Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 431 Hate people, start with a good morning.

Sending the loveless Liao Yingzhu into the dormitory, Zhao Song turned his head and looked at Xizi who was following behind.

"What's the matter, do you want me to send you back to the dormitory area?"

Xizi said angrily, "I'll take you home."


Zhao Song asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"It's something!" Xizi nodded, and asked with a serious face: "I locked you up for a night, so let's forget it?"

"What? Isn't it reasonable for Guan Yisu to cooperate with the investigation after breaking a man's arm? Besides, I came out quickly."

"But we are victims, and what is your identity?"

Xizi asked angrily.

"What is my identity?" Zhao Song laughed: "Xizi, the idea of ​​privilege is bad!"

"Hehe~" Xi Zipi looked at him with a half-smile: "I am a college student who grew up in a country full of official-based thinking, not a fool!"

Zhao Song shook his head funny, put his arms around Xizi's shoulders, and walked towards the school gate.

"For my sake, three members of the Standing Committee of the capital city patted the table. I was out for a few hours, and the director was transferred. As for Qi Yuan's family, do you think Aunt Wen will let them go?"

"Not enough!" Xizi shook her head, "Where's the culprit?"

"That's up to us to deal with ourselves!" Zhao Song replied: "The big leader drew a line for me, as long as we don't pass that line, let's attack those two companies at will!"


"Hit hard!"

What is the answer?

Xizi looked at him dumbfounded.

Zhao Song laughed 'haha', patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and the laughter became louder and louder, and it was particularly piercing on this quiet campus night: "I'm leaving tomorrow, to Shanghai!

And it’s not just Shang Hai, we’re going to Guangdong Province, in the future, to Min Province, to Zhejiang Province, I’m going to find a few mother’s families! "

Beijing to Guangdong, plus the location of the super boss, I don't have to do anything, just invest in it and make a good relationship, that's enough!

However, Xizi had no clue about these words. Dongguan in Guangdong Province, Shida in Min Province, and nothing in Zhejiang Province. He couldn't think of anything worth investigating in these places, but seeing Zhao Song's swearing, he felt relieved and didn't say anything more.



"Those people in Wanwan have thoroughly studied the 7/11 convenience stores in the island country. You and Dazhi must study hard, fight hard, and help me share a lot in the future!"

Xizi rolled her eyes: "Like Liao Yingzhu, are you treating her like an animal?"

"Hehe~" Zhao Song shrugged cheerfully: "The stall is too big, and I can't do what I want."

Xizi looked at the tired smile on Zhao Song's face, opened his mouth, and didn't ask about 'Tesla Holdings'.

He remembered that Zhao Song had mentioned this company, and he had been integrating various assets in his hands, and he didn't know how it was doing.

"Zhao Song."

"What are you doing?"

"Take a break when you're tired, and look at your current attitude. I always feel that something is urging you to time.!"

"I can't rest for now, Xizi!"


"Because it's almost the end of the year!"

"It's still 7 months before the end of the year, so what if it's the end of the year, isn't it like this every year!"

In front of a clubhouse, Zhao Song stopped and said solemnly: "But this year is different. At the end of the year, flower growers will 100% join the World Trade Organization. Xizi, by that time, international big factories will enter the country without hindrance. The era of free competition in the PC and IT industries is coming!"

At that time, if he still can't deal with DRAM, he will give up without hesitation!

Iron-built memory is most suitable for the breakthrough semiconductor technology of this blocked country. Let the industry boss named Ziguang in the future spend taxpayers' money to play!

Early the next morning.

A new day begins with the chirping of birds.

The spring flowers are over, and May in early summer is not far behind.

In the Xinxinjiayuan villa area on the North Fourth Ring Road of Beijing, the sun is gradually warming up, but the wind is still a bit chilly.

Among the shrubs in the garden of the community, summer cuckoos are either red or purple, like a brocade; Phnom Penh Juniper and privet have white flowers, just like a little white snow in the emerald green, soaked in a strong smell of grass and trees.

After eating Western-style breakfast, drinking Western-style coffee, and reading the 21st Century News in English, Mr. Shi Tong, the general manager of Huashi, who is leading an elite life, took his wife and daughter for a walk in the garden of the beautiful community.

Stocks have risen, wealth has increased in value, and the mood will naturally be good. When you are in a good mood, everything is beautiful, just like looking at a dozen fat people standing far away, you feel an inexplicable sense of joy.

