In another time and space, there is a book called "Fantasy Bureau" in the "Introduction" that says:

Most of them (Note: Xiao Liu's generation of entrepreneurs) have a dream of becoming a Fortune 500 company. They are not dreaming, but working hard in this direction. Once a person asked classmate Xiao Liu: Does Future Fantasy want to be stronger or bigger?

Xiao Liu hesitated for a long time and said: "Then let's make it bigger."

He also knows that because many companies have mastered one or two core technologies, they are almost monopolized in a field that people tend to ignore. They do not pursue listing and expansion, but pursue direct profits. They are also outstanding companies, and people call them "hidden champions".

Xiao Liu hopes that fantasy is at least not just a "hidden champion". He hopes that fantasy will become a respectable figure in the family of flower growers as an economy, and hope that fantasy as an economy itself will be a respectable number.

Therefore, the strategic orientation of fantasy is to grow bigger, and its layout itself reflects the desire to grow bigger. Based on this judgment, it is easy for us to understand why Xiao Liu hopes that fantasy will advance rapidly on the road of internationalization, and why does he have a "fantasy sea map" in his mind?

Therefore, Fantasia made a program-controlled switch in 1993, with an annual profit of millions. They don't do it.

As for the subsequent multimedia chips and CPU research and development projects, they also gave up one after another.

I believe everyone has a deep understanding of what it means to be big in a flower planter! And student Xiao Liu knew him earlier than everyone else!

In this era, the business godfather of a flower grower is not an old fool in the future, let alone Zhao Song, a former melon eater and a reborn person.

But now, classmate Xiao Liu started to have his idea, which Zhao Song would not allow no matter what.

Then be more shameless than anyone else!


On the top of Dingdu Peak, the night breeze is blowing, and it is slightly cold.

However, Zhao Song's heart was agitated when the bearded man scolded him "stinky and shameless". I want face, there will be Tesla? I want to face, the first flash will appear in the flower planter? I want to face, so many classic advertisements will appear in this world in advance? I want to face, Tesla Microelectronics may not even complete the first tape-out! If I want to face, will I go around with 10 3T hard drives? If I want to face, how can LeTV's tribal series of underwear sell well in island countries and the western world?

I am shameless, I am proud! In the distance, Chang'an Street pierced the sky like a long and narrow beam of light, and Zhao Song suddenly had a strong sense of mission in his heart: If you are shameless, you can make such a fuss. If you are shameless, how far can you go? Zhao Song was fascinated. Seeing Zhao Song's silence, the bearded man thought he was irritated by his own words, and said sincerely: "Zhao Song, lift this cover, you will be in big trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Zhao Song said quietly, "It's bigger than the trouble you imagined to bring me?"


The bearded man thought for a moment, then raised his head and said, "This IT cold wave, Dell's official entry into the florist market, and TCL's fierce offensive, let us imagine that the performance growth is lower than expected. Zhao Song, the imaginary action is just a normal business transaction, and there is no targeted did you mean!"

"Edit! Continue to edit!" Zhao Song sneered and said, "Dell's entry into flower planting has been unacceptable. Its telephone and online direct sales will not be accepted by flower planting consumers at all. The dealer model has fallen into your strong point. As for TCL, the pioneer of home appliance computerization, the initiator of Ten Thousand Pentium, but their biggest mistake is to sell computers as home appliances." Having said this, Zhao Song turned his head to look at the bearded man, and the sneer on his face became more obvious. "Fantasy has the largest brand share in Asia. You probably don't take those two companies too seriously. What Fantasia is really worried about is Shenzhou! Shenzhou is following the same route as you!" "..." The bearded man remained silent. "That's why you started fighting the doctrine of Tesla's chassis patent!" Zhao Song stared at the bearded man with burning eyes: "Plan to repeat the old trick?

Mr. Wang is an outstanding party member in the country. Do you think that a person like me who has never paid a tour fee knows how to take care of the overall situation like him? "

The bearded man became more and more speechless, Zhao Song's words made him feel awkward, but also made him feel more and more incredible about Zhao Song's fortune.

This person's life experience has been dug up by the media. Everyone knows that he was suddenly recruited by the school just before the college entrance examination.

As for the tour fee, in his capacity, he may not even know whether he paid it or not.

Shaking his head and leaving his messy thoughts behind, the bearded man asked solemnly, "What are you going to do?"

Zhao Song sighed lightly: "Come on step by step, but there is another opponent called 'Fantasy'."

The bearded man chuckled lightly and said, "Can you handle it?"

Zhao Song nodded fiercely, squinting his eyes and staring at the bearded man.

"You guys made a mistake in using out-of-the-box tricks, you know, the more you use this kind of trick, the more flaws you will have!

You use off-the-board tricks, no matter how fierce I deal with it, others will not be able to say anything.

You'd better sign the cooperation agreement later, and see what I will do before deciding whether to sign it or not! "

The bearded man suddenly became nervous: "What will you do?"

Zhao Song laughed lightly, did not answer his words, turned his head to look at the distant city, and said softly: "Brother Wei, if you want to make your fantasy bigger, Shenzhou Technology should also make it bigger. In your fantasy, you are just a small Business group director, if you come to Shenzhou Technology..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Song looked at the bearded man sincerely: "The position of the president is vacant, and you can quote the shares of Shenzhou in my hand!"

The bearded man suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and shook his head vigorously: "I'm imagining very well, thank you Mr. Zhao for your attention." "No thanks!" Hearing this unsurprising answer, Zhao Song turned and walked towards the Audi car. The attitude is expressed, the purpose of the meeting has been achieved, he doesn't want to continue to blow the cold wind on the top of the mountain with a big man.

"Zhao Song."

"What are you doing?"

"Tesla, to be bigger or stronger!"

"Big and strong!"



At the same time, Sister Dada's family was having a warm dinner in a compound at the foot of the West Mountain, which also belongs to the Yanshan Mountains, in the northwest of Dingdu Peak.

"Mom, I'm done."

The little overlord Wei Zhao Yunhao wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, and looked at Sister Dada with longing eyes.

"Go." Sister Dada smiled inwardly, and said sternly: "You can only play for half an hour!"


Overjoyed, Xiaobawang quickly ran to the TV cabinet, turned on the retro Xiaobawang learning machine that Zhao Song gave him, and started playing Tetris.

Playing this is not because he has any nostalgia at such a young age, but because he made up his mind that in the next challenge, he must win Wei Mingyu!

After looking seriously for a while with a smile on her face, Sister Dada put down the chopsticks in her hand and said seriously: "Dad, let me introduce to you what Tesla Microelectronics is doing!"

As soon as the voice fell, the dining table suddenly fell silent.

Still alive, because of that typhoon, I have to work overtime.

On the way home by bike, I met a man who opened the door without looking in the rearview mirror. I was dizzy, so I didn't have time to ask for leave.

Posted a photo of a minor injury in the W group in the morning, and then slept until now.

The root of the buttocks hurts so much that there is no bone fracture. The driver paid some money, which is fine...

Regarding the writing attitude, let me explain:

I posted my salary in the group, more than 3,000 a month, and now it has risen to more than 4,000. The income from writing is the bulk, so I will write with the most pious attitude no matter what.

It was the first time to write a book, and all the book friends could tell that the bigger the stall, the more difficult it was to write. Now, the biggest requirement for myself is to be logical, just don't insult the IQ of the book friends.

Above, sorry, thank you.

Work hard to improve.

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