Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 432 Influence

"Create the largest convenience store chain company in the country overnight!"

"Huge commercial territory, Zhao Song's ambition is eye-catching!"

"How many companies will there be? Let us explore the industries under Zhao Song's name together."

"The three major investment banks arrived in Beijing to conduct a visit to Tesla."

"President of AOL changes itinerary, targets Tesla!"

"Affected by the joint promotion of the IT industry, IDG has once again increased the shipments of PC hosts for flower growers this year!"

"Tesla's strong performance has attracted the attention of global capital markets."

Fantasy building.

The partner's relapse made Yang Qing angry, but what made him even more angry was that all the newspapers sent to the office and news about Tesla were thrown at him overwhelmingly.

Not only economic media, but also mainstream newspapers.

On those media, there is no fantasy, no Huashi, and the screen is full of Tesla, as if the lively news of the two companies yesterday had never happened!

That young boy seems to have a special physique, and whatever he does can cause discussions among the whole people.

But Yang Qing knew that if this matter were replaced by someone else, it would definitely have the same result!

Just like a small section of a certain financial newspaper guessed:

"With the international sales of TPOD2 and T1's gradual rivalry with Apple's Power MAC in the American market, it is certain that if Tesla pursues an IPO, Zhao Song's only goal is the New York Stock Exchange. !

Therefore, in two years at the earliest, we will see the richest young flower grower enter the world wealth list! "

TPOD, T1, Tesla, NYSE, Fortune List

Yang Qing put down the newspaper with a wry smile. No one knows how much Tesla is worth, and few people even guess the real value.

It's in the capital, right in Pyeongchang, where it's clearly and plainly placed, and anyone with a little financial knowledge can make a rough guess based on sales statistics and its size.

But what about its product development, advertising announcements, mysterious R\u0026D department, and international channels that cost a lot of money and make fantasy covet?

Sighing, Yang Qing shook his head slightly. These fantasies have already been thoroughly researched, and they can't learn them. Unless Zhao Song is recruited, they can use that brand new business law: product is king!

If you use the words of Tesla's internal management, it is: explosive products are king's business strategy!

"It's just" Yang Qing stood up and said to himself, "What does this have to do with AOL?"

"What does Tesla have to do with this AOL (America Online)!"

America, Office of the President of Apple Inc.

Crazy Joe frowned at his COO, Jeff. Williams asked suspiciously.

With the best-selling of TPOD and T1, no one can ignore his actions before that kid fails, even the strong people in the United States.

It was already late at night in New York at this time, but the bald Jeff was still in good spirits, his eyes glowed with wisdom, and after thinking for a long time, he said slowly:

"Steve, behind America Online is Time Warner!"

"I know!" Crazy Joe nodded.

"Our music player will be on the market by the end of the year, but Tesla." The bald Jeff's voice became more and more determined. At this time, he had completely understood the problem. "They already have TPOD2!"

"I know that too!"

Crazy Joe didn't have any impatience, he gradually caught up with Jeff's train of thought.

"But they don't have ITUNES!"


Crazy Joe stood up abruptly, blushing and shouted, "Winamp!"

The bald Jeff nodded affirmatively: "The Winamp with 25 million users was acquired by AOL two years ago!"


Music is the soul of Apple. In the heart of Crazy Joe, there has always been a dream of a digital music empire.

But today, a young boy who grows flowers has stretched those nasty hands into his restricted area, winamp, tpod, and Time Warner, one of the four major record companies behind AOL.

At this moment, Crazy Joe suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

"Jeff, our player project, has to get up to speed!"

Bald Jeff nodded solemnly: "Okay!"

At this point, they didn't consider Tesla's success at all.

Because now is the peak of the Internet bubble, and the owner of Winamp is the most asshole, the most prodigal, the most bureaucratic, and the most AOL America Online!

At this time, under their leadership, the winamp team is not far from collapse!

In another time and space, anyone who knows something about the history of the Internet knows that AOL is a super prodigal son. Take a look at the names that have been ruined by this company: Netscape Browser, ICQ, Engadget (technology blog), winamp .

Digression: Almost all the music players developed by the flower planters copied Winamp, and the best one was called Kugou!

Today's flower growers, Winamp is still the most powerful music player on the Windows platform. On all the Ghost system CDs sent by Tesla, the only integrated music software is it.

But ordinary people who are accustomed to using pirated versions do not know that in the United States, this thing has been turned into paid software by AOL.

It took 4 years for the moso bamboo to grow only 3 centimeters, but since the fifth year, it has grown crazily at a rate of 30 centimeters per day, and it has grown to 15 meters in only 6 weeks. In fact, in the previous 4 years, the roots of moso bamboo extended hundreds of square meters in the soil.

If possible, Zhao Song would like to spend five years silently saving and waiting to take root like bamboo, and then climb the peak that others can't reach.

Because he knows that he is a reborn person, he can see the future, as long as he works hard, he will eventually get rich rewards.

Unfortunately, because of fantasy, Zhao Song's good wish of quietly entering the village and shooting them away was declared bankrupt. In order to realize the strategy of destroying DRAM, he can only make his momentum bigger. In order to make your weight more important in the eyes of some people, because only in this way, your opinions may be taken seriously.


Zhao Song on the plane looked away from the window, sighed, and muttered through gritted teeth: "If possible, I really want to fuck you to death!"

In fact, Zhao Song didn't know that even if he didn't make a fuss, some of his deeds had already attracted the attention of some powerful people.

When his news reached the other side of the ocean, there were also two superpowers who seemed to be able to see the future of the Internet, and were seriously studying his intentions.

One of them is Bezos, the boss of Amazon; the other is Papa Ma, the founder of Papa Ali.

At this moment, they are all seriously studying another piece of news from Zhao Song:

"Convenience store within one kilometer. Three links and one bus."

"What does he want to do?"

"Why buy a store?"

"If the same funds are rented, the scale will be expanded by at least three times!"

"Shenzhou Technology Commercial Terminal"

At this time, the two strong men looked towards the east at the same time, and sighed:

"This game of chess seems to be quite big~"

Of course, even if Zhao Song knew the attention and exclamation of these two people, he didn't care.

Because these two strong men are almost out of money!

Papa Ma is joking, please understand this, I used this name at the beginning of the article, I am too lazy to change it, it is too difficult for me to name it.

In order to conform to the so-called logic, I couldn't think of how to fight against ITUNES. Fortunately, I found the software winamp, and the timeline was also aligned.

Logic should make do.

I set myself too high. . . . . .

Today's chapter.

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