Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 416 Advertisement

May 4th is Youth Day, but for many young friends, this is just an ordinary day, so ordinary that they don't even remember that it is their holiday.

8:55 a.m. Beijing time.


Liu Cong, 28 years old, is a young man.

In a certain high-rise building, a few people from the advertising agency had just sent away, and immediately scribbled at his desk. For him, this night's work (jet lag) had just begun.

the capital.

Ding Tao, 27 years old, is a young man.

After handing over a few documents of the company's daily affairs to the assistant, he turned on the TV non-stop, and then took out another document from the tall pile of documents, then lowered his head to deal with it.

Gui Luyang, 33 years old, is a young man.

In the driver's seat of the Passat, Gui Luyang put down the personnel information in his hand, turned around and took out a thermometer from the arms of his sleeping little daughter, looked at it carefully, and then heaved a sigh of relief, showing a reassuring smile, and put the thin quilt After covering it for her daughter and leaving a gap in the car window, she gently opened the car door and greeted Yuan Wu who was waiting outside.

Now every day is a new challenge for her, but what makes her most proud is that she can keep up with the child's growth rate.

Zhu Wei, 45 years old, is also a young man in the communication industry.

At this moment, he was standing at the gate of the Capital International Airport, watching the R\u0026D personnel returning from the island country, walking towards him in high spirits, with a gratified smile on his face-he finally lived up to the company's entrustment, and ZTE's self-developed smart base station finally It worked.


When the sound of the drum came, Zhu Wei and everyone present quickly followed the sound and looked towards the big screen.


Da Shuai Shuai, 23 years old, is a young man.

General subject teacher in a village primary school in central Shu.

There is still some time before class starts, and the young students in the classroom are looking at him excitedly, watching him play with an old TV.

"There is a picture, there is a picture!"

Amidst the cheers, the sweaty handsome man hurriedly looked sideways at the TV.



Sunny, 24 years old, is a young man.

In the quiet scientific research building, in the stairwell, I sat on the steps tiredly on a sunny day, holding a coffee cup in my hand, my eyes were straight and out of focus.

The 9520-hour experiment failed again and again. She didn't know how long she would persist, and she didn't even know how long Zhao Song could support it.

After drinking the last sip of coffee, Qing Tian slowly stood up and walked towards the laboratory.

Although 0.05 is a success, 0.01 is still far away. It turns out that this is cruel scientific research...


When passing by the tutor's office, a drum beat stopped her, and a few minutes later, she saw herself on TV and burst into tears.


At this moment, countless young people, intentionally or not, heard the sound of the drum.

In the morning, they are either running around work or looking forward to a better day in life.



Zhonghai Electronics Market.

Amidst the sound of drums, Zhao Song walked out of the office, and together with everyone in the mall, looked at the screen in the sky.

Looking forward to that... copywriting advertisement worth hundreds of millions!



After the drum beat, the snowflakes gradually disappeared.

In the picture, a white-collar beauty is slowly approaching.

The beauty is very beautiful, and even makes everyone who sees it feel amazing like never before.

Therefore, if you must add a name to this white-collar beauty, her name is Bai Li.

"it's beautiful!"

Betty got closer and closer, until people could clearly see her flawless face, there was a sound of admiration in Zhonghai Mall.

At this time, a deep and magnetic male voice narrated slowly.

"You only smell my perfume, but you don't see my sweat!"

With the narration, the screen switches.

Remember that summer?

In the dark warehouse of Zhong Hai, Bai Li with a face full of gray, holding a memory stick, plugged and unplugged a motherboard, unplugged, plugged, unplugged...

Outdoors, under the strong sunlight, the handsome man covered in sweat struggled to move against the bulky CRT monitor packaging.

"It's so handsome!" There was an admiration!


"You have your rules, I have my choices."

After the narration, the screen switches.

A plane soared into the sky, and countless smiling faces suddenly flashed in the sky: Lu Li, Dong Lingyun, Zhu Ye, Liu Cong, Pingping...

