In 2001, a golden age, a big outlet that Rebs said.

The manufacturing industry is rapidly shifting to Asia. In the mainland of the motherland, one project after another is signed, factories are erected, assembly lines are tested for production, and goods are rushing in all directions.

The "six connections and one leveling" of water, electricity, landscaping, roads, workshops, and supporting facilities, and the "five major projects" of hardening, greening, landscaping, purification, and lighting, all exude a strong sense of modern industry on the vast land of China. breath, showing a vivid picture of modern industrial development.

The tide is rushing higher and higher, and the price we pay for this is exhausted workers, smoky skies, and devastated land.

Then, one day, the common people found out that TVs, which used to be expensive, were cheaper, VCDs were flooded, and computers were also reduced in price.

While enjoying the benefits of affordable prices, apart from attributing the cheapness to the "planting flowers" on the nameplate, few people entangle the deeper reasons, take a look at the product, and see what's inside. Another magnificent industry represented!

That is the integrated circuit of bloody storms and swords.

With the support of the national war reparations and the United States, South Korea's Four Stars played an unprecedented counter-cyclical business war. From now on, they will continue to lose money in the DRAM industry for a full nine years.

The island country has been stared at by the United States since the Toshiba incident, and it is not allowed to have the slightest ups and downs.


In the words of an American terminal manufacturer: "The worst memory produced by the island country is 30% stronger than the best memory in the United States!"

This is the island country, and this is why the United States has relentlessly attacked it for 30 years.

So this year, the island country changed its strategy. Let’s not talk about its various decisions in integrated circuits. Let’s just talk about a national plan it released this year: “In 50 years, get 30 Nobel Prizes!”

Everyone thinks this is a joke, but Zhao Song knows that in the next seventeen years, this guy will get one prize a year. In 2018, the island nation won 18 Nobel Prizes!

Are you not staring at me? That line, I don't play downstream industries anymore, I'm going to do materials and manufacturing equipment.

How do you hate this? How to rush this?

Zhao Song didn't even dare to think about it. When he went to the island country to sell films, when he stood on the world-famous Kyushu Silicon Island, what he felt was only a kind of deep despair-the difference was too great!

All that's left is Wan Wan.

Wanwan's 100-billion-level (USD) DRAM industry strategy has come to an end, and foundry and design have gradually become the pillar industries of the island's economy.

How did it change? That is copying! To put it bluntly, it is reverse research and development!

They made the chips that used to cost 8 US dollars ex-factory to 2 US dollars, and then sold the products of the electronic manufacturers whose names Wang Xin read out to the mainland, forming a complete ecological closed loop.

For American manufacturers, they have already made a lot of money from these high-profit projects. Now that the profits are gone, they will naturally start a new round of higher-tech R\u0026D projects.

So the industry completed the transfer invisibly.

And Wanwan has formed a whole industrial chain from design and manufacture to sales.

Some people say, if I don't buy Wanwan products, should I buy expensive apples?

Of course not, because Apple does not produce these things, and it has nothing to do with what products consumers buy. This is completely a market independent behavior of manufacturers.

Huashi, Gigabyte and other major manufacturers are responsible for the production of stable and reliable products. As for the chips used in the products, it has nothing to do with consumers. Those chips are cheap, considerate service, performance varies but does not affect The final product is still an enterprise on the island, why not use it!

This is a shortcut, and Wanwan has done it very successfully, giving birth to a complete pillar industry chain.

As for Zhao Song, this is what he wanted to do.

He completed the design of United Semiconductor, he participated in the recruitment of the president of Huahong to be an OEM, and he opened up the market through Shenzhou Technology and Tesla—a complete small industrial chain was formed.

He wants to let some people see that he can build a sustainable industrial chain. He does not need financial support or government assistance. He only needs a policy that can not even be announced. According to credible news over there, just let him get the damn DRAM, his request is that simple!

Shanghai, the penthouse suite of the Ritz-Carlton super five-star hotel.

Lying on the couch in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the beautiful scene of Huangpu River.

Xiao Yu put on milky white earphones, took out a color screen music player, manipulated its milky white turntable twice before putting it aside, then picked up a book and read it quietly.


Before the page was turned, Zhao Song mercilessly snatched it away.

"It's okay, what are you doing with this thing?"

Xiaoyu pouted unhappily, and complained: "Our classmates have been watching it all this time, and I don't even understand what they are talking about!"

Zhao Song put the book on his back and asked angrily: "What are you talking about, learn from me."

Xiao Yu tilted her head and thought for a while, then whispered softly:

"I want this day, which can no longer cover my eyes;

If I want this land, I can no longer bury my heart;

I want all living beings to understand my intentions;

Let all the Buddhas disappear in smoke! "

Zhao Song showed a smiley expression: "Aren't you in Secondary School?"


After a long time, Xiao Yu nodded reluctantly.

"The warm and depressing relationship between a stone and a rainbow, the sad friendship between a monk and a dragon or a horse, and the never-ending love story between a pig and a goddess.

Xiao Yu, that's what this book is all about! "


Xiao Yu opened her cute cherry mouth and looked at Zhao Song dully.

"But brother, how can I hear everyone say that after watching it, you are touched and passionate."

"A heroic and unrestrained passion that breaks through the clouds and overlooks all beings?"

Xiao Yu's little head lit up quickly.

Zhao Song pressed Xiaoyu's shoulders with both hands, and said earnestly:

"Have you ever thought that those three cynics all turned into Buddhas in the end—the same people they rebelled against?"


Zhao Song ignored Xiao Yu's suspicious eyes and continued:

"Xiao Yu, struggle and compromise are the nature of our human beings. If we resist our nature, we will end up starving to death just like the vegetarian tiger in the book!

Of course, those who were bold and ambitious when they were young, and those who remained consistent when they were old, became saints and heroes in the end. Obviously, those three people were not! "

So, what are you trying to explain?

Xiaoyu looked at Zhao Song in a daze, and then asked the question in his heart.

"I think you're fine. When are you going back to school? You know, the senior high school entrance examination is coming soon!"

It turned out to be waiting here, no wonder you said struggle and compromise

Xiao Yu quickly shook her head and said reluctantly:

"I won't go back, no one will accompany me when I go back, and I always think of Lian Shun~"

"What about the high school entrance examination?"

"Brother, didn't you find the super backstage Guanyin Bodhisattva?"


Zhao Song scratched his head. In front of his sister, he didn't have to worry about his image. He smiled and said:

"Brother tell you a joke."


As long as you don't go back to school and do those annoying math problems, I will listen to you ten or hundreds of times.

Xiao Yu showed crooked smiling eyes and looked at her brother seriously.

Zhao Song said with a faint smile:

"It is said that a girl who passed the high school entrance examination threw herself into the arms of a young man named Gaokao, crying and saying: 'Why don't they pay attention to me'.

The college entrance examination doting patted the back of the high school entrance examination and said: 'I will make them pay the price in three years! '"

There should be another chapter

The gross profit margin in the previous chapter was only that of Tesla T1. According to relevant data, the gross profit margin of Apple POWER MAC is 25%.

Let me tell you about the classic web articles at that time:

Zichuan, Tale of Grace, Heshi's Disciples, Heavenly Demon God's Tan, Fantasy Wars, Tiger Dynasty, Bad Guy..., The Sword of the Three Young Masters, Jade Immortal, Blasphemy in the Later Stage, Restricted Occupations? "Quest", which is used to vomiting, and Xiaobaiwen's pinnacle eunuch novel "Legend of Little Soldier".

Of course, these are based on memory, and there are many, many things I have forgotten. The most exciting one is of course the originator of YY "JLQSCZW"

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