Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 434 Prepare to build momentum, and play you a big watermelon prelude!

At Shanghai Airport, where people come and go, many people are well-dressed. It must be said that in this year, except for public funds, most of the people who can take the plane are people with small fortunes.

At the bustling airport pick-up port, three middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes stood proudly with extraordinary momentum. From time to time, there were some boss-like people who went up to say hello respectfully, making the passing passengers involuntarily detour.

In the middle of the three, Quan Yong, director of the Office of the Organization Department of Shanghai City, looked at the arrival flight information and arranged his clothes again.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the words that the leader directly under him told him:

"You don't need to receive it with great fanfare."

"No need for a police car to clear the way."

"The top and bottom of the organization department, including myself, fully cooperate with the other party's schedule."

Quan Yong knew that the first two were requested by the young man, and the last one was temporarily added by the minister.

At this time, the Director of Investment Promotion beside him put down the phone and said relaxedly, "Old Quan, it's done. The top two floors of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel have been vacated."

Quan Yong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and confessed with a smile: "Old Zhao, remember, Zhao Song and his party must be arranged on the top floor in a while, and people from the three major investment banks and AOL will be arranged below them tomorrow."

Lao Zhao, head of the China Merchants Bureau, nodded and agreed: "Old Quan, will all the people from the three major investment banks and AOL be entertained by us tomorrow?"

Quan Yong nodded: "It's Zhao Song's first gift to Shanghai City, Lao Zhao, in addition to receiving investment banks and AOL and showing them some projects, you must explain to your subordinates and follow closely the whole process The two parties, the commercial confrontation between them, has already begun, and for you, this is a rare learning opportunity!"

"Don't worry. But, Lao Quan, what does Zhao Song mean? Give me a word?"

Old Zhao asked itchingly, at this time, even Shanghai, the magical capital, has a heavy task of attracting investment.

Quan Yong smiled slightly, and glanced at the assistant next to him.

The middle-aged assistant saw the leader's wink and immediately explained with a smile: "Director Zhao, this time Tesla and several major investment banks will either reach an investment agreement or establish a brand new software company! Both results are in line with your wishes! "


Director Zhao grinned, revealing a surprised smile.

"This is the second meeting ceremony."

Quan Yong added, and then looked at his watch: "Now, let's welcome the third gift, our president of Huahong Semiconductor is finally taking office!"

After Director Zhao heard the words, he endured the excitement in his heart, and after signaling to the senior airport officials next to him not to follow, he followed Quan Yong and walked towards the exit.

At this moment, he finally ignored Zhao Song's age and looked forward to his arrival.

The influence of 'I speak for myself' is still fermenting. There is still a long queue at the Tesla flagship store on Nanjing West Road. Coupled with the one-kilometer bomb that was released yesterday, Director Zhao suddenly had an idea:

"Old Quan, you said that he was imprisoned the day before yesterday, released a big bomb last night, and ran over today. Why does it feel like he is fleeing?"

Quan Yong paused and said leisurely, "I made it for some people!"

Director Zhao sighed after hearing the words: "Some people in the capital, have their heads caught by the door?"


After hearing Director Zhao's words, the assistant next to him couldn't help laughing.

Looking at his best friend in the party school, Quan Yong said angrily, "Old Zhao, be careful!"

Director Zhao shrugged indifferently and fell silent.

Zhao Song was nowhere to be seen at the exit, so he sighed, "Compared to that 'famous loser' who is tossing some melatonin, are they too harsh on Zhao Song?"


Quan Yong was silent, he knew who Lao Zhao was talking about, that former giant Shi Bufei!

They also made amazing achievements before the age of 30, but the two people at different times received completely different treatment.

In 1992, a well-known media conducted a questionnaire survey of ten thousand young people in ten cities including Beijing, Shanghai, and Yangcheng. One of the questions was: "Write down the young person you admire most".

Number one, Bill Gates. Second place, Shi Bufei.

But now, young people in their 20s are stopped on the street and asked him who is Shi Bufat. I am afraid that less than one tenth of them know who Zhao Song is, but absolutely everyone knows who Zhao Song is!

The young man who only developed the giant Hanka ten years ago was portrayed as a model figure of the new round of reform and the most promising intellectual representative in the modern business world.

"Top Ten People Who Changed Flowers", "Top Ten Outstanding Entrepreneurs in Guangdong Province, the Second Special Contribution Award for Scientific and Technological Progress in Zhushi City".

The prime minister paid three visits to the giant, and the secretary personally wrote an inscription.

As a result, the grandson wanted to play with diversification, play a giant health care product, and the game collapsed!

"Ju Bu Fat and now that Melatonin whose production address can't be found"

Quan Yong sneered in his heart, is he rubbing the people's IQ on the ground?

"Do you want to be the most successful comeback? Without Xiao Liu and Xiao Duan from the same Entrepreneur Association, where did you get the 50 million start-up capital!"

Gently shaking his head, Quan Yong sighed in his heart. The current public opinion and social collective consciousness only have a deep-rooted criterion of "the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit".

As for the sense of morality and humanistic care, stay aside!

This is the general environment of today's society. Even if Quan Yong is a government official, he, like many people, has nothing to do.

It's just that some people are indeed too harsh on that young Zhao Song!

However, it may be different here, because Shanghai City has already studied him thoroughly!

