There was no sound in the conference room.

At this time, Ding Tao broke the calm and said firmly: "They are playing with our case patent idea!"

Wen Zhenwen looked at Li Bowei and asked suspiciously: "Aren't many patents in the hands of Shenzhou Technology? They don't care about the shareholders behind Shenzhou?"

Li Bowei shrugged, glanced at Zhao Song and said, "So the fantasy is to attract a lot of companies. After all, there are many people and strength!"

"Big ass!"

As soon as Li Bowei's words fell, Zhao Song exposed his swearing, and he didn't care about the strange looks in the room.

"They will definitely only target Tesla's exclusive patents and not give Shenzhou a reason to play!"

Li Bowei immediately rubbed his hands when he heard the words, and said embarrassingly: "Chairman, why don't you authorize all Tesla's patents to Shenzhou, so..."

Zhao Song rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking about? Does Shenzhou still have money?"

Can be licensed for free!

Li Bowei did not dare to say this sentence, he was afraid that if he said it, he would not be able to leave the Tesla meeting room today.

Then license it to Shenzhou for free, and Zhao Song will really become a fool.

Li Bowei shut his mouth and became quiet.

Zhao Song glanced at Li Bowei, smiled inwardly, and turned to ask Ding Tao.

"Is the Great Wall involved?"

"No, this news was revealed to me by Great Wall. They hope to get the same authorization as Shenzhou!"

Tesla chassis structure is very beautiful for this era, which is one of the reasons why T1 is selling well abroad.

After many foreign buyers get the T1, the first thing they do is to change its chassis to a side transparent panel.

"We can talk!" Zhao Song said without hesitation: "The conditions are almost given to them."

"Understood." Ding Tao nodded, and then asked worriedly: "The world's advanced integration..."

"Don't worry for now!" Zhao Song said with a headache: "Imagination is well known for its harshness on foundries. Even if the world's advanced needs orders to survive, but at this time, there are more memory chip manufacturers selling at a loss in the world. Why should fantasy choose it? This matter will not be accomplished for a while."

Speaking of this, Zhao Song looked around the meeting room: "Illusionary off-the-market tricks are handled by Zhao Rong and I, and Tesla and Shenzhou still concentrate on Huashi!

Next, Zhao Rong will expand the public opinion offensive to the whole of Asia, everyone needs to follow the pace and pull Huashi off the altar!

Florist will be the largest consumer market in the world in the future. I hope that in our country, the most cost-effective brand will be called Shenzhou! The best brand is Tesla. "



As night falls, the bright lights make the city more prosperous and prosperous.

Going west along Chang'an Avenue, after driving for half an hour, and carefully walking through a section of winding mountain road, Zhao Song's Mercedes-Benz slowly stopped at the foot of Dingdu Peak, which was not yet open to the public.

God knows how that psychopath would choose such a place to meet.

This is the location of "Yan Wang Xideng Dingdu Peak, Liu Bowen built the capital overnight", overlooking half of the capital.

The place is a good place, but the two men made an appointment to meet here in the middle of the night... Zhao Song felt so awkward.



Zhao Song glanced at the bearded man who was pretending to be B, and said angrily: "Just a few words, I have to travel so far to say it."

The bearded man didn't look back, looked at the brightly lit city in the distance, and said leisurely: "Suddenly I want to see this city. I still remember that when I first came to study, my hometown accent was ridiculed by the old Beijingers. I didn't expect that I have been drifting in Beijing for so long. , I have taken root in this city!"

"Beijing floating?" Zhao Song sneered: "Before the liberation, the natives of the capital lived at the foot of the imperial city for several lifetimes, and never entered the imperial city once, so there is nothing to be proud of.

Now, those alleys, schools, and old buildings that engraved their childhood memories, the kind of memories that should have flowed in their blood, have turned into tall, square office buildings and mansions.

They will never go back to those places, these people have no hometown, because their hometown has been demolished by outsiders, and there is no place to go back to, they are the real Beijing drifters!"

