Rebirth Turn of the Century

Free Single Chapter (3)

eMBB, literally translated as "Enhanced Mobile Broadband", is a human-centric application scenario, which is concentrated in ultra-high transmission data rates and mobility guarantees under wide coverage.

In the future, for personal understanding, make phone calls, send text messages, listen to music, watch competitive sports, and add background data and processing related to base stations and switches.

In the era of 3G and 4G, this is what communication standards are all about!

But in the 5G era, we have two more application scenarios. I will give a brief introduction later in this article.

Now talk about embb.

Speaking of that vote, it was actually two votes. What is certain is that Fantasy stood with American and Japanese manufacturers for the first time, and voted for Huawei for the second time.

But if Fantasia is the culprit, then it is really a high opinion of it, just because among all the American and Japanese manufacturers, the name of Fantasia seems abrupt.

In the two votes, Fantasia and the votes of Motorola it represents are insignificant. In other words, it is no different with it or without it. A company without core technology is shit in 3GPP! (personal grievances)

Now back to the topic:

In the embb scenario, there are two channels, user identification code (long code) and base station identification code (short code).

Two encoding technologies, one Qualcomm LDPC, which we call infantry, and one flower-based Polar, which we call cavalry.

Infantry is the technology of fifty years ago, mature and stable.

Cavalry, a pupil of the inventor of infantry, a polar code technique invented by the Turks.

You must know that some speed requirements of 5G are more than ten times that of 4G. In a certain test, although the cavalry is a student, its speed is closer to the polarization value, reaching 27G, while the infantry, although it has no horses, is slow. A little bit, but it also meets the requirements of 5G, reaching 21G.

So, they all fit the bill.

Having said that, here comes the key point:

In this battle of standards.

If you win, the patent will be useful; if you lose, the patents that have been painstakingly researched.

So here's the thing, everything is crystal clear.

Huawei, ZTE, and countless domestic communication manufacturers are working hard for China in the competition for international communication standards.

Why use your code? Europe also has it, Japan also has it, why not use theirs?

Because this is a battle of national power!

It has nothing to do with what flower is a mobile phone, what domestic operating system, what semiconductor, what patriotism!

Those are just the means used by the United States to suppress us.

In the past, they used soybeans to suppress us, oil to suppress us, and futures to suppress us. Now, they have switched to high technology!

So where does the national power come from?

Since most of the time we swallowed our anger and used cheap labor to exchange some pitiful hard-earned money, we crazily destroyed our own natural resources just for that evil foreign exchange. Think about it, how long have I not said, China The land is vast and abundant!

Since joining the WTO, our country has even lost face, playing hooligans everywhere in the world!

For more than ten years, countless state-owned enterprises have charged forward in the soybean, oil, and futures wars, losing first and then winning, but we have never publicized it.

More than ten years ago, the words of the Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs are still vivid in my memory:

"It's just useless, so useless!"


In the past, we protested, but now we don't protest, and we directly expel them.

In the past, when we voted in the United Nations, we directly abstained from voting if we were unhappy. Now, we are unhappy and directly veto it.

In the past, when the United States imposed sanctions, we smashed our teeth and swallowed them. Now, we directly counter the sanctions.

This is the result of the joint efforts of more than one billion people across the country.

Buying Huawei is patriotic!

I agree with this sentence, but it is important to distinguish between primary and secondary.

Otherwise, the U.S. will increase taxes by hundreds of billions, and countless hard-working ordinary people who suffer will not agree.

China's development to today is achieved by the efforts of 1.4 billion people. How come some We-media public accounts say that it is the credit of one family?

Sorry, digressed.

Speaking of 5G, the result of the final national strength competition is that the long code uses Qualcomm's infantry, and the short code uses Huawei's cavalry.

This is the result of a compromise between all parties. Fantasy factors are insignificant. This matter itself is nothing more than the fuse of certain factors accumulated over a long period of time. Whether it is related or not, we just want to find an excuse to hate you! You don't even have to tell because no one will listen!

In this round, Qualcomm won and Huawei did not lose!

In addition, 5G is popularized vigorously, but its standards have indeed not yet been formulated.

The following are the most critical, two extra scenarios of 5G:

The first one: uRLLC, which corresponds to the Internet of Vehicles, industrial control, and telemedicine. To give two simple examples, when the automatic driving technology overtakes, it cannot see whether there is a car before the car in front, but 5G can see it. The possibility of accidents has just been avoided. Of course, the computer-controlled excavator at home is also an example.

The second one: mMTC, literally translated as "Massive Internet of Things". In our country, it is also called the Internet of Everything! The powerful connection capability of 5G can quickly promote the deep integration of various vertical industries (smart city, smart home, environmental monitoring, etc.).

In the article, Zhao Song spent millions of dollars to apply the Crestron smart home system. In the 5G era, he may be able to complete the network construction by himself.

These two standards, according to my understanding, will be finalized in 2020.

Therefore, the road of Chinese manufacturers is a long way to go!

The above are some simple views of 5G. Of course, there are countless concepts, and there are too many pages to talk about.

Technology has no borders. The purpose of 3GPP's insanely high standards, regardless of family and country factors, is ultimately for the rapid development of mankind.

However, in addition to 5G, to achieve the goals of 3GPP, of course, the most critical one is needed, which is computing.

Some people say that quantum computers are a good opportunity for us to overtake on corners. However, I personally have no idea about this. In this regard, IBM in the United States has already produced a prototype internationally. I don’t know how it performs. It looks really beautiful. ~

Therefore, putting aside the fantasies of quantum computers and photonic computers, we still return to cloud computing in a down-to-earth manner, and computing requires data, so big data came into being.

In this article, there is no in-depth study of these two concepts. Many book friends who read in the clouds can check it out according to my instructions.

One kilometer corresponds to Amazon plus convenience stores, massive commodities, countless suppliers, huge customer groups, and the scale of data generated.

Therefore, Shenzhou Technology wants to produce commercial terminals. One is a 24/7 commercial machine and the other is a server.

You probably know what three links and one access are, so I won't explain them further.

Next, let’s talk about the reason for writing popular science today: standards.

Zhao Song wants to get SDRAM, in fact, he just wants to participate in the memory standard organization.

The three letters of DDR that everyone is familiar with are not so much a technology as a standard.

Because it is indeed an interface standard, an interface standard that has only been developed until now and has not changed

Iron-made memory means that its technological development is a semiconductor technology that is least restricted by the lithography process (one-sided understanding).

Therefore, Zhao Song needs some kind of technology from the world's advanced integrated circuits. In 2001, the unprecedented cold wave of the semiconductor industry was the best opportunity.

In addition, the cycle of the chip is very long. This article is shortened because of Zhao Song's golden finger. Please don't worry about it too much.

This can be regarded as a semi-spoiler, no matter how cloudy it is, I guess many book lovers will be written away.


At present, the first biological drug developed with machine intelligence has entered the testing stage. In the future, with the help of 5G, we can imagine that countless incurable diseases will eventually be overcome by machine intelligence.

Some people say that the ultimate development of human beings has only two outcomes, either self-destruction or world harmony.

Who knows, I just want to get back to reality, do my own thing, don't ask for much contribution, and don't cause trouble!


PS: In terms of patents, no matter which code is involved, various international companies are involved, but the main direction of attack is different.

In addition to the national power competition, please pay attention to a certain quail company-Samsung.

In terms of certain patents, it is number one in the world, no matter which standard is used, it is not afraid!

I wrote 8000 words today.

The child starts school tomorrow, and I will accompany him at night. I don’t guarantee that I will update the text.

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