Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 428 One Kilometer Signing Ceremony

A big cry made Xiaoyu vent all her negative emotions, not only the depression of losing her watchdog, but also all the pains she had suffered in the past.

Zhao Song believes that after this venting, Xiao Yu will get closer and closer to a normal child.

The dog, until he was gone, was doing his part.

There is a small rain compartment.

Xiao Yu slept peacefully on the bed, her pale face gradually turned rosy.

Zhao Song gently covered her with the quilt, and then led Li Linna out of the door.

"Thanks a lot."

Outside the door, Zhao Song looked at the slightly haggard face with long legs, and said gratefully.

Li Linna shook her head, and asked with concern: "Do you want to take a break too?"

"Need not!"

Zhao Song didn't care, and kissed her on the cheek: "When I finish my work these two days, I will spend time with Xiaoyu, and when she finishes her high school entrance exam, let's go out to play."

"En!" Li Linna nodded seriously, then hesitated for a moment before asking, "Is things not going well?"

The richest man was locked up for a whole night, will it go well? Li Linna's question was not to interfere with Zhao Song's work, but to confirm whether he needed a listener, so as to help him share some pressure in thought.

This woman knows how to measure, knows how to advance and retreat, and completely hides all her personality in front of Zhao Song. She is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

Zhao Song looked at her with burning eyes, showed a bright smile, and said seemingly indifferently:

"Nothing goes wrong. I'm a little eager for quick success. Speaking of it, I'm still inexperienced. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that there is nothing that can be achieved overnight in business."

Li Linna breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good!"

That's Fantasia and Huashi. She has been in the underwear business for so long. Of course, she knows what level of company Zhao Song is facing.

She always felt that Zhao Song and his management thought things too simply. Of course, since she didn't know the specific situation, she would not make more guesses.

"Go ahead, I'm here."


Hugging the long legs again, Zhao Song took Liao Yingzhu who was waiting aside and left quickly.

Is it easy?

In this country, some things can actually be very simple. This time, it was only because he was locked up for one night that it became complicated.

"I received your call yesterday, and I immediately called the Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce to apologize and cancel the meeting last night."

As soon as the Audi A8 was started, Liao Yingzhu began to report.

"In addition to expressing their understanding, they also expressed their anger at the incident."


Zhao Song nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that the attitude towards the cooperation between Fantasia and Huashi is not the same. In the final analysis, their own weight is too light.

"Did you find out what happened yesterday?"

"I've found out!" Liao Yingzhu continued, "That young man was completely a coincidence. The two reporters arranged it deliberately. Their real goal is Li Linna."

Hearing this, Zhao Song looked at her ridiculously and asked, "Coincidence?"

"Yes." Liao Yingzhu nodded, "Do you still remember Qi Yuan?"

How could he not remember, Director Qi's precious son who was kicked out of Xiagou Village by Zhao Song because of Xiaoyu's idea.

Zhao Song instantly understood that he was unmarried, Li Linna was unmarried, and multiple stalking suitors were nothing to break the bottom line. The two reporters just wanted to film the conflict between Zhao Song, who was angry and ashamed, and his love rival. .

Seeing Zhao Song's gloomy face, Liao Yingzhu said helplessly: "As for that Qi Yuan's cronies and dog friends, is there anyone who provokes them? Brother Lu received instructions to stop the investigation so that there will be no more troubles; Li Linna's side is Hua Shi. Shi Tong, the general manager of the company, planned it."

In my future autobiography, Mr. Shi Tong will definitely be written on a high level. After hearing this name, Zhao Song secretly made up his mind!

As for Qi Yuan, Zhao Song believes that Wen Lihua will definitely give him an explanation, and it may not be long before this lingering family will move out of the capital.

Play slowly, don't rush!

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Zhao Song slowly closed his eyes.

In the carriage, it suddenly became quiet. Liao Yingzhu looked at Zhao Song with a tired face, and did not report any more matters, allowing him to rest quietly in the back seat.

Ermao quietly turned on the radio and turned down the volume. Amidst the sound of rhythmic music, the Audi drove into the Badaling Expressway and started to speed up.

"Running on Zhongguan Avenue at six o'clock in the evening,

Feeling really bad.

I don't know what's going on in front of me,

The traffic was stuck all the way to Xizhi Interchange.

In this city full of dreams,

How many joys and sorrows have passed.

The days passed day by day,

I feel like I'm getting old slowly.

A little confused, a little tired,

How much is left of the original dream?

Do we have to keep running every day,

On the crowded Zhongguan Avenue,

Life is like a wind-up clockwork,

What is the purpose of rushing in a hurry?

Do we have to keep running every day,

On the crowded Zhongguan Avenue,

May all your hard work pay off,

One day we will achieve our goal.”

"In a hurry, for what?"

Of course it is for myself, for when I want to give something to my loved one in the future, I can afford it!

"But you are already the richest man, so you can afford everything?"

Zhao Song slowly opened his eyes, looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, and smiled.

What if my future child wants to go to the moon?


On May 8, at seven o'clock in the evening, Zhao Song in a suit and leather shoes came to the reception hall of the Pingchang District Government.

Rejecting the speech draft that Liao Yingzhu handed over, Zhao Song adjusted his tie clip, took a deep breath, and walked up to the rostrum amidst flashing lights and roaring applause.

In the audience, countless media reporters, shop owners, and employee representatives were all looking at the young Zhao Song seriously.

For a day, all kinds of negative news about this young man have been raging, but they all know what's going on. Even the reporters who reported the relevant news have gone in, and the editor-in-chief has been dismissed. Now, the young richest man stands in front of them in good spirits. Not explaining anything.

"Good evening, everybody!"

Zhao Song stood proudly in front of the microphone, with a confident smile on his face, which made people look very comfortable.

"First of all, please allow me to solemnly introduce the leaders and guests who attended the signing ceremony:

They are: Mr. ***, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor of Jingcheng, Senior Officials of Pingchang District, Mayor of Pingchang District, Leaders of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, Disabled Persons' Federation, Laid-off and Reemployment Office, and "

Zhao Song raised his head, looked around the rostrum, and the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger. Amidst everyone's dumbfounded, he continued to read without script:

"As well as relevant leaders from the Ministry of Commerce, the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Health, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Certification and Accreditation Administration, and the National Standards Administration."

The title of the song is "Guangzhou Avenue"

Because I don't understand the rules, many words in the past may not be free, and I will post free chapters to make up for it in the future.

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