Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 437: Building Momentum (2)

"Wukong Biography", sorted by time, is the second best book on the Internet. As for the number one, there is no doubt that it is "First Intimate Contact" by the ruffian.

That book is not something that young people can read at all. Zhao Song was a former victim. Back then, after reading "Wukong Biography" with passion, he went up to the sky and down to the ground for a long time. Air in the middle.

Then, the real society taught him a vivid lesson!

Xiao Yu's illness, of course, it is impossible for her to take a fancy to "Wukong Biography" which is seriously ill.

Taking out a math book and stuffing it in Xiaoyu's pouting hand, Zhao Songcai took out his vibrating phone and pressed the answer button.

"Boss, the picture has been sent."

Ding Tao's voice came from the phone.

Zhao Song asked: "How is the effect?"

"Attention has been attracted, and we are all looking forward to our next move."

Zhao Song thought for a while and said, "Pay attention to guide the discussion on the Internet."

"Understood!" Ding Tao responded: "Boss, several Wanwan manufacturers called and said they would withdraw from this promotional battle. They hope that the next matter will not involve them."

"Yes!" Zhao Song agreed without hesitation: "Say hello to our cooperation forum. If there are posts about them, they will be deleted."


Ding Tao agreed, and then he said solemnly: "Boss, Tesla is ready."

Zhao Song nodded: "Next, it's up to me!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Song laughed involuntarily when he saw Xiao Yu, a cute girl holding a math book and frowning.

She nodded her head angrily: "Our brain only needs 20W to run, but a computer with the same powerful performance needs a full 24 million W to start!

Xiao Yu, the brain is a good thing, you have to use it frequently! "


Xiao Yu wrinkled her cute little nose.

Zhao Song smiled and pulled the cute girl up.

"Get up and go for a walk with brother."

"Brother~" Xiao Yu said with concern: "Brother, I didn't rest last night, so you can go to bed while it's still early!"

"How can I sleep?" Zhao Song shook his head, and said as he walked, "I will go to the city committee for an interview in the afternoon, and I will have an investment bank inquiry tomorrow, Xiaoyu, in less than a day, I will have two big exams in my life. Why don't you accompany brother to relax."

After staring at Zhao Song's dark circles for a while, Xiao Yu nodded slowly.

"Where do you want to relax?"

"Go to the stock market to see a miracle, and buy a house along the way."

"...Is this what you mean by relaxing?" Xiao Yu asked in a daze.

"Of course, for me, buying a house is about relaxing!"

Zhao Song answered as a matter of course.

An hour later, the Shanghai stock exchange hall.

In the crowded hall, there were harsh noises everywhere.

Now, it is the climax of a big bull market, without reading the news, without studying national policies, just looking at the people with red eyes, Zhao Song knows that this thing is not far from the collapse.

Shenzhou is firmly moving toward a market value of 50 billion, and bright red information often appears on the big screen above the head, which is extremely conspicuous.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is not Shenzhou, but the legendary troika, the miracle of the florist in the stock market.

In the corner, Zhao Song leaned close to Xiao Yu's ear, muttering softly, and the erratic voice seemed to be admonishing himself:

"Xiaoyu, there are more than a thousand stocks, and one tenth of them belong to a private entrepreneur. Is it great?"

It was the 'Dragon family' of the Morgan family known as flower growers.

Xiao Yu looked at Zhao Song in shock, and asked in disbelief: "Private entrepreneur? Brother, you"

The richest man is a joke, but he can be taken out as a typical richest man, so he is the richest man!

Very reasonable, but also very contradictory.

Zhao Song smiled and shook his head, without further explanation, he led Xiao Yu to the gate.

Walking through the crowded hall, Zhao Song suddenly remembered a sentence:

As an entrepreneur, living in an age of immoral profiteering and no binding rules is happiness, because you may grab benefits beyond imagination at any time; but at the same time it is unfortunate, because the benefits you grab easily may be lose.

Half an hour later, Xujiahui, beside the Huangpu River.

Accompanied by a group of bodyguards, Zhao Song and Xiao Yu stared blankly at a shopping group.

On this ordinary morning, Zhao Song really just wanted to teach himself a lesson in the stock market, and then buy a house to relax. Unexpectedly, when buying a house, he could teach himself a second lesson!

That’s right, this is the bank of the Huangpu River, where the first real mansion in Shanghai—Shimao Riverside Garden was born.

As the "Tallest Building in Asia" mansion, 160,000 square meters of concentrated green space, 70% greening rate, 6 world-themed community gardens and four luxury clubs, all subvert people's perception of mansions.

However, on this day, Zhao Song met the shopping group who appeared in Shanghai for the first time, and this shopping group composed of 157 people, their shopping goal is - a house!

What a vivid lesson!

Looking at this group of rambunctious city-beaters, Zhao Song felt emotional. They should have been important pioneers of the flower-planting market economy after the reform and opening up. , They, like countless real estate businessmen, have been scolded by the common people for eight generations!

Zhao Song, don't forget, people are alive, don't lack morality if you lack anything, and don't lack conscience if you lack anything!

"Mr. Zhao Song~"

Wu Nong's soft words woke up Zhao Song.

At the entrance of the magnificent reception hall, I saw a delicate and exquisite Jiangnan beauty, and my mood suddenly improved a lot, and I asked with a smile:

"you know me!"

The delicate beauty nodded and smiled: "Of course, there should be very few people who don't know you now."

This flattery makes me so comfortable~

Resisting the rippling sullenness, Zhao Song asked solemnly: "Director?"

The beauty continued to nod and smile: "I am the sales director of Binjiang Garden, and I am very happy to serve you."

"I am also very happy to be served by you~"

Ignoring Xiao Yu's blank eyes, Zhao Song continued to ask: "Is there any discount for buying a house now?"

"If I can use your name as a publicity, I can give it to you!"

"Great!" Zhao Song stretched out his thumb, pondered reservedly for a moment, then took out an ordinary bank card, and said with a smile: "Buy a house! Louwang!"

There are still three years left for Tomson Yipin, here is the best choice now!


Five minutes later, the beautiful sales executive who didn't even have time to say her name completed the fastest sales in her life!

2001, May 10, 14:30.

Shanghai Municipal Building, the large meeting room on the top floor.

Outside the closed gate, Zhao Song nervously straightened his clothes, straightened his tie clip, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and nodded to the guards on both sides of the gate.

The door opens.

Zhao Song strode in, and then, he saw two figures on the rostrum.

There was a burst of violence all over his body, and Zhao Song's eye circles turned red instantly. He really didn't expect to see the leader of this city here. He bowed deeply and greeted deeply:

"Leader, hello!

Hello, Dr. Zhang! "

On the rostrum, the leader of the Oriental Metropolis smiled gently and asked, "Hello, Zhao Song, are you ready?"

Staggered chapter titles for building momentum and fighting watermelon.

The stall is too big, and there is indeed a problem with the ability to control it. I write at my own pace and try my best not to skip.

Some people can write 4,000 words in two hours, but I may not be able to write 2,000 words in four hours. It is really slow.

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