Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 415 Waiting for Zhonghai Zhao Song.

In the next two days, as Shi Tong said, not only Huashi, but also other Wanwan boards generally adopted the method of tie-in sales for promotion.

In Zhongguancun, Huaqiangbei, and across the country, more and more advertisements have been hung up. This promotion war finally began to spread to the whole industry and officially entered a climax.

It’s funny to say, Wanwan series, Wanwan series. In fact, their boards account for more than 90% of the entire DIY market for flower growers. Apart from a few European and American manufacturers, only Xintianxia Group is left. The two doves occupy the magpie's nest board products.

Of course, there are also several fantasy boards, which are dying in a few inconspicuous counters.

It can be said that Zhao Song is not only against Huashi this time, but it is not an exaggeration to say that he has become against the entire DIY industry.

And it’s not just this industry. On a motherboard, before the CPU is plugged in, in addition to the South Bridge and North Bridge chipsets, there are at least 10 more chips embedded on it.

As for the flower growers, in the next ten years in another time and space, senior talents returning from overseas have successively established countless IC design companies in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. They are silent and unknown. , Eighteen years after Zhao Song came back, those low-end chips for various purposes finally had domestic substitutes, and they were used in that small mobile phone.

To make a digression, the flower growers eighteen years later are today's Wanwan Province, the gap is so big!

This is the result of countless years of hard work by those who have dedicated silently. In that year, IC design companies with revenues of tens of millions of yuan abounded; Including revenue) is the 21st place, surpassing MediaTek in Wanwan Province.

Above, only in the IC design industry.

In the field of semiconductors, how many derivative industries, design, equipment, materials, etc., will not be clear for a while. As for flower growers, the only thing that can be gratified is that we have achieved a large and complete range of everything...


Back to the topic, Wanwan’s deep integration of upstream and downstream makes their boards sell well all over the world, and Zhao Song is facing such an enemy...


In 2001, May 4th, Friday, Youth Day, the weather was particularly sunny.

At 8:00 am, Zhongguanyuan bus station.

Small shopkeeper Wang Yuntao got off a 307 bus and hurried to Zhonghai.

Wang Yuntao is 22 years old this year, a college student, and also a follower of Zhao Song's entrepreneurial legend.

According to the media reports on Zhao Song in the past few months, there are many young people who are dizzy like him and plunge into Zhongguancun.

Every day, they are in a hurry, chasing the realistic examples hard. Some people may stay, some people are destined to be passers-by, but it doesn’t matter. In the words of the famous director Cameron: “If you set an unreasonably high goal , even if you fail, your failure is above anyone else's success."

"Dreams are things waiting for you to realize!"

Thinking of the blood-boiling chicken soup in his heart, Wang Yuntao looked at the busy Dianhai West Road not far away, with a wry smile on his face.

That goal is indeed ridiculously high. Today, when the homogenization of personal computers is becoming more and more serious, not just anyone can make a case similar to Phantom Red, let alone those more innovative products after Phantom Red. ...

Not everyone can be the best product manager of a florist.

Wang Yuntao's footsteps became faster and faster. When passing by the Pacific Ocean, he only took a few glances at the huge advertising banners of the Wanwan system, and hurried past. After a while, he came to Zhonghai.

At this time, the big screen on the curtain wall of Zhonghai also played advertisements, except for Tesla and Shenzhou in the main seats, all other places were occupied by Wanwan brands.

All kinds of exciting copywriting, all kinds of frightening prices, made him a little more worried about the richest man—the formation of the Wanwan department is simply too scary!


Through the staff entrance and into aisle 11, which mainly sells second-hand, Wang Yuntao came to a small counter, then quickly changed into a clean suit, picked up a rag and carefully wiped the glass counter.

That's right, this is the counter rented by Wang Yuntao alone. He is the best among the hot-headed young entrepreneurs. As for the secret, it is nothing more than a word of diligence!

Anyone who works hard at work, puts up small advertisements everywhere after get off work, and is busy all day long can live a very nourishing life here.

As for studying... Well, as an ordinary student majoring in lottery at the National Lottery Development Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, knowing that he is an ordinary student, he would never think that after graduation, he would be able to enter that noble department that everyone envied.

