Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 409 Repeat the old tricks, profit first.

Fast-paced Zhongguancun

Whenever night falls, Liao Yingzhu always feels relieved.

Tired of work, busy traffic, this is a city that makes people work hard every day.

I don’t have much time to appreciate Zhongguancun in the sunset, the office buildings and mansions, no matter looking up from the ground or looking down from the tall buildings, the city always has some inexplicable sense of compactness.

The entrance of Wutong Building.

A group of people were welcoming and sending them off. Seeing Xiaoji from the Wutong Group leading the way, Liao Yingzhu stopped in her tracks, intending to wait for them to finish before going in.

That guy and Fantasia Xiaoliu are all kind of people. According to Zhao Song, they are in the same group, so not only Zhao Song, but all Tesla employees working in Wutong have never been with this company. contact with people.

It's a pity that Tesla Microelectronics is located in the building opposite the school.

Thinking of Tesla's office building in the foreseeable future, Liao Yingzhu sighed helplessly, and looked down at the documents in her hand.

Fantasy, fantasy! A name that makes Tesla's old employees gnash their teeth, and the company will hold a major meeting for a while.

Having been taught by famous foreign business and financial teachers for a long time, Liao Yingzhu admired the business skills of that classmate Xiao Liu. He has achieved the ultimate that a businessman in this country can do, but...

Liao Yingzhu looked at the text on the information, and couldn't help showing a half-smile expression on her face:

What a magnificent entrepreneurial epic!

She knew that this information was not to let her know the background of that fiery era, but to introduce a... or a few names to her:

Institute of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences!

Chinese Academy of Sciences.

computer institute.

If you think about it further, Liao Yingzhu thought of two more names.

Loongson Corporation.

Zhao Song.

These names have their own affiliation, but they are also independent individuals.

But why did you think of the name Zhao Song?

Liao Yingzhu picked up a newly printed business card. At the end of the densely packed various names, there was an additional appellation that was completely confusing:

Under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a non-staff information communication assistant in the computer institute of a public institution!


"Why are you in a daze, why don't you go in?"

At this time, Zhao Song, who had parked the car, came over, and seeing Liao Yingzhu pointing to the group of people at the gate of the building with his finger, Zhao Song said with a smile: "It's over if you go around."

After speaking, Zhao Song headed towards the building, keeping his eyes on the whole time.

"Mr. Zhao!"

Even if Zhao Song doesn't wear formal clothes today and doesn't look like a real person, he is the richest man, and some interested people will recognize him at a glance, such as our classmate Xiaoji, the chairman of Wutong.

damn it! Zhao Song cursed secretly, and then showed a bright smile.

"Senior Duan, I don't dare to call Mr. Zhao in front of you! Just call me by my name."

This buddy is older than Zhao Song's father. If he responds to the "Mr. Zhao", what kind of news might be spread about this matter.

Classmate Xiaoji smiled heartily: "Then I'll take care of you, Zhao Song. If you have time, I'll form a group. Let's exchange ideas and make a few more friends."

Zhao Song nodded cheerfully: "Definitely, definitely! Senior Duan, my company has an urgent meeting, so I won't bother you."

How many friends do you know?

What mountain club is that?

I am not rare!

Looking at his crowd politely and nodding, Zhao Song took Liao Yingzhu and left quickly.

"Move out quickly!" Zhao Song said to Liao Yingzhu until he got on the elevator.

Frowning, Liao Yingzhu said helplessly: "Where to move? The microelectronics building will not be opened until the end of the year at least."

Zhao Song suddenly felt a headache: "Let's talk about it."


Half an hour later, the Tesla conference room.

Except for Sister DaDa, all Tesla executives in Beijing and Li Bowei from Shenzhou have all been seated.

After the scene returned to silence, Ding Tao cleared his throat and said:

"I just confirmed another piece of news. The theme of the seminar to be held tomorrow in Fantasy Building is 'Partial Chassis Structure and Intellectual Property Protection'. The participating units include PC companies such as Fantasy, Tongfang, Southeast, and Founder."

Zhao Song was a little confused, looked at Liao Yingzhu suspiciously, and asked, "Why does this name sound so familiar to me?"

Flipping through the documents in his hand quickly, Liao Yingzhu looked up after a while.

"Eight years ago, that is, on December 24, 1993, the conference room on the 6th floor of the Fantasy Group headquarters held a seminar on 'Development of Chinese Character Input Technology and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights'.

Present at the meeting were former chief engineer of Fantasia Group, academician Ni, inventor of Fantasia Hanka, general manager of Zhonghua Great Wall Computer Group, CITIC Technology Company, Jingcheng Xiaojun Computer Company, chief engineer of Stone Company and other computer and Hanka manufacturers, as well as Experts and scholars in the study of Chinese characters."

Zhao Song suddenly realized: "Wubi font?"

Wangma Wubi - no less than the invention of movable type printing, its inventor is Wang Yongmin, the first of the top ten meritorious programmers for planting flowers.

Liao Yingzhu nodded and confirmed: "It's a meeting about Wubi fonts! This seminar launched an astonishing argument.

Some people present at the meeting believed that the radicals in the Wubi font technology come from the Chinese characters 'horizontal', 'straight', 'left', 'dot', 'fold', etc. These 'horizontal', 'straight', ' "Ask", "dot", and "fold" have been passed down from ancestors for thousands of years and are known to the public. Therefore, Wubi font technology should also be a known technology and should not be protected by the patent law."

Early 1994.

Su Chi, then director of the Intellectual Property Department of the Beijing Intermediate Court and the current vice president of the First Intermediate Court of the Beijing Intermediate Court, Su Chi graduated from Beijing University and was sent to Germany for a year of further study. It was he who presided over the Wubizi The trial work of the first-instance patent dispute case.

When talking about the case with reporters, Su Chi once said: "In the software industry of Zhonghua, only Wubi font software can compete with the software of foreign multinational companies such as Microsoft and CA, and has independent intellectual property rights for Huahua. What is software protected if it is not protected?"

Su Chi's words are still resounding today.

In the middle of 1994, a person in charge of the Beijing Haidian New Technology Industry Development Experimental Zone talked to the author about the Wubi font case and said: "I think it is appropriate to pay the use fee to Wang Yongmin, the inventor of Wubi font, and Wangma Company, but You can’t pay too much, you should coordinate.”

At the end of 1994, Wang Yongmin said to the author: "Some people said that I won the lawsuit, and all the money from the country flowed into my pocket. In fact, these people are wrong. Most of the fees paid for the use of Wubi fonts are international multinational companies."

On July 25, 1997, the Beijing City Higher People's Court made a final judgment, ruling that the patent rights of the third edition of "Wubi Font" did not protect the fourth edition of "Wubi Font", and Wang Yongmin lost the lawsuit.

As a result, the Wubi font is a free lunch and has become a "publicly known technology".


Therefore, capital is such a thing, even if some people with feelings are in it, feelings will turn into benefits!

Hearing that the meeting was chaired by Academician Ni, Zhao Song blankly glanced at Academician Ni who was sitting in the corner with a dejected expression on his face, and remained silent!

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