They are all related to Zhao Song, some go to study, some go to work, but what is certain is that one day, all of them will come back to this land, because they promised!


"You deny my present, I decide my future, you laugh at me for having nothing, not worthy of love, I pity you for always waiting."

During the narration, the faint sound of drums came again, and the speed of screen switching became faster and faster, and more and more people appeared on the TV screen.

Xizi who is anti-package, dumb Liu who is serious about testing, Gui Luyang who is walking hard, sunny day who is concentrating, and cloudy day who is full of madness. In the picture, they are so young and so energetic.

"You can despise our youth, we will prove whose era it is!"

Several huge factory buildings suddenly flashed, and the logos of Tesla, Shenzhou Technology, Wuming, Shanshi, Wesonic, and even ZTE appeared in front of everyone one after another.

At this moment, everyone understood that this is not an exclusive advertisement for Tesla, but for all struggling young people.


"Dreams are destined to travel alone, and doubts and ridicules are indispensable on the road!"

At this time, many middle-aged old men suddenly appeared in suits and leather shoes, with disdain on their faces, and shouted at the young man in front of them.


Standing in Zhonghai, Shi Tong stared at the screen dumbfounded, feeling chills all over his body. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the third exaggerated person who scolded him was very similar to him. The other, is fantasy.

"Where did the bastard find a special actor?"

Seeing the bewitched people around, Shi Tong could only curse in his heart!


"But, so what, even if you are covered in bruises, you still have to live beautifully."

The drums became more intense, and the pictures on the TV kept changing.

Bai Li stood in the Yiren Club, with a confident expression on her face that was so intoxicating.

Standing on the dilapidated podium, a handsome man dressed in dirt, and under the stage, left-behind children of different sizes are listening to the class attentively.

In the spacious and bright factory building, countless young people wear all kinds of work clothes, Tesla, Shenzhou, ZTE...

The camera flashed quickly on their faces, leaving people with serious and young faces.

The sound of the drums gradually faded away, and the picture gradually froze on a small lonely window—it was a small window with a light on all night, and it was the window of Ding Tao's single room in the Education Bureau.

In Wutong Building, Ding Tao stared at the TV with red eyes, watching the TV screen suddenly switch to a large auditorium, countless people stood up and applauded enthusiastically.

Amidst the applause, Zhao Song in a suit and leather shoes walked onto the podium slowly. Behind him, countless faces kept flashing:

Liu Cong, Yuanyuan, Yuan Wu, Song Guanyi, Yu Zhi, Sister Da Da, Xing Sheng, Sister Fang, Li Bowei, Captain Hong, Qin Hai, Xiao Wu, Chen Keyan, Wan Anhe, Cloudy, Sunny, Xi Zi, Li Yong, Da Shuai Shuai, Bai Li, Lian Shun, Gui Luyang, Shi Ming, Professor Zhou, Li Qiang, three college students...

The faster and faster pictures clearly tell people that success is not accidental. It is these people who have created the youngest and richest flower growers.

At this time, Zhao Song was already standing on the podium.

In Zhonghai, in Wutong Building, at the Capital Airport, in Huaqiang North of Shenzhen City, in Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering, and in countless places across the country, everyone was watching TV intently.

Looking at the richest man who slowly raised his head, clenched his fist, and slammed it forward.


The screen shattered and the narration sounded.

"I am Zhao Song, and I speak for myself!"


I am Zhao Song, I call myself a pioneer, and I speak for all young people.

Two years later, an army of millions of post-80s engineers is ready to go.

Ten years later, the hard-working and talented post-90s will enter the arena!

Old men, are you ready?

Fuck you!

As of 2017, the number of college student village officials in China has decreased year by year, but there are still 66,000 on the job.

As of 2017, more than 82.23% of overseas Chinese returned to China. They are no longer bystanders, but participants and builders of China's rise.

Awesome, post-90s who enjoy the highest housing prices!

Hats off to you!

PS: After taking Betaloc and Bisoprolol Fumarate Tablets, my heart hurts.

A chapter ha.

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