While wiping the counter, Wang Yuntao pricked up his ears, listening to Linpu's conversation. It was a sales representative of the Wanwan department introducing the manufacturer's new rebate measures.


Hearing the rebate ratio mentioned by the sales representative, Wang Yuntao curled his lips in disdain. In the past two days, many sales representatives would not let go of small shopkeepers like him. Naturally, many manufacturers gave rebates.

After the sales representative left, Wang Yuntao approached.

"Uncle, which one is this?"

Youshang is a middle-aged man under 40. Seeing Wang Yuntao's curious look, he smiled and said, "A second-tier brand to join in the fun."

Wang Yuntao nodded.

"Uncle, in the past two days, the rebates given by those first-line workers in Wanwan are more than those given by Tesla and Shenzhou. What are your plans?"

The middle-aged businessman shook his head, and said confidently: "No plan, it's the same as before! Their rebates are not much more than Tesla's, not to mention that they have to distribute through several general agents, who knows when they will get it.

Xiao Wang, do you know the settlement speed of Tesla and Shenzhou? "

Wang Yuntao nodded again and again. He has been here for several months. Of course he knows Tesla's efficiency, and he can't help but sigh in his heart:

In order to shorten the settlement cycle, Zhao Song gave up so many benefits at the beginning, was it just to prepare for today?

As expected of the richest man...

"Xiao Wang, listen to Uncle, unless the customer specifies, otherwise, push Tesla products, get the cash as soon as possible, and the quick flow is the kingly way."

Because of Zhao Song's relationship, Zhonghai is very friendly to entrepreneurial college students like Wang Yuntao, and many long-established merchants are willing to give advice without affecting their own interests.

Wang Yuntao nodded, and then asked curiously, "Uncle, who do you think will win this time?"

Zhonghai Zhao Song, who fought all the way up, is about to fight again. Having personally experienced this war, he is still a little excited, and he is always paying attention to the various actions of the richest man.

When the middle-aged friend merchant heard Wang Yuntao's words, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Xiao Wang, they are all such big companies. There is no absolute winner or loser. It just depends on who can achieve their goals and grab more market share."

Wang Yuntao nodded thoughtfully, and then asked suspiciously: "Uncle, do you know what Zhao Song's purpose is?"

"I don't know!" The middle-aged friend merchant shook his head and patted Wang Yuntao's shoulder lightly.

"Xiao Wang, Uncle will remind you..."

The middle-aged businessman tilted his head to organize his thoughts, and then said: "First, every time Zhao Song hits, Tesla's reputation rises to a higher level.

Second, even when Tesla was selling compatible machines, it still had two main products, but at such a critical time, why only T1? "

Wang Yuntao asked in disbelief for a while, "You mean..."

"I didn't say anything!" The friend businessman shook his head again and again: "Xiao Wang, this is Zhonghai, the headquarters of Zhonghai Zhaosong, remember, they will notice Tesla products, and we can get them as soon as possible. to Tesla's new products."

Wang Yuntao nodded blankly. He knew that Zhao Song had proved with countless examples that Tesla's new products represented best-sellers, and even money!

It's as if the five indicators of Shenzhou Youth, one desktop computer that was just listed in his hand today, have all been sold before he got the goods...

That's a new Tesla product!


At this time, a thunderous drum sound resounded through Zhong Hai.

Afterwards, the entire shopping mall fell silent. Everyone raised their heads and stared blankly at the screen above their heads. There were no longer advertisements on it, but the screen was full of snowflakes.

At this moment, they suddenly understood something, and they all raised their heads expectantly and excitedly, waiting for that moment to come.

Waiting for the surprise brought by Zhong Hai Zhao Song~

The data for HiSilicon is the 2018 data, which is from a certain statistics company, and it is not authoritative.

For Huawei, in terms of communication technology, it can be said to be the first in half of the world (for discussion only), and the other half. Think about Qualcomm in the United States. Although its own chips also use ARM architecture, in the field of communication, it The CDMA patent wall is really awesome, follow-up, when I write about the communication, I will do more to understand and then introduce.

Sorry for thinking too much and writing too slowly.

Today's chapter, I will try to update it as early as possible tomorrow.

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