Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 417: That's So Good


The Zhonghai Electronics Market, which is already in operation, is still the same as before, with many people.

The difference is that at this time, there is no noise in the past, and the entire shopping mall is completely silent!

Everyone raised their heads, looked excitedly at the monitor above their heads, and watched the inspirational blockbuster with 3.89 million independent retweets in another time and space.


The screen is broken.

"I am Zhao Song, and I speak for myself!"


Zhao Song, who was standing outside the office door, swallowed and grinned stiffly.

If it was possible, he really didn't want to release this big killer early, but unfortunately his opponents are now two giant companies...

With the Internet scale of flower growers now, if it is only placed on the Internet, this advertisement will definitely not be able to create such a big sensation in the previous life.

Looking at the different logos in the upper right corner of the monitor above his head, Zhao Song shook his body in distress, turned his head slowly, and said to Xu Xinfei and the three college students behind him: "It's our turn!"

Yes, it’s time for Tesla. After the inspirational blockbuster, the second advertisement was staged seamlessly, just to tell everyone that although we are young, we don’t just talk about it!

As soon as the voice fell, the drumbeat that ran through the inspirational blockbuster suddenly increased in volume, resounding throughout the Zhonghai Market.


Xu Xinfei stared intently at the monitor, watching that the picture broken by Zhao Song's fist suddenly turned into a map of the whole country.


With each drum beat, a city will appear on the map with a big 'T' lit up

"That's Tesla's aftermarket!"

Someone yelled.

The caller was Lao Feng. At this moment, he finally understood where Zhao Song spent half of the money Tesla earned in the memory war:

Instead of building buildings, he's building Tesla's own aftermarket channel.

Compared with Huashi's after-sales outsourcing, Tesla, which has not yet formed a product system, has spent huge sums of money to establish its own after-sales service, which can better show the company's attitude towards consumers!

At this time, the silence in the shopping mall became more and more chilling. Everyone saw more and more 'T' characters appearing on the map, and a question involuntarily arose in their hearts.

"How much will it cost?"


How much will it cost?

Five hundred million!

If someone asks Zhao Song in front of him, he will proudly tell him the answer!

That is not an after-sales department hidden in various commercial buildings, but a five-star after-sales service ZTE!

The drumbeat of "咚咚~" became faster and faster, and there were more and more "T" characters on the map.

Zhao Song turned around and stood side by side with Xu Xinfei and three college students.

He patted Xu Xinfei and Li Tao on the shoulders vigorously, put his left arm around Tong Jun, and his right hand around Hua Qibiao's shoulder. Zhao Song's eyes suddenly became clouded, and he muttered to himself.

"Seven months, 43 after-sales service departments! Thank you for your hard work, hard work for you, really... hard work for you!"

7 months, talking about Xu Xinfei, the three college students have been wandering outside for more than a year, Zhao Song doesn't know what they have experienced, although they didn't say anything, but he can be sure, how many unimaginable things are there hardships!

Tong Jun looked at more and more 'T's on the TV with dim eyes, recalled his silly smile in the inspirational blockbuster just now, choked up and said: "Boss, it's not hard work, compared to what you gave us, it's not hard work at all." !"

Li Tao and Hua Qibiao on the side also nodded vigorously. Compared with the remuneration paid by Tesla, they cherished the experience of having complete decision-making power for more than a year.


On the TV, as all the first- and second-tier cities on the map of the florist lit up with the letter 'T', the drumbeat also reached its final climax.



Amidst the thundering roar, the screen shattered again!

This time, what appeared in front of everyone was no longer an extremely sour copywriting, nor was it a promotion of the company’s scale, but a real product—the console, Tesla’s entry into the mainstream 10,000-dollar phone market host!

"I'm stupid!"

Overclocking the three counters, watching the silver and white chassis suddenly appear on the TV, Boss Feng didn't want to utter a foul language on his own.



Hearing the discussions in his ears, Boss Feng took out his mobile phone to make a call, while staring at the screen dazedly.

"Brother Rong, did you see it, did you see it?"

"I see, Xiao Feng, you told Zhao Song that as long as the first batch of goods can be given to us, in the next half month, he will not see Huashi's name on the sales rankings of major parts in the capital!"

Boss Feng nodded excitedly, and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, Brother Rong is waiting for my news."

At this time, the slowly rotating case in the TV suddenly opened the cover.

"Depend on!"


"what is that?"

"Modular design! That's a more thorough modular design than t1!"

"G5, he has the same name as Tesla's mechanical keyboard!"

"Finally understand why there are only black G5 keyboards on the market."

Seeing this, Boss Feng no longer hesitated, pushed aside the fellows who were stretching their necks to watch, and strode towards Zhao Song's office.

Overwhelming advertisements, a revolutionary product, plus Tesla's production, what this represents, Boss Feng can figure out with his toes-money!

If such a beautiful thing is placed on the counter or in the shops in the community, it will definitely attract the attention of countless leisure customers. If the price of 9999 is not acceptable, we have other things. Now that you have come in, don’t even think about empty-handed Walk!


In another time and space, if the Apple G5 keyboard is a revolutionary product in the field of computer peripherals, then its G5 chassis is the pinnacle of PC industrial aesthetic design.

Accumulated alumina panel, silver-white body, modular internal structure, futuristic tower body, lean, concise and powerful product design concept, let this product survive in the market for as long as ten years .

This is the Apple Power Mac G5! Apple series began to mature iconic products!

Even in 2018, some people are willing to spend more than 500 yuan to move him home. Even if it needs to be manually modified after buying it back, they are willing to do so!


At the door of Tesla's office, Zhao Song let go of the shoulders of two junior college students and stared at the TV in a daze.

He took out all of Tesla's trump cards at this stage, and the result depends on the reactions of consumers in the next few days.

At this time, Tong Jun asked suspiciously: "Boss, why is this also called G5?"

Because it was originally called G5, Zhao Song didn't say that, he hesitated for a while, and just about to say something, suddenly a gentle female voice came from beside him.

"Because before it, a total of four experimental products were made! If you don't count the hundreds of semi-finished products before."

Xu Liangying walked over slowly, stood beside Zhao Song, then held his arm tightly, looked at him with red eyes and asked, "When was my image taken?"

Feeling the softness from his arms, Zhao Song said with a nonchalant smile, "Let my cousin secretly take pictures."

Xu Liangying nodded, then tightened Zhao Song's arm, leaned on his shoulder, and muttered to herself: "Even if you are covered in bruises, you must live beautifully!

Well said, Zhao Song, well said! "

Looking sideways at the woman who was close to him, Zhao Song smiled gently.

This woman is so beautiful. Zhao Song believes that if she is given another year, Wuming Chassis Factory will definitely be the first manufacturer under Zhao Song to become the number one in the world!

"Zhao Song! How many G5s are there, I'll take care of them!"

Xingsheng walked quickly.

"Zhao Song! Give it to us first, uncle assures you, I will seal Huashi for you in Dajing!"

Boss Feng interrupted profusely with sweat.

"Ring ring ring~~~"

At this time, the phone vibrated crazily.

I was discharged from the hospital today, another chapter.

Try to get back to normal tomorrow.

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