"Xiaomei, Dad will pick you up after school. In the evening, our family will go to the Guomao revolving restaurant."

The young and beautiful daughter nodded absently, and said with a sad face: "Dad, Xiaomeng has transferred to another school. I don't know what I said before I left. Now there are suddenly more rumors about me in school."

Xiao Meng is the daughter of Zheng Nan, the actor in the Long Xiaoxiao incident.

Shi Tong paused when he heard the words, and then said nonchalantly: "Just don't talk to me, the rumors will disappear in two days, of course, if you want to transfer schools, how about Sanfan Middle School?"

At this time, the charming wife suddenly said: "It's better to be in Huaqing High School, Lao Shi, do you have any acquaintances over there?"

have! Very familiar! If Xiaomei goes, she will definitely get the best 'care'!

Hearing his wife's words, Shi Tong was a little dazed, his good mood disappeared without a trace in an instant, and he suddenly felt disgusted when he saw the dozen or so fat people approaching.

You look like two to three hundred catties, even if you are wearing a suit and holding flowers, it can't cover up the fact that you are lazy and ugly!

Shi Tong frowned, his heart fluctuated violently, he just wanted to take his wife and daughter to the side to avoid these fat people, but what happened next left him dumbfounded.

"Hello, this beautiful lady, can I treat you to a meal? I think only the Guomao revolving restaurant can set off your beauty!"

The one who spoke was a fat man weighing more than three hundred catties.

"I think the Wangfu restaurant is suitable, this beautiful lady, hello, I am fat and have a small family, I hope"

This is a fat man of more than 280 kilograms.

“Hilton is also good.”

One after another, the fat men took turns to fight. They turned a blind eye to Shi Tong and Xiao Mei, but stalked his wife.


Shi Tong jumped up and down in despair, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by another greeting.

"Excuse me, are you Shi Tong?"

"I am."

Looking at the two uniformed personnel, Shi Tong calmed down and nodded in response.

"According to Ms. Zheng Nan, in Long Xiaoxiao's case, you ordered her to conceal the case, so please come back with us and assist in the investigation."


Shi Tong's face turned red, and he held back for a long time without saying a complete sentence.

After a long time, he said dejectedly: "I'll go with you, but can you trouble the two police officers, can you stop these people from harassing my family?"

As soon as the voice fell, the scene suddenly fell silent.

The fat guys from the Wuming Fitness Club in Cang City, and the uniformed police station all looked at him with weird eyes, extremely weird!

Why do you harass someone's family when it's okay?

On this May morning, you will see that the shade has formed but the new leaves are not old, and the sun is getting more and more enthusiastic but not too hot, just like a young man full of dreams and vitality, who may have just stepped out of the university. Gathering his strength little by little, he raised his head and chest, ready to run towards his goal.

Fantasy Building, the CEO's Office on the top floor.

Comrade Yang Qing, the young marshal of fantasy, is standing in front of the window looking at the lush greenery outside, wearing a tie in his hand, humming a song, he seems to be in a good mood.

Signing the contract with Huashi yesterday was only the first step. Today's meeting with AOL Time Warner Group to discuss the establishment of a joint venture company is the most important thing!

Thinking of the three middle-level executives of the investment bank who came to inspect Tesla, Yang Qing sneered with disdain. Today's fantasy welcomes the president of AOL!

Suddenly, a rapid knock on the door interrupted Yang Qing's beautiful imagination, frowned, and said displeasedly: "Come in!"


The beautiful secretary walked in anxiously.

"What's the matter? In a panic."

"I just received a notification from AOL that today's meeting will be held on another day because of an emergency."

"Oh?" Yang Qing looked at the beautiful secretary unexpectedly: "Did you say anything?"

The beautiful secretary looked up at him quickly, bit her lower lip, and said falteringly: "I told you, the president of AOL is going to visit the Tesla Industrial Park with the three major investment banks!"


Who can resist the beauty of a May morning, when the sun is pouring down, the leaves are silvery and everything is laughing.

At the Capital International Airport, a Boeing plane soared into the sky, and with a happy Zhao Song, rushed to the Oriental Magic City!

Total personal funds: 2.8 million.

AOL, American Online, was a subsidiary of Time Warner America from 2000 to 2009, a well-known Internet service provider.

In June 2001, a joint venture company was established with Fantasia. Due to the needs of the plot, it was here a month earlier.

Today's chapter.

ps: Personal funds have been invested for one kilometer

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