Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 425 Are you afraid of him?

As the sun sets, hiding behind the clouds in the sky, a piece of fiery clouds are formed. This kind of beauty is very short-lived, so that people who really see it know what it means to be like a bloody sun and unpredictable.

Kyoto Fashion Institute.

Li Linna walked leisurely on the main road of the campus with her long legs holding her thesis.

She has long hair and is very confident with a smile on her face. The white suspenders are paired with hot pants and the khaki windbreaker, which has a very pure and beautiful feeling. The tight-fitting design also perfectly shows the beautiful body lines. Black High-heeled shoes make the whole figure more upright, and the skin as white as snow is very eye-catching.

These flowers, which are gradually becoming more and more famous on campus, made countless men in Beijing clothes stare blankly, and the throats of a few boys with unstable minds even trembled non-stop.

Li Linna walked forward with a smile on her face.

I don't know why, but today the school security refused to enter her Toyota Camry, but she didn't care, if she couldn't drive, she just left.

Just as Zhao Song said, her long legs are always hidden, it's a pity not to ride a bicycle.

Although I don't understand what it means to ride a bicycle, walking is also good.

"Student Linna."

"Miss Li."

At this time, two voices came from calling at the same time, one was a tall and handsome guy, and the other was Minister Hong Tao of Tesla's Security Department.

Glancing at the handsome guy expressionlessly, Li Linna smiled and asked Minister Hong Tao, "Uncle Hong, why are you here?"

Minister Hong nodded to Li Linna, and said calmly: "Something happened at home, Zhao Song asked you to go and accompany Xiao Yu."

"Let's go!" Hearing this, Li Linna nodded to Minister Hong, and then walked anxiously outside the school.

Hong Tao motioned to the bodyguard behind him, and someone quickly followed Li Linna, then Hong Tao turned his head slowly, looked at the handsome guy, and asked calmly, "Who asked you to come?"

"Nobody..." As soon as the handsome guy said that, he saw Hong Tao's deep eyes, shivered immediately, and stammered, "Who... I... Mo... I don't know why!"

Hong Tao laughed, stared at him carefully, imprinted his appearance in his mind, then lightly patted the handsome man on the shoulder, and said calmly, "No is the best, it is best not to! "


On this bloody evening of the setting sun, the radio waves above the capital were extremely busy.

Some people were furious, and some people complained, but more people gradually calmed down after a piece of news was released.

The Ministry of Information Industry's third killing of PHS and the third killing of PHS came in advance in this time and space: the Ministry of Information Industry issued a document signed by the minister, requiring all localities to suspend the construction of PHS. At the same time, an insider of China Mobile announced to ZTE that if ZTE continued to take in the construction of PHS, then ZTE's position as a mobile equipment purchaser in the future would be adjusted.

After receiving the news, ZTE hesitated in the experimental bureau of Rongcheng in the middle of Sichuan Province-continue to do it, not only may not be able to collect the project funds, but the company's big mobile business will also be affected; if you don't do it, you will miss it Here is an opportunity to build the best PHS model site in a big city!

In the face of national policy, the endorsement of the richest man has no effect.

This time, everyone knew that Zhao Song was no longer facing Fantasy Group, but Fantasy Holding!

As soon as Xiao Liu, the business godfather of the flower planter, appeared on the stage, he knocked down the aura of our young richest man with a thunderous force.

Can the development of PHS produce hundreds of billionaires?

It's just the brazen bravado of a brat!

Look, this is the advantage of having a good network of contacts. With a few twists and turns, some of the plans of the little richest man will come to naught.

Your commitment to some people is like a castle in the air.

If you want to take advantage of the situation, I will make you useless!

Your so-called warning against fantasy is but a poor joke!

This evening, Huahua stockholders' confidence in Zhao Song began to loosen at noon, and among the many shareholders of China Science and Technology, there were also complaints about Zhao Song.



"Let go!"

Dongsheng Police Station.

Wen Lihua patted the table and glared at the middle-aged director.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, the director said in a soft voice, "Secretary Wen, that little young man has a comminuted fracture of his forearm, and he can't let it go for the time being."

"Did Zhao Song hit him?"

"..." The director had a terrible headache: "It was bitten by his dog."

Wen Lihua leaned over in front of the director, and said bitterly: "What kind of dog is that, don't tell me you don't know until now!"


What the hell is wrong with this shit, the director is at a loss for words, but curses in his heart.

"Let go!"

Wen Lihua shouted again.

Suo raised his head and shook his head bitterly: "Secretary Wen, I can't let him go. He has to stay here for a few days."

Even if the wretched young man has malicious intentions, Zhao Song is too misplaced. There is nothing wrong with this matter, but it is awkward! All the director can do is to keep his words in a more subtle way.

That means someone has spoken, Wen Lihua understood, and nodded slowly, knowing that her level cannot be involved in this matter, so she stopped entangled in this issue, and asked softly:

"Who called those two reporters?"

The director shook his head, he didn't know, and he didn't want to know.


Wen Lihua sneered: "At the feet of the Son of Heaven, even doing business will move your family..."

The director was speechless.

"Just to remind you, you should know what Zhao Song is doing in Xiagou Village. I can only suppress it for three days. After three days, Xiagou Village with 7,000 people, you can deal with it yourself!"


The door was slammed hard.


At the same time, a newspaper office in Beijing.

Lu Liang walked in the office hall step by step with several uniforms, watching the busy people with interest.


At this time, a staff member stopped him, looked at his camouflage uniform, and said suspiciously: "What's the matter with you, police officer?"

Lu Liang took out his ID slowly and waved it in front of the female staff.

"Look for your editor-in-chief."

Looking at the long list of titles on the certificate, the female staff gave Lu Liang a blank look, and quickly pointed to an office.

"Thank you~"


Editor's Office.

"The richest man's dog hurts people..." Lu Liang picked up the editor-in-chief's manuscript and looked at him with cold eyes: "Under the order of the superior, in order to protect the frontline soldiers, that dog cannot appear in the news of your magazine!"

In the eyes of some villains, the old and ugly Lian Shun is too famous. He was supposed to die in the kennel, but unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened to him.

Dying on the battlefield can be regarded as fulfilling a soldier's wish, but the anger in Lu Liang's heart could not be suppressed no matter what.

The editor-in-chief immediately said anxiously: "But~"

"Who greeted you?" Lu Liang interrupted: "Why did those two reporters show up there earlier?"


"Please call them over, we need to confirm whether they are in collusion with criminals."


"Bang~" Lu Liang slapped the table vigorously, showing a ferocious face, and shouted: "Call someone!"

"Yes Yes!"


The bloody setting sun gradually disappeared into Tianji, and the fantasy building at the end of Zhongguancun Street became brightly lit.

The bearded man was coming out of the gate with his bald men.

"Before signing the contract tomorrow, I will confirm the production line indicated by Huashi again."


The bearded man thought for a while and found that there was nothing missing, so he dismissed the bald man and left quickly.

He is the protagonist of tomorrow's signing ceremony, so he got off work early to recharge his batteries.

"The surname is Wei!"

The bearded man stopped, and turned his head displeased.

Chen Ning walked over carelessly, looking at the bearded man with a smile.

Seeing that it was him, the bearded man raised his heart, nodded politely, and said, "Mr. Chen, hello."

"I'm not good!" Chen Ning tilted his head and looked at him. No matter who knew that the shares in his hand were going to shrink sharply, he would not be in a good mood: "This afternoon, you are imagining such a grandeur!"

The bearded man remained unmoved, and asked calmly:

"What's the matter with Mr. Chen calling me?"

Chen Ning looked at him and suddenly laughed.

"I have a question..." Chen Ning took two steps forward, leaned in front of the bearded man, and asked cheerfully, "Since the richest man's warning is a joke, why did you lock him in?"


The bearded man remained silent.

"Or..." The smile on Chen Ning's face became heavier and heavier: "Are you afraid of him?"

Two chapters today, yesterday in the hospital with an electrocardiogram machine, 24 hours.

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