Hearing Zhao Song's words, the bearded man finally turned his head and opened his mouth: "Are you scolding them or..."

"Sympathize with them."

I want to say that it is not easy for foreigners to live in the capital, but you actually sympathize with the old capital people...

The bearded man turned his head speechlessly.

"Get down to business. If you fantasize about signing, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Song took two steps forward, stood side by side with the bearded man, looked at the brightly lit city in the distance, and said leisurely:

"In January 1956, the central government held a conference for unprecedented ideological emancipation, defining the nature of "intellectuals" and "science and technology".

Premier Zhou's "Report on Intellectual Issues" and the great man's "March into Modern Science" started the formulation of the "Twelve-year Long-term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology". This plan is not only far-sighted, but it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "beyond the times".

In order to implement this arduous task, the report also specifically listed a "new technology" category, that is, electronic computers. As "the most advanced and complex computing equipment", it acts as a "nerve center", and its application "will undoubtedly become more and more extensive with the development of science and technology".

On August 25, the State Council officially approved the establishment of the Preparatory Committee of the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This committee can be described as a gathering of talents, with a large number of talented people from all walks of life gathered together. Interestingly, except for mathematician Hua Luogeng, the chairman of the committee, most of the other committee members have a background in studying abroad in Europe and America. For example, Zhao Fangxiong who graduated from Harvard, Min Naida who graduated from Germany, Wu Jikang who returned from Denmark, Zhou Shouxian, Ph.D. in telecommunications from the University of Michigan, Fan Xinbi, Ph.D. Zhang Xiaoxiang, who graduated from university and studied in the Soviet Union, and so on.

This group of young scientists with an average age of only over 30 years old has established three research laboratories for complete computer, component circuit, and computational mathematics. On August 1, 1958, a machine code-named 103 successfully ran a short program, and the florist's first general-purpose electronic computer was born, shocking the world.

Thirty years later, Academician Ni gave up his high-paying job in Canada and established his own Chinese character recognition system at the Institute of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, using the characteristics of phrases and homophones in Huahua characters. This cross-age technical research was named by him as "fantasy Chinese character system".

This is the origin of the fantasy name! "

The bearded man looked at Zhao Song suspiciously. The fantasy history of entrepreneurship was publicized by some people every day, but no one had ever introduced the origin of fantasy from this angle like Zhao Song.

"What do you want to say?"

"Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fantasy Group. I would like to ask, have people who only mentioned these two names ever thought about the Institute of Computer Science?"

"What do you mean?" The bearded man frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

Looking at the bearded man as if facing a formidable enemy, Zhao Song said cheerfully: "You use computers and eat computers. Why do you start in a small communication room in the promotional materials? The communication room Can you make Hanka?

The Chinese Academy of Sciences is the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Computer Science is the Institute of Computer Science. Why did the Institute of Computer Science, which paid for technology and space, get nothing during the shareholding reform? "

really! The bearded man sighed secretly.

"Is it related to you?"

The smile on Zhao Song's face became brighter, and he took out a business card with a smile, and handed it to the bearded man.

"The non-staff information communication assistant of the computer institute of the public institution..." The bearded man looked at Zhao Song dumbfounded: "What is this?"

"In layman's terms, it is the assistant of a certain uncle in the concierge who sends and receives letters on the computer."

"What's the use of this?"

"If you dare to sign, I dare to sue the fantasy group on behalf of the Computer Institute, and trace back the shares that the Computer should get!

As for what black history the media can dig up after that, that has nothing to do with me. "

The bearded man flew into a rage and roared, "How dare you!"

"Of course I dare!" Zhao Song stared back: "I tell you, because of the affiliation, the Computer Institute endured grievances in the shares and dared not speak, but I dare! At worst, I will be fired from the office!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Song said with a faint smile: "Let me remind you again, the position I hold in the office is the most powerful, versatile, dangerous, and ubiquitous...temporary worker!"

"You smelly and shameless!"

There are excerpts of materials in these two chapters, and the number of free words is about 700 words.

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