Some people worried that he would be like Shi Bufat in the past, rushing forward and pursuing diversification, but they didn't see that Zhao Song didn't pursue diversification at all.

He's fast, but also steady.

The assets of risky enterprises are completely thrown away. Under the holding of Tesla, Tesla, Tesla Microelectronics, One Kilometer, Three Links and One Access are all relatively independent entities without interfering with each other.

He introduced a team of professional managers, willing to share benefits, and never monopolized benefits

However, such a person has no honor at all!


At this time, Old Zhao gave a low shout.

Hearing the words, Quan Yong quickly put aside his thoughts, tidied up his clothes, showed a solemn smile, and laughed loudly:

"Let's go, greet him well, and try to keep him in Shang Hai!"

"Look at mine! It's definitely better than my own granddaughter!"


What kind of shit metaphor is this?

What is it like for the richest man to travel?

Perhaps, Quan Yong and Director Zhao will never forget what they saw today.

Amidst the sound of ticking shoe nails knocking on the ground, countless passengers gave way one after another, and then looked at Tesla and his party with interest.

As someone said on the Internet, whenever and wherever you see Tesla employees who are always full of energy, you are looking at a beautiful landscape and feel good!

At this moment, when they saw the group of young ladies wearing Haitian Xiangyun and showing their long legs, looking at the cute girl with double ponytails next to the richest man, and looking at the young people full of vigor, everyone couldn't help but smile.

"It turns out that they are exactly what I thought!"

"This is the young enterprise that 'I speak for myself'!"

Seeing Zhao Song approaching, and the young ladies behind him, Director Quan Yong and Director Zhao couldn't help standing up straight, stretching out their right hands, with solemn smiles on their faces:

"Mr. Zhao Song, hello, I am."

Before Quan Yong finished speaking, Zhao Song held his hands tightly.

"Director Quan, I'm sorry to keep you waiting!"

Quan Yong was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, the smile on his face became bright: "It should be!"

Zhao Song bowed slightly, and then took Director Zhao's hand.

"Hello Director Zhao, thank you for welcoming me."

You said everything I said, and how do you know our names? Director Zhao blinked, and quickly replied: "It should."

Afterwards, Zhao Song extended his hand to the last middle-aged man.

"Hello, Chief Lin!"

"Hello, hello!" Assistant surnamed Lin said flattered.

Quan Yong waved not far away, and immediately a few hostesses came over holding flowers.

It wasn't until the simple welcome ceremony was completed that Zhao Song said with a little apology: "There are many company affairs, and my secretarial team is relatively large. I have caused trouble for everyone."

"No trouble!"

Of course Quan Yong knew how many people Tesla had. He also knew that tomorrow, in addition to the three major investment banks, there would also be a huge Tesla business team arriving on the same plane.

He knew even better that the richest man did not come here to escape, but to fight!

Zhao Song nodded, smiled and took the flowers handed over by Miss Etiquette, and finally pulled Xiao Yu and said: "This is my sister, there is something at home, so..."

Director Quan nodded, he also knew this, he even knew what had happened to this little girl that Zhao Song took with her.

Looking at the lovable Xiao Yu, he was about to say something when Director Zhao suddenly approached him, licking his hideous ugly face. He held a big bear puppet in his hand, and tried to pretend to be kind:

"Xiao Yu, hello, here is the bear!"

Who can take away this idiot who can't see a little girl?

Quan Yong has a terrible headache!

2001, May 9.

Zhao Song and his party arrived at Shang Hai.

On the same day, at the Capital International Airport, a chartered plane carrying more than 100 people took off.

Headed by Li Bowei, general manager of Shenzhou Technology, a business team composed of more than 20 supporting suppliers including Tesla, Wuming Factory, Shanshi, Wesonic, etc., flew to Guangdong Province with billions of funds to develop Their second industrial base!

On the same day, in Nanxinfadi, the cultural leader and the general manager of Santong Yida, Lao Ba, welcomed Comrade Zhao Xin, the former sales director of Jiaming Trading.

At the same moment, Zhao Dou, who was far away in Zheng City, Central Plains Province and hadn't seen him for a long time, walked into the provincial government compound as the spokesperson of the Zhaojia Village interest group.

On the same day, the business team of Weiwei Group arrived in the capital under the leadership of Li Wei. This strong woman who is well-known in the world will lead her team to enter the one-kilometer road for nearly a hundred small and medium-sized enterprises under the group. Unfortunately, this time she will face the super strong woman, Zhao Rong!

Still on this day, Ding Tao kept visiting various large domestic PC manufacturers.

Gui Luyang kept making phone calls.

Liu Cong, who is far away in the United States, is busy meeting with the Nth investment bank to prepare the third backup plan for the Tesla music ecosystem.

And in the Tesla Industrial Park in Pyeongchang District, the brand new R\u0026D building welcomed a group of blond and blue-eyed guests.

When Wei Fang put a music player with a color LCD screen in front of those foreigners, she heard the exclamation she expected.

"Oh, my god!~"

My name is Zhao Song. I have never joined any entrepreneur association, but I still have many friends. They don’t sell health care products, build houses, or play finance. They are all in business.

Huashi, are you ready?

The so-called endless life, endless battle.


Hit, hit you big watermelon!

One and a half chapters, it's gone today.

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