Rebirth Turn of the Century

Free single chapter, content description, science popularization, etc. (1)

Before starting, let me introduce a piece of news from the past two days: A certain type of leukemia has been conquered by a Swiss pharmaceutical company.

The cure rate is 80%, and the new drug needs to be transported to the United States for synthesis, and the single cost is about 2 million yuan. For the specific situation, book lovers can check the news, and then ask the handsome guy next door, the great doctor Ling Ran, for popular science.

Key words: Japan, medical insurance, leukemia.

That's right, this thing was included in Japan's medical insurance, and the keyboard warriors were dispatched.

In mentioning this news, I actually want to talk about a concept. The narrower concept in this chapter is the sentence that Yang Qing said: technology has no borders.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence. The Swiss company conquered leukemia and benefited the whole world.

But he missed a word: patents have national boundaries!

That medicine is really expensive!


The reason why technology has no borders is because of the next topic of science popularization: 5G!

In 5G, the technology mainly promoted by domestic manufacturers such as Huawei is not domestically produced, but the countless patents generated through research on this technology belong exclusively to these companies.

First of all, let’s make a statement: how to say about 5G, who says it, and who to tell it to, is a troublesome thing.

In this single chapter, all the statements are very one-sided and partial, and can be discussed, but there is no need to argue. It is just to let some book friends with vague concepts understand some meanings, and the goal is achieved.

5G is a communication standard(?).

And when it comes to communication, it is time to start our science popularization today.

First of all, let's start with the crooked topic of this book: related to human competitive sports.

This sport has many ancestors who have made outstanding contributions to the current scene of competitive sports.

However, there is such a person, such a woman, who deserves to be remembered by all otaku who love this sport!

She is super beautiful, Heidi Lamarr.

Hollywood super beauties!

As a woman born more than a hundred years ago, after seeing her photos, I even think she is more beautiful than Marilyn Monroe!

Hedy Lamarr, born in 1914, died in early 2000.

Zhang Ailing said that a woman should be famous as early as possible! Located on the other side of the world, Heidi Rama, her contemporary, interpreted this sentence personally.

In 1932, when Heidi Rama was 18 years old, a Czechoslovakian film company invited Heidi Rama to act as the heroine of "Bewitched" and promised to push the film to the international market, but there was a special conditions of! As a result, Heidi Lamarr agreed, and she became famous all over the world, and left an important mark in the history of human film.

At present, there is no film and television material of "Enchanted Mind", but the existing relevant documents show that the condition put forward by the film company was to require Heidi Lamarr to leave the country naked!

Just imagine, in the 1930s, florists were in the middle of the Republic of China, and their ideas were still too early to be fully enlightened. Czechoslovakia was also in the recovery period after World War I. The entire global environment was not as open as it is now.

In 1933, "Enchanted" premiered in Czechoslovakia, and Heidi Rama became the world's first naked star, and was dumped by men all over the world.

Since then, a new era has come!

I couldn't find any images of the movie "Insane". This is a very regrettable thing for me, an otaku who loves sports!

Thus, Heidi Rama began her legendary life.

Regarding Heidi Lamarr's life, someone concluded: "I can write poetry and dance ballet; I can go to the big screen at the age of sixteen; I can also act in the first naked show in human history at the age of eighteen. I can pursue her." A failed man commits suicide; he can make her six husbands feel ashamed in front of her and want to commit suicide; he can also sell 680 kisses for more than 17 million dollars to resist **. I am engaged in scientific research in the field of communications!"

That's right, besides being a patriot, this glamorous Hollywood superstar is also a scientific genius!

The time goes back to 1940 during World War II. At that time, Heidi Rama and Ansel jointly invented a military communication system that can resist radio interference, that is, "spread spectrum communication technology".

In 1941, Heidi Lamarr and composer George Antheil, inspired by the way musical notes were organized, speculated that a single radio transmission could be sent on multiple frequencies to block interference. This method, known as "frequency hopping," prevents radio messages from being blocked.

In 1942, Heidi Lamarr and George Antheil obtained the patent of "Frequency Hopping Technology" issued by the United States. They donated it to the U.S. government as military technology, hoping to help in World War II. But it did not attract the attention of the US government, and eventually the patent expired.

In the patent description, a communication method for guiding torpedoes is described, that is, the transmitter and the receiver use a synchronized communication method between the carrier frequency for a fixed period of time. The synchronized numbering of the carrier frequencies used by the transmitting party (an aloft aircraft) and the receiving party (a running torpedo) is controlled by a device resembling a player piano music tube, which has a unique A sequence of 88 possible ladders. This means that torpedoes can be manipulated by sending only a fraction of the entire message on each frequency. Attempts to jam communications are usually done with one channel disabled at a time, with enough information on the other channels to enable the torpedo to make the necessary course corrections to hit the target.

However, due to technical limitations at the time, this patent was not made in kind, but was sealed by the US military.

I basically don’t understand the above technical terms. I believe that many book friends are as confused as I am, so in the following text, I will try to replace all the relevant technical terms involved with other words that I can understand. .

Back to the topic:

Now someone is on Heidi. Rama has a comment: "As long as you have used a mobile phone, you need to know and thank her. You must know that the contribution made by this sexy female star to the global wireless communication technology is still unmatched."

Why do you say that?

Because decades ago, due to the limitations of the technology at that time, Heidi's patent was not made in kind, but was sealed by the US military. It was not until the 1950s that a private company independently developed the relevant technology (please note that it was independently developed), and then found this long-standing patent after searching the patent library.

Then, in 1988, this technology was developed by Qualcomm, resulting in the most rogue, shameless, and most insane company playing with patent sticks in human history-Qualcomm!

And that technology is called "Code Division Multiple Access"!

If you're confused by its name, there's another name for it:


"To be continued"

ps: There are two follow-ups (2), one is charged and cannot be changed, please click to watch later for free, I am very sorry for the trouble caused! There will be free text compensation!

I actually wrote a chapter in the morning, and I will continue to write it next.

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