of which will be installed in Tesla's new factory, and two will be installed in Wuming Factory.

One and a half years later, if the precision of these four Jingdiao products of yours can still reach the level of imported machines, we will place a big order! "

Lao Qi suddenly became excited, thinking that many days of hard work had finally yielded results, and asked overjoyed: "Really?"

"Really!" Yuan Wu pressed his hands on him, and said gently: "The purchase of the four machines will take one and a half years to pay off, but we can sign the contract.

I believe that with the contract with Tesla, many banks are willing to cooperate with you! "

"Should be, should be." Lao Qi rubbed his hands and nodded again and again, and then asked embarrassingly: "Mr. Yuan, tell me about Shenzhou."

Yuan Wu opened his eyes wide, looked at Lao Qi miraculously, and was taken aback by his cheekiness.

"The machines in the Shenzhou workshop of the Electronics Park have already been purchased. What am I saying?"

Lao Qi waited with bright eyes, and said excitedly: "It's the new factory area of ​​Shenzhou Technology. They won a large piece of land next to Nokia in Dongyizhuang. That's what I'm talking about."

Yuan Wu asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

Of course Yuan Wu knew about Shenzhou Technology's land acquisition, but shouldn't it be kept secret now?

"It's the financial report!" Lao Qi replied in amazement: "Shenzhou Technology has just released the financial report for the first quarter of 2001."


Yuan Wu was silent.

Perhaps, in addition to the Tesla speed, another Shenzhou speed should be added.

Thinking of this, Yuan Wu clenched his fists, ignored Lao Qi's question, and walked towards the single large factory building with sonorous and forceful steps.

"Old Qi, this time I will give the old secretary some face, next time you need to go to Minister Zhao Lei for purchasing matters!"


"On May 1, 2001, Shenzhou Technology Co., Ltd. (600652) announced its unaudited financial report for the first quarter ended March 31, 2001.

The net revenue increased by 178% compared with the same period of the previous year under the Huahua Enterprise Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards, increasing to 123 million RMB and 112 million RMB respectively.

The attributable net profit was RMB 33.1 million, or diluted net income per share was RMB 0.46.


"Note from the author: This is by far the most thoughtful financial report I have ever seen. The first financial report after Shenzhou Technology's backdoor listing not only included a large number of pictures, but also designed the table by itself, integrating the design and culture of the company into the In all aspects, I personally admire such a company that pays so much attention to details. And the color of the financial report is sunny, and the design is simple and elegant. I can only say, let this financial report be more violent.”

"Because it is listed on the market, the relevant growth rate of Shenzhou Technology has no reference value. Through the disclosure of Shenzhou's major events, we can find that when their youth generation PCs are listed, it is the time for Shenzhou Technology to make a big effort. And they Putting relevant funds into the construction of factories and equipment, especially the plan to win the land in Dongyizhuang, Beijing, and build an industrial park, let us express our optimism about the future of Shenzhou Technology!"

"I don't think there is any need to be optimistic about the future of Shenzhou. In the past two days, we have taken the express train of Tesla's promotion, and the supply of boards and cards of Shenzhou has been in short supply. There are even dealers driving to the industrial park to do work on site! "

"The wealth of the richest man will usher in another skyrocketing!"

"Shenzhou Technology's resumption of trading has been confirmed, May 4th Youth Day!"


In the sunny spring, it is a very pleasant thing to send the cute girl Xiaoyu every morning.

On Huaqing Road, a low-key Audi A8 w12 slowly leaned against the side of the road.

Sitting in the back row, Zhao Song put down the financial newspaper in his hand, shook his head, and forgot all the shameless words of praise for Shenzhou's financial report that he had just seen.

Then he pretended not to care and said to Xiao Yu: "Xiao Yu, the senior high school entrance examination is still one month away, let's relax our minds, study when we need to study, and rest when we need to rest. We must pay attention to the balance between work and rest."

"Yeah!" Xiao Yu smiled and nodded her head seriously.

Passing a ponytail to Xiao Yu's head, Zhao Song hesitated for a while, but still reminded: "Although the relationship is found and the background is strong enough, the process of the exam still needs to go. At least you have to pass the math."

Xiaoyu nodded, with confusion in her smiling eyes, could it be that she couldn't get into the Huaqing High School with the relationship of the big fat brother?

Xiao Yu looked at Zhao Song and asked, "Brother, who are you looking for?"

Zhao Song: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!""

"Bang!" The car door was slammed shut, almost hitting Zhao Song's head.

"Ouch~!" Zhao Song looked at Xiao Yu who was leaving arrogantly, and was furious.


An hour later, Zhao Song, who was wearing a sweater, stepped into Zhong Hai without showing any signs of dew.

Randomly wandered around, and found ten mainframes being assembled, at least three of which were using Shenzhou boards, and even two were red and black gamer kingdom motherboards. Come to the office.

"Sister, good morning."

"Good morning!" Sister Da Da raised her head and asked with a smile, "Have you changed your car? My Xiaobawang didn't see your Mercedes-Benz on the way to school. I have been unhappy for a long time."

"Hey~" Zhao Song laughed silly and didn't answer.

Sister Da Da didn't care, looked at his happy face, and said with a smile: "It seems that you are in a good mood."

"Of course not bad!" Zhao Song nodded with a smile on his face: "Shenzhou's speed is unexpectedly fast, sister, who owns your Shenzhou shares, don't let them get greedy for money?"

Sister Da Da rolled her beautiful eyes, ignored Zhao Song's teasing, and handed a newspaper to him.

"There is also good news, take a look."

Zhao Song took off his hoodie, put on the Haitian Xiangyun uniform, took the newspaper and read it carefully.

"Important: According to insiders, Huashi is about to bid farewell to the field of home computers.

After experiencing the Long Xiaoxiao incident and the departure of Zheng Nan, the head of the PC division, as many brands joined the promotion war, Huashi suffered a serious setback in the field of home computers.

As of 18:00 yesterday afternoon, the sales volume of Huashi in the Beijing retail market was only seven units. "

"In the IT market, there are many heroes competing for the throne, each leading the way for three to five days. Some are broken, some are not recovered, and some are born out of nowhere... The same market, general-purpose products, have thousands of different destinies, in order to survive , in order to develop, IT manufacturers have to adjust their strategies in a timely manner, or reposition, or expand the scale, or switch to the model, all of which are normal, but market changes are always independent of human will. Investment is the best lesson!

Although the mainland market of the motherland has great potential, the competition was extremely fierce at that time, especially when Tesla, Shenzhou and other brands with different approaches rose strongly.

At the same time, for ordinary consumers who do not understand IT technology, the power of the brand is more important than the technical advantages. Whoever has a good brand is a high-quality product.

The defeat of Huashi is not so much a strategic adjustment under the offensive of Tesla and Shenzhou Technology, but a punishment for his various behaviors of self-destructing brands! "

Zhao Song put down the newspaper, glanced at the headline again, collected his thoughts, and then said: "Although it's a bit general, this editor-in-chief is very capable."

"How to say?"

"Shenzhou Computer is not yet on the market. How can Huashi Computer with the same price and no cost-effectiveness compare with Tesla? It is the 10,000-dollar machine strategy of other PC manufacturers that defeats it, and he is killing himself!"

Sister Da Da nodded in agreement.

Zhao Song bowed his head and thought for a moment, then picked up his mobile phone and dialed.

"Ding Tao, Huashi launched the brand computer business, and there must be a lot of dealers who suffered losses. Let them cooperate to release the news. Huashi computers have no after-sales service. I want to make Huashi's inventory unsold!"

"Boss, I'm already doing it!"

"Well done, Ding Tao!"

Zhao Song hung up the phone, the smile on his face became more and more happy. Tesla called all the way, and everyone was growing rapidly. It was because of people like Ding Tao and Wen Zhenwen standing behind him that Zhao Song dared to face more and more people. Formidable opponent!

Sister Da Da looked at Zhao Song quietly, and suddenly asked: "Do you remember that I taught you about business competition?"


"That's good." Sister Da Da smiled lightly: "That's Wang Huashi of Wanwan Stock, and the PC machine is just an insignificant department of them. Zhao Song, be careful of their counterattack."

Zhao Song shook his head, and his face regained his calm: "Sister, they have been fighting back, and they are the ones who have been talking about my age on the Internet!"

"It's good that you understand!"

Sister Da Da stood up, and finally asked: "When will Long Xiaoxiao's matter be hyped?"

"Until they apologize."

At this time, the office door was suddenly pushed open vigorously.

Liao Yingzhu walked in with a gloomy face.

"Zhao Song, just received the news that Huashi had a business negotiation with Fantasy Group yesterday afternoon."


It just rained heavily. depressed.

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