Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 424 It's better to be an accident.

Lian Shun, a heroic anti-drug dog, crossed the mountains of swords and fires, and survived the hail of bullets. There are many stories about him, but for the sake of his partners, many of them cannot be told.

A dog like it will only have one companion in its life, so its occupation in Xiagou Village should not only be a patrol dog, but also a companion dog.

Therefore, its final story is to accompany a lonely old man, a poor and dead sister, and...a nervous and irritable brother.

Up to now, it has been more than a year, the spirit of the old man is getting better and better, the smile of the younger sister is gradually increasing, and the elder brother is gradually becoming normal.

Lian Shun stretched out his long tongue, looked at his younger sister in front of him, and his older brother who was stumbling towards him in the distance, grinned the corners of his mouth wide, as if showing a smile, and then slowly closed his eyes...


Xiao Yu sat slumped on the ground, carefully trying to put Lian Shun's head on her lap, but unfortunately, no matter how careful she was, her trembling hands showed her panic.

At this time, a group of male students in the distance were punching and kicking a wretched young man who fell to the ground.

On the other side, Zhao Song, who was sweating profusely, ran over, knelt beside Xiaoyu, and hurriedly took out a medicine bottle in English from his carry-on bag.

"Lian Shun, take... take medicine..."

"……"no response.

Zhao Song took out another ham with less salt.

"Lian Shun, eat... eat ham..."

"..." The ups and downs of Lian Shun's body stopped slowly.

Xiao Yu's body trembled more and more violently, and tears fell down like a bank bursting.


Three or four bodyguards in suits and leather shoes surrounded him and stood behind Zhao Song, shouting in concern.

Hearing this, Zhao Song regained consciousness a little bit, withdrew his trembling hands from Lian Shun's body, pulled himself together, and confessed softly:

"Call Minister Hong and explain the matter clearly; cooperate with the school security to evacuate the students."


The three bodyguards looked at each other, and then one of them walked towards the students who were punching and kicking.

Patting Xiao Yu's head who was crying bitterly, Zhao Song stood up slowly.

In the distance, several cameras are taking pictures crazily, not far away, three or four uniforms are coming quickly

Taking out his vibrating mobile phone, Zhao Song glanced at it and pressed the answer button.

"Sister, Lian Shun is leaving."

"..." On the other end of the phone, Sister Da Da, who heard the news, immediately choked back. After a while, she comforted softly: "Zhao Song, mourning, this day will come sooner or later."

If it weren't for the expensive medicine Zhao Song bought from abroad, this day would have come long ago.

Zhao Song nodded lightly: "Sister, I understand, what I'm worried about is Xiaoyu."

Sister Da Da immediately said: "I'll go there now."

"No need." Zhao Song bowed his head and thought for a moment before saying with certainty:

"Sister, things have progressed so far, and I found that we overestimated ourselves a little bit. Today's incident is also a warning to me! Fantasies can't be stopped. Brother-in-law and the others want to have the best of both worlds. Our rhythm."

Now, the headquarters of Fantasy is in Zhongguancun, the capital city. With their high profits and taxes, he understands the brother-in-law's hesitation.

Zhao Song knew that during this period of time his path was completely wrong. He shouldn't get too involved with the government, and he should do his own thing seriously as before.

If you have done it, there will naturally be relevant people who will warn you, and if you make a mistake, you will be punished by the relevant department!

As for whether Tesla listens or not, it depends on how big their cards are!

"Okay." Sister Da Da looked back at Wei Liang unwillingly, and nodded. Zhao Song always only speaks in terms of interests. If he can add some elements of national righteousness to what he does, everything may be different. It's been a while, unfortunately...

"Sister, wait a few more days, and Liao Yingzhu will send you more information. At that time, we will launch it together."



After hanging up the phone, Zhao Song looked at the person in charge of the school who was walking quickly, and said quickly: "Director Wang, the incident happened because of me, and I also called the person. It has nothing to do with the students. Please communicate with the parents."

Zhao Song took all the responsibility on himself. In fact, before he and the bodyguards could make a move, Xiao Yu's outraged male classmates rushed up.

Director Wang looked at Zhao Song in a daze, and nodded quickly: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, you are reasonable, and the school and parents will naturally distinguish between the important and the important."

"That's good~" Zhao Songshu breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile: "If it is appropriate, Tesla will replace the playground in our school's middle and high schools with turf. I hope Director Wang will mediate a thing or two."

Director Wang smiled happily: "Then, on behalf of the school, I would like to thank Mr. Zhao!"

After finishing speaking, Director Wang gave the two uniforms who came to him a hard look. Why didn't they come so quickly when there was something in the school? Afterwards, he turned around and left without even thinking about it. There was something going on here, even a fool could see it.


Finally, it's business.

Looking at the two uniforms in front of him, Zhao Song smiled wryly.

In another time and space, he always felt that the fairy dance method Qi Dongqiang encountered was really useless, but he didn't expect to encounter one in this life. It can be imagined that capital is capital. .

"Xiao Yu, take Lian Shun home first, and we'll send him away together when brother is done."

With eyes full of hatred, Xiao Yu fixedly stared at the wretched young man not far away, then nodded slowly, and under everyone's surprised eyes, hugged Lian Shun, who was almost as tall as her, and then Slowly walked towards the Mercedes-Benz on the side of the road.

The bodyguards behind Zhao Song hurriedly followed.

Zhao Song looked at Xiao Yu's back worriedly, and after a while, he came back to his senses, smiled and said to the two uniforms: "The dog is a retired military dog ​​and must be taken away! If you have any objections, there will be relevant units and You communicate."

The two uniforms looked at each other, then quickly shook their heads and said, "No problem."

Zhao Song looked around. At the school gate, the parents and students did not disperse. Instead, they watched the excitement with interest. In the distance, the cameras were still flashing non-stop. Zhao Song smiled lightly.

"Then let's go. If there's anything else, let's go to the institute and talk about it."


The dog hurts people, after being reborn for a while, I actually become less evil!

Zhao Song smiled wryly and explained to the bodyguard behind him, then headed towards the police car on the side of the road.

As for that wretched young man, Xiagou Village will let him know what it means to live in the capital; Brother Lu will let him understand why Hua'er is so popular.

What you pay for is what you get, and whatever you do, there will be a corresponding price, one in and one out, one yin and one yang, a simple composition is the real harmonious society, isn't it?

That wretched young man, he'd better pray that his behavior was just a simple accident, otherwise, it wouldn't be as simple as Xiagou Village and Big Brother Lu venting their anger!

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