Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 438 Accident

Shanghai City Hall.

The working area outside the large meeting room. At this time, for many staff here, this is a very special day. Apart from the meeting inside, it is because they saw the big bear walking all the time!

The big bear was very big, with two cute ponytails protruding from its round and simple head. Then, they saw Xiao Yu, who was completely blocked by the big bear, and the Director of Investment Promotion, who was a little fierce and tried to pretend to be kind.

No one went up to stop them, not because they were afraid of Director Zhao, but because the person who bought the bear was sitting at the head of the conference room.

"Xiaoyu, this one can be used!"

The two came to a desk, Director Zhao pointed to a fax machine and said.

Xiao Yu nodded politely: "Thank you Uncle Zhao."

"No thanks, no thanks~"

Chief Zhao's face brightened with a smile.

Picking up the phone, Xiao Yu skillfully pressed the number, beeped, and was picked up by the other person.

"Sister Yingzhu, this is the number."

Liao Yingzhu may be the only one who can be called sister by Xiao Yu.

"You press the receive button."


It wasn't until the documents were printed out one by one that Liao Yingzhu on the phone said, "Xiaoyu, the text message Zhao Song sent to me was blind typing, he is in trouble, can you send these documents to him now. "

"It should be possible~"

Xiao Yu hesitated for a moment, then looked back at Director Zhao: "Uncle Zhao said that I can go anywhere in the past two days with a bear in my arms."

What the hell is a bear?

On the phone, Liao Yingzhu didn't pursue this side issue, and quickly said: "Xiaoyu, send it to your brother as quickly as possible!"


In the big conference room, Zhao Song was indeed in trouble.

Six years ago, a mainland private company obtained the approval documents for listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. One month later, when its listing was counting down, the boss of that company suddenly made a surprise that surprised everyone. Decision: Abandon listing.

No second entrepreneur who grows flowers will make such a decision, and this range is justified by the whole world!

That private enterprise is called Shenshi Feilong, and the boss is called Jiang Wei!

The reason is that Xiangjiang Law Firm asked more than 2,870 questions to Jiang Wei during the listing and packaging process, and the buddies did not answer more than half of them.

So, in the face of the regulated Hong Kong stock market, the boss who was evaluated as the most poetic flinched.

Who knows, Zhao Song doesn't comment on this, and he doesn't even bother to scold them as a 'Shabi'. He doesn't even have a little favor for these health care product merchants who rub consumers' IQs on the ground!

At this time, Zhao Song sat quietly, his forehead was slightly sweaty, and there were many heads on the opposite side, and all the officials gathered.

He thought of the 2,870 questions that Jiang Wei encountered. Before that, he specially prepared 3,000 answers to the three major investment banks tomorrow. Unexpectedly, he used them now.

He knew that this was no longer an interview, but an opportunity for him, who had never attended any government organization meetings, to have a dialogue with the government.

However, there was a bit of an accident this time, and he knew that the Shanghai government might be a little surprised.

Seeing the scrutiny, suspicion, and distrust of the experts, reporters, and professors on the opposite side, Zhao Song gently shook his head and smiled bitterly: These people are quite resistant to the fact that the 21-year-old him is the president of a tens of billions of companies!

Rubbing his eyes that were still red, it wasn't because of grievances that had no place to vent, it was the relaxation after seeing a high-ranking official and the sleepless nights of more than 30 hours.

Instead of getting angry at the tricky questions he faced, he asked himself a serious question in his heart: How far away from politics do entrepreneurs need to be to be safe?

In Beijing, because of Tesla and Shenzhou, many people took good care of him, but because of his own refusal and various other reasons, he has not yet received honorary recognition even from orthodox official institutions, such as labor model , NPC deputies, zx committee members, national or provincial outstanding entrepreneurs, etc., he has not been accepted as a director or member by any social organizations with government background.

He is willing to pay the price of benefits and resources for staying away from this thing, but today, the reality has taught him a serious lesson - as long as he has toss a few more times in the capital, he will not fail to listen to the professionals attending the meeting today. To a good word!


Opened his mouth, just as Zhao Song wanted to say something, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and then he watched in bewilderment a big bear with twin ponytails walking in.

It wasn't until the big bear came to the side, revealing Xiao Yu's bright smiling eyes, that Zhao Song came to his senses, and looked at her angrily and amusedly.

"Brother, Sister Zhuzi asked me to give you the information."

The crisp female voice rang out, which eased the tense atmosphere in the conference room a lot.

Zhao Song took it with a smile: "Thank you Xiaoyu, wait outside for a while."

Xiao Yu shook her head before she could finish speaking, she glanced resentfully at the other side, and then said, "I'll accompany brother!"

Zhao Song stared at her blankly, nodded slowly and said, "Then sit quietly."


After finishing speaking, Xiao Yu quietly sat beside Zhao Song holding the big bear, without saying a word.

When Zhao Song was reading the materials, on the rostrum, the secretary smiled and said something to the people around him. After a while, a fruit platter was delivered to Xiao Yu.

Not far behind Zhao Song, Director Zhao sat beside Quan Yong, frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Quan Yong sighed deeply.

"An accident?"


Quan Yong thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "I don't know why, this time the company's recruiting of President Huahong has attracted widespread media attention this morning. To be on the safe side, the government office has invited some experts and the media to participate. "

"Someone has the guts to make trouble after eating a bear's heart?" Director Zhao tried his best to suppress his anger, and carefully glanced at the head of the rostrum.

Quan Yong smiled wryly again:

"Those people are justified, although it doesn't affect the result, but judging from the secretary's meaning, it should be regarded as an investigation of Zhao Song!"

Director Zhao glanced at Xiao Yu in front of him, and wanted to say something. Seeing Zhao Song standing up slowly, he quickly closed his mouth, and the meeting room fell silent.

"It's a bit of a surprise." Zhao Song stood up straight and said slowly, "I thought it was a simple interview, but I didn't expect it to become an exam."

On the rostrum, the secretary smiled lightly: "It's really a bit surprising, Zhao Song, you don't need to answer, we can directly enter the topic and talk about Huahong."

"Secretary, you can answer!" Zhao Song nodded seriously, and then he looked at the experts and reporters.

He didn't know who was standing behind these people, and he didn't want to know. At this time, he had become hopeless, and said relaxedly: "First of all, I am very grateful to everyone for not referring to Yituo Technology. It is linked to the loss of state-owned assets."


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