Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 440 Finally stepping into the hinterland of the industry!

Why memory?

In the conference room, no one had any doubts about this issue, but anyone who cared about it knew what Zhao Song was tossing about during this time!

For Shanghai City, this meeting had some twists and turns, but it was an interview with a doomed result!

No matter whose cake this young richest man has touched in the matter of serving as the president of Huahong Semiconductor, it is impossible to change this result!

Now is the cold winter of the industry. There are so many factories all over the world that are waiting to be fed. It is hard to describe the degree of thirst for orders. Whoever can bring the order is the father. If Zhao Song can get the orders he promised, he will be a father. father!

It's a pity that this meeting was only half successful for Zhao Song. Although he knew that it was impossible to hear any definite news from the big leader, he still had certain fantasies in his heart: What if the other party approved it? ?

Different from the various targeted policies of the United States, the integration of island countries and crooked countries, South Korea’s national support for the four stars, in another time and space, in Zhao Song’s memory, the flower growers have never issued a policy targeting a certain part !

The only time it came close was during the liquid crystal war, when Wanwan, South Korea, and island countries launched a comprehensive blockade against flower growers, maliciously raising prices and making huge profits on the mainland of the motherland. Resolutely released targeted measures - a comprehensive increase in tariffs on imported LCD panels!

The blockade has been broken, and major panel assembly companies are scrambling to set up factories in the mainland for production!

This is BOE, and it is also the meaning of the existence of Tesla Microelectronics, leaving a way and preserving a possibility!

Then break through the Iron Curtain!

Whether it is shining brightly or in obscurity!

At least, he did!

Zhao Song never expects the government to issue any policies, but he hopes to issue some plausible and convincing news, just like the Ministry of Information Industry's triple killing of PHS, and the various domestic manufacturers who are tossing about 3G commercial time. Die like news!

Unfortunately, nothing!

It would be strange if there was one, not to mention United Semiconductor, and even the wireless mouse and keyboard products claimed by Tesla Microelectronics have not yet appeared. Before Zhao Song came up with the results, no matter which company he owned, no It's just a sci-fi company engaged in model innovation. If you want to ask for anything, just show the orders and results you mentioned!

"Then bring out the results!"

At the gate of Shanghai City Hall, Zhao Song looked up at the cloudless sky and muttered to himself.

Bring out the results, build up momentum, attract attention, and then let nature take its course, gain my luck and lose my life, this is Zhao Song's entire plan.

"Zhao Song, hello!"

A gentle voice came from behind.

Zhao Song turned his head and immediately greeted respectfully:

"Hello, Dr. Zhang!"

"Waiting for your sister?"

Zhao Song smiled wryly: "That girl is much more popular than me!"

Dr. Zhang nodded in agreement, and said with a smile: "That child looks pleasing to the eye, plus that fashionable clothes..."

Speaking of this, Dr. Zhang looked at Zhao Song and praised: "It can be seen that you put your heart into it!"

Anyone who has such a beautiful sister will be so attentive! Hearing other people's praise, Zhao Song felt elated.

"Zhao Song."


"In the meeting room, you only mentioned the general direction, can you tell me about your specific plan?"


Looking at the bookish Dr. Zhang, Zhao Song took out the work contract he had just signed, and said with a wry smile: "The general direction is the plan. Dr. Zhang, the main body of the 909 project, after so many years, the tens of billions of Huahong have no intellectual property rights." , who would believe it?"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song pointed to one of the requirements in the contract. On it, the words "complete personnel rights" stabbed Dr. Zhang's eyes.


Dr. Zhang looked at him in surprise, and smiled with admiration: "I said, why are there so many people here today, and all of them are people who question you? So this is the main reason~"

Zhao Song didn't care about Dr. Zhang's ridicule, and nodded in agreement: "Those who do nothing, whoever wants to show face, will probably pack up and leave tomorrow."

Dr. Zhang couldn't help laughing, and then asked with concern: "Everyone is gone, what should Huahong do?"

"This is why United Semiconductor has not made an official announcement! Doctor, its registration place is not in the capital, but in Shanghai!" Zhao Song patiently explained to Dr. Zhang, after all, there is something to ask for him: "In addition NEC withdrew its capital from Shougang NEC, and I recruited all the people from its Beijing Research Institute, and got four patents along the way! Coupled with the assistance of United Semiconductor, I believe Huahong’s future can be expected.”

Dr. Zhang understood it, and asked with a smile: "It's good to have a plan, this time you asked me to come over, is there something wrong?"

Zhao Song nodded quickly, took out a piece of paper from his carry-on bag, handed it to Dr. Zhang, and said seriously: "Doctor, I am still Shanda's shareholder. Out of concern for it, and to prevent the source code from leaking, my staff A genius has been monitoring its global operators since the end of last year!"

Once the reborn uses his gold finger, he must find a good reason in advance. This time, Zhao Song moved out the genius Li Yu who was trapped in the nest of beauties.

Dr. Zhang took the blank paper and looked at it, his face gradually sank.

"Our key monitoring areas include Yidali and Wanwan, and a series of things that happened later caught the attention of my subordinates!"

Zhao Song introduced leisurely: "Marco Mora, I later found out that he is the Chief Operating Officer of your company. He sent an email to Ms. Liu Yun, who is going through the resignation procedures at Bayji Electric, asking for the process flow."

At the end of 2000, Dr. Zhang sent an invitation to Liu Yun of Wanji Electric. Everything went well, but unexpectedly, it was ruined by an email that even she didn't know.

"Commercial espionage!" Dr. Zhang fully understood why Liu Yun was suddenly detained by Wanwan officials. The reason was that email!

In another time and space, in the early stage of SMIC's listing in Xiangjiang, Liu Yun was the sharpest weapon in the hands of