Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 430 Are you ready?

Goodbye is of course impossible.

That's what Zhao Song said in excitement.

If there is no subsequent signing ceremony, this conference will definitely be a successful investment PPT presentation seventeen years later.

A few trendy professional words, a few irresponsible big words, if Zhao Song is more shameless and bragging, those who have spare money will definitely flock to him.

They will never make a reverse interpretation of Zhao Song's words:

Currently, there is only one convenience store in One Kilometer, and we do not have a complete corporate structure,

A sound supply chain, a mature distribution system, and a smart store system that only exists in the words, all of which are gone!

However, there will indeed be a signing ceremony next, making Zhao Song's words a credible promise!

In the sound of countless "click~" shutters, the reporters excitedly watched Zhao Song, the richest man, sign one name after another, and with his signature, one cash check after another was handed out by Liao Yingzhu.

Individual owners, suppliers, decoration companies, and all affiliated companies, signatures in black and white, real cash.

All industries, all labor-intensive industries!

In this era, in this developing country with a population of more than 1.2 billion, about 13 million people of working age and more than 6.5 million laid-off workers, the development of labor-intensive industries even complements certain national policies!

At this moment, Zhao Song shone brightly in the eyes of countless people!

In the flashing lights, the reporters were extremely excited. They even thought about tomorrow's headline: The key enterprises under the business genius Zhao Song are finally connected together to form a huge closed business loop!

The big boss of Pingchang District who was applauding suddenly said to the deputy mayor beside him, "It's only one day late!"

The deputy mayor of the big leader clapped his hands and shook his head lightly: "It's useless, that kid actually understands that the government can't interfere with Huashi's affairs, otherwise the impact will be very bad.

But Zhao Song was locked up for one night, it was too much! "

Boss Pingchang nodded, and said with a half-smile, "For some people, I hope this face won't hurt too much!"

The big leader gave him a sideways look, but did not speak, but his clapping hands became more and more vigorous.

He's pretty sure it's not over, it hasn't even begun!

As night fell and the lights came on, the Pingchang District Government compound faded away from the hustle and bustle of the day, and the surrounding area looked peaceful. Against the backdrop of the dim lights in the suburbs of Beijing, the last bus carrying guests disappeared at the end of the road.

Deputy Mayor Li waved at Zhao Song, and they walked slowly along a forest path together.

"Zhao Song, if these one-kilometer stores today are replaced by renting instead of buying, the scale can be expanded by two or three times!"

Rent instead of buy? Will you work for the landlords in the future? Zhao Song rolled his eyes from the bottom of his heart, he laughed and said nothing.

Seeing Zhao Song's appearance, Deputy Mayor Li knew that he had his own plans, so he smiled nonchalantly, and then said seriously:

"I know you have a fire in your heart, but there are some things, it's better not to do them if you can!"

Zhao Song solemnly said, "Mayor, please tell me, I'm listening."

"First, don't delve too deeply into the matter of the Institute of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences! Imagine that it is now a private enterprise, and the government has settled accounts, and the impact is very bad!"

"Listen to you!"

"Second, it is my personal persuasion: Shenzhou Technology and even Tesla can participate in government procurement, but don't make a fuss about it with illusions!"

"Listen to you!"

Zhao Song agreed, and then explained: "Tesla only does business with individual consumers, and will not participate in these things."

Deputy Mayor Li nodded with a smile, stopped, and looked at Zhao Song seriously: "Zhao Song, I finished drawing the sensitive line for you. One more thing to add, the capital city is your mother's home, as long as you can really make those Domestic alternative chips, no matter which company it is, if you didn’t finish yesterday, Beijing will lobby for you in the future!”

What do you say?

Lobby the country against Wanwan and Huashi!

Open up a way out for domestic alternative chips!

Zhao Song's plan is to persuade the higher-ups to stop the signing and launch a counterattack against Wanwan! pity

Zhao Song said gratefully: "Thank you, leader!"

Deputy Mayor Li shook his head and asked softly, "Do you have any other requests?"

Zhao Song thought about it carefully: "There is only one question."

"you say."

"My sister, Zhao Rong, has disbanded Jiaming Trading for her brother-in-law. Now she is in charge of public relations at Tesla. Is there any problem?"

"No problem!"

"That's good!" Zhao Song heaved a sigh of relief, and then said seriously: "Mayor, the commercial matter can be resolved commercially, but please give me a word, and I will count it in anyone who talks about my sister in the future." Fantasy body!"

"Oh?" Deputy Mayor Li didn't care about Zhao Song's tone. He knew that this kid was full of anger, so he asked with great interest, "If you say it again, what will happen to you?"

Zhao Song raised his head, and it was the first time he put on a straight face in front of this big leader: "I remember that in the process of Fantasia's shareholding transformation, the big boss of the Huahua Technology Transfer Corporation, a state-owned enterprise, who played an important role, seems to be surnamed Liu, right? "

Xiao Liu, the godfather of business, I'm sorry, I'm the richest man, so if you don't accept this warning, you have to accept it!

Deputy Mayor Li suddenly changed color: "Be careful!"


Zhao Song tightly covered his mouth, but there was a gloomy cold light in his eyes: You M*D! Hua Shi doesn't have the ability to lock me up overnight!

Deputy Mayor Li sighed, patted him on the shoulder, and persuaded softly: "Zhao Song, don't cross the line!"

"No, don't worry!"

An hour later, at the gate of Jingjiyuan.

After sending Liao Yingzhu off the car, Zhao Song thought about it and followed him.

Liao Yingzhu asked amusedly: "What? Are you afraid that I won't be able to enter the dormitory?"

I'm afraid you, an ugly girl, will be robbed!

After giving her an angry look, Zhao Song dragged her into the long-lost campus gate.

"Tomorrow morning, you will follow Wei Fang to pick up the heads of the three major investment banks in the United States!"

Liao Yingzhu looked at him in surprise: "Aren't you going?"

Zhao Song shook his head: "They are all executive-level figures, so why give them face?"

"..." After a while, Liao Yingzhu nodded slowly: "Okay, Zhao Song, what else do you want to explain?"

Under the dim street lights, Zhao Song tried his best to stare at the ugly girl in front of him, and said solemnly: "The two sides have great differences in Tesla's market value, so their investment in Tesla is a matter of the future!

Our main purpose now is to cooperate with them to establish a new company, to discuss music digital copyrights and sharing agreements with those record companies, producers, and singers! "

"Music copyright?" Liao Yingzhu murmured.

Zhao Song nodded and laughed at himself: "The so-called life is endless, and the battle is endless! It is very likely that the domestic battle is not over, and the patent and copyright war in the United States is about to start.

Yingzhu, help Wei Fang well, try to reach an agreement before they leave, and build up Tesla's momentum! "

The three major investment banks that came this time are all inextricably linked to the American Music Festival!

There, it is the wind vane of the world's entertainment industry. Zhao Song never thought that Tesla would go it alone. As a flower grower company, that is completely unrealistic. To release most of the benefits, as long as you can get The copyright part of digital music is divided, and Zhao Song's goal is achieved.

Then, determine the timetable for Tesla's IPO in the United States, let me see who dares to lock me up for no reason!

You M*D!

Fantasy, Huashi, are you ready! ?

Classmate Xiao Liu is the first generation.

Today's chapter, I don't feel very good, a lot of deletions, in order to continue to write, this chapter just mentions some things a little bit vaguely, and I won't write it later.

Grumbling, now I can’t write from the neck down, I don’t have any inspiration in my life without the next three roads!

business ahem~


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