Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 429 I am Zhao Song, this is one kilometer!

under the stage.

Xizi stared dumbfounded at the energetic Zhao Song on the stage, then turned to Hong Dazhi and stammered and asked, "If I remember correctly, there is a convenience store within one kilometer?"

Hong Dazhi nodded stiffly, opened his mouth, and said nothing. Hearing the names of so many national ministries and commissions, his only thought now was to find an excuse to run away, and then hide in a place where no one was around!

One kilometer is really just a convenience store.

"Before this, One Kilometer Trading Co., Ltd. was just a small convenience store, but from now on, One Kilometer will become a convenience chain enterprise!"

Zhao Song turned a blind eye to all kinds of shocked people in the audience, and continued to talk without squinting:

"This is an adventure, but also an attempt to solve the 'last mile' problem of my country's retail industry."

"One kilometer will be open 24 hours, making up for the shortcomings of major shopping malls and stores closing after 9:30 in the evening; the business scope is wide, including all kinds of ready-to-eat food, hot and cold drinks, cigarettes, and hot buns; the service is the largest in one kilometer Advantages, we take "customer needs first" as our business policy, integrate into the community, contact customers, and provide convenience as our responsibility.

In addition, the one-kilometer convenience store subverts the traditional convenience store model and integrates surrounding industries such as real estate, automobiles, home decoration, catering, beauty, health care, clothing, food, housing and transportation, and makes each one-kilometer convenience store a mutually beneficial and win-win membership club. "

In the audience, various suppliers looked excited, representatives of home improvement companies rubbed their hands frantically, and media reporters whispered.

Holding the outline of the ceremony that he had just obtained, the leader of the capital city government was filled with emotion for a moment. What he is most grateful for now is to release this kid early, otherwise, he dare not imagine what kind of stormy waves the capital city will miss!

Of course, the most gratifying thing is that at the beginning of next year, his work report will have countless highlights to talk about!

"In the next year, one kilometer of commerce will cost 200 million yuan, and more than 100 convenience stores will be opened, and various channels such as communities, business districts, airports, high-speed railways, railway stations, expressway service areas, and campuses will fully blossom.

Form a community store that solves the problem of three meals for family consumption, a CBD store that solves the three meals a day for white-collar workers, and a store with a large passenger flow in areas with a large passenger flow such as subway stations and high-speed rail stations. "

When Hong Dazhi in the audience heard this, his body was shaking like a sieve. Xizi, who had calmed down, gave him a sideways glance, and said disdainfully: "It's empty? Don't worry, those few that Zhao Song asked Chen Keyan to find Wanwan talents are the main force of the management company, and there is nothing wrong with us for the time being."

"That... that's too scary!"

Xizi looked at Zhao Song who was still full of emotions on the stage, and said with a wry smile, "Listen carefully, I guess the scariest thing is yet to come!"

On the stage, as expected by Xizi, Zhao Song's performance continued.

"One kilometer is committed to exploring new retail models. At present, we have reached an in-depth cooperation with Hanpu Consulting, a subsidiary of Shenzhou Technology, to jointly develop an intelligent store management system.

Based on this system, several suppliers such as One Kilometer and Jingpi Commerce and Trade, as well as three links and one logistics company, will jointly establish a complete set of intelligent supply chain based on the three-level warehouse distribution system.

Above, Shenzhou Technology Co., Ltd. will provide a full set of commercial hardware services! "

When more and more companies and more and more names came out of Zhao Song's mouth, the atmosphere at the scene also reached a climax.

The reporters recorded Zhao Song's every word with flushed faces. One of the reporters even forgot that it was not his turn to ask questions. He stood up desperately and said loudly: "Mr. Zhao Song, as far as I know, Shenzhou Technology So far, the group has not released any commercial end products."

"There will be!"

Zhao Song didn't care about his recklessness, shrugged, and said relaxedly: "Shenzhou Technology, the second largest PC company in China with 40 billion yuan, can't be involved in commercial use!

As the chairman of Shenzhou Technology Group, I can tell you responsibly that the company's commercial products will be available soon! "

Business machine? Or is it a server? Against fantasy? Grabbing government procurement?

"Crack, click~"

The reporters stood up, and the shutter sounded.

Zhao Song spread his hands and said with a smile: "I believe this news will restore the confidence of investors in Shenzhou Technology stock~"


Hearing Zhao Song's nonsensical words, the scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at him on the stage in a little surprise.

People's strange expressions caught Zhao Song's attention. He was stunned for a moment, then turned his head sideways and looked at Liao Yingzhu in the background.

At this moment, the ugly girl was already holding a piece of A4 paper, and held it up anxiously. On it, there were only two large characters:

'Limit up'!

From the moment Zhao Song walked out of the police station, several large funds suddenly entered the stock market. Within half an hour, the green Shenzhou Technology was directly sealed at the daily limit.

It can be said that the release of Zhao Song is the greatest confidence in reorganizing the market.

"Okay." Zhao Song lowered his head and chuckled, "I'm sorry, it seems that there are some things I haven't understood yet."


There were also countless low laughter from the audience.

"Let's get back to business."

Zhao Song straightened his mind and continued his serious introduction:

"One kilometer commerce and trade will pursue the concept of constantly innovating and characteristic products and services with "Always new \u0026 fresh", always maintain more than 1,500 products, and provide consumers with a convenient life with an annual product update rate of 70%, leading the latest in the convenience store industry Trend. Finally~"

Zhao Song glanced at the guests on the rostrum, making everyone pay attention again.

"We will connect with Nanxinfadi Wholesale Market and various production bases, and with the government's support for the vegetable basket project, we will solve the problem that it is difficult for ordinary people to buy vegetables and expensive vegetables, and at the same time, let "traceable" vegetables enter people's tables."

Speaking of this, Zhao Song hurriedly pressed both hands, signaling to some reporters who raised their hands to be calm, and explained: "That's right, just as you think, one kilometer will become one of the terminal enterprises of the government's vegetable basket project. At the same time, It will also be the first pilot enterprise of the Three Green Project!"

The Three Green Project, jointly implemented by 12 parts of the country, aims to establish and improve the food safety assurance system in the circulation field and the livestock and poultry slaughtering and processing industry, with a strict market access system as the core, with the aim of "promoting green consumption, cultivating green markets, Open up the green channel "systematic engineering with the main content.

Advocate Time, 1999.


Therefore, there are indeed many civil servants who are vegetarians, but this country has all the policies on people's livelihood and safety!


The pilot enterprise of the Three Green Project is an important cooperation that was facilitated by a boss from a certain department who heard the news from Yikilometer and personally called Zhao Song.

This is why so many national ministries and commissions came to a simple signing ceremony!

"Large investment, large output, leveraging the fulcrum of revenue, empowering the entire industrial chain, and guarding the last mile for the general public is our bounden duty!

I'm Zhao Song, and this is the one-kilometer business signing ceremony, thank you for attending!

goodbye! "


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