Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 412 You can rest assured.

In the restaurant, everything was quiet.

Not only Mr. Wei, but even Wei Liang looked at Sister DaDa attentively.

The appearance of her husband made Sister Dada smile knowingly: "Tesla Microelectronics doesn't know how to make CPUs!"

Seeing the slightly surprised and shocked expressions of the two, Sister Dada quickly added: "To be precise, I don't make CPUs on PCs."

Hearing Sister DaDa's words, Wei Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "That's true, otherwise it would be a waste for the Spreadtrum team to go to your place."


Sister Da Da snorted, rolled her eyes at her husband, and said very displeasedly: "In your eyes, or in the eyes of the so-called flower growers, you can only be number one, and you can't be second, let alone no one! Objective factors don’t listen at all!”


Wei Liang's expression froze, speechless.

The social ethos of flower growers is generally positive, but the mentality of being impetuous and eager for quick success is indeed common.

He also understands that it is not only digital circuits that drive the development of the semiconductor industry, but only CPUs, GPUs, and SOCs!

Analog circuits, hybrid circuits, various power electronic devices, high-frequency amplifiers, etc... Which one is not important?

"Among the major suppliers in the PC upstream industry, I will take INTEL as an example."

Sister Da Da did not embarrass her husband any longer, and continued the topic just now: "According to their company's rules, a single supplier is not allowed to exist, so the supplier company will tell another company in the same industry the definition of the product."

Mr. Wei frowned, and asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

"It's reverse design!"

Sister Dada quickly replied: "In the United States, the Tesla branch and Weiwei Group have collected a lot of chip designs that are going to the market. What Tesla Microelectronics is doing now is copying!"

Wei Liang and Mr. Wei looked at Sister Da Da's words in puzzlement: "Copy?"

What are you kidding?

Aren't foreign companies very strict in controlling patents? Now the country has begun to prepare for further planning in terms of intellectual property rights in order to integrate with the world market, but what Sister DaDa means is different from what they think?

Sister Da Da explained: "In some IC design companies in the United States, when the gross profit margin of a certain product is lower than 50%, they will quickly give up and develop higher-end, higher-profit products.

But the market for the products they gave up is still huge. Dad, the middle and low-end industries are shifting, but due to our lack of technical talents, most of the soup is drunk by Wanwan. "

Wei Liang glanced at his father, and then asked: "What does this copy have to do with it?"

"Copying is reverse design. For example, Wanwan Liqi started his business with this, and what Tesla Microelectronics is doing is Liqi's old way."

Speaking of this, Sister Dada shook her head and said with emotion: "Tesla Microelectronics can only get the code-to-code chip right, which is already a very powerful thing. The back-end is basically under the in-depth guidance of Fujitsu engineers. Just made it."

"So you want to copy...reverse design?" Da Da's brother-in-law felt that the word "copy" was really unpleasant.

"That's right!"

Sister Da Da nodded, "Only from a technical point of view, there are many learning opportunities in the process of doing reverse design. If you can have a certain degree of understanding of circuits designed by others, you will learn some useful things from them. ideas. It will also be helpful for positive design.”

Speaking of this, Sister DaDa paused, took out a list from her bag, and handed it to Mr. Wei.

"Dad, this is some chip information that Tesla Microelectronics is redefining, part of which has been taped out and is undergoing final testing.

These are all substitutes for chips imported from Wanwan..."

It is also said that reverse design is a quagmire for IC designers and a quagmire that destroys the designer's ability to innovate. However, this is indeed the most beneficial shortcut for Tesla microelectronics at present.

After all, in the field of semiconductors, there are no shortcuts!

Mr. Wei looked at the list and read it out in a low voice: "The memory power supply chip, the USB drive chip... are all on that motherboard?"

"That's right!"

Sister Dada smiled, "Wanwan is using the most severe means to block the integrated circuit industry against us. These chips are the chips that allow us to counter them!"

Mr. Wei nodded. The so-called countermeasures are nothing more than raising tariffs, restricting imports and other means. It doesn't need to be implemented. As long as some rumors are released, it will cause a major blow to companies such as Wanwan Liqi.

You must know that flower growers are the second largest consumer market in the world. If there is no accident, with a population of more than one billion, it will be a matter of time before they become the largest market.

After Mr. Wei handed the list to Wei Liang, Sister Da Da went on to say: "Learning, interrogating, thinking carefully, practicing earnestly, and being able to endure loneliness, this is the definition of the semiconductor industry for a young man who has just turned 20 years old.

He also said some words, which impressed me very much: "The progress of the country, all industries come first, first go to the people's livelihood, basic industries, and after making money, then go to high-tech, it is impossible to do everything at once The industry started going hand in hand.

But if Tesla can make the market, why can't it go first? '"

Mr. Wei trembled, and looked at Sister Da Da in surprise. He really didn't expect that such a big picture would be said by that little Zhao Song.

“This year, Tesla recruited almost all the graduates with double Ph.D. degrees in microelectronics and computer science. He is willing to improve the treatment for these people and is trying to build a house for them.

Dad, what Tesla Micro is doing is the follow-up of the 909 project-to cultivate talents, we are willing to wait for them to become useful; we are willing to cultivate the market by ourselves and create a virtuous circle by ourselves; wait for an explosion at a certain moment in the future!

I believe that with the solid development plan of Tesla Microelectronics, one day, we will be able to simultaneously carry out chip development and manufacturing process development, research principles, try solutions, and work together with FOUNDRY to tackle difficulties.

We don't need the state to take care of us. All we want is a fair business environment! "

In the 909 project, in addition to the establishment of several large fabs, the follow-up plan is to invest in the establishment of several IC design companies, but the time span of this plan is very large.

In the 909 project, there is the biggest Easter egg - that is the predecessor of HiSilicon Semiconductor.

Before the national investment was released, Huawei started HiSilicon for that idiot.


In the restaurant, it was quiet again.

Mr. Wei looked at Sister Dada in a daze, and after a long time, he sighed: "If you don't make CPU, what are you doing investing in Godson? Are you going to give the credit to others?"

"..." Sister Dada lowered her head and remained silent.

"It's too stable!" Mr. Wei stood up and walked into the study slowly.

Ten minutes later, he came out with a pair of rice paper, and handed it to Sister DaDa: "Tell him, be a man clearly, do things cleanly, this country can tolerate such a freak!"

"Yeah!" Sister Da Da nodded excitedly, unfolded the rice paper carefully, and then showed a dumbfounded expression.

"The misty and dangerous pavilion, laughing and talking alone on the thousand peaks. Who will share the rewards. There are thousands of miles of smoke and waves.

When I get old, I still think about the end of the world. empty melancholy. Young and unrestrained. Don't learn from the old man. "

That Zhao Song, who is planning to gossip everywhere now, doesn't look like a bad man?

But with this picture, Zhao Song can really relax and go off on people!

Note: "Dian Jiang Lip · Shaoxing Yimao Dengjue Pavilion" [Song] Ye Mengde

PS: Dada’s brother-in-law’s surname is Wei, there are some mistakes in the previous part, my memory has deteriorated badly.

In today's chapter, the climax is indeed coming, and I worry about gains and losses.

Book friends under Typhoon Lekima, be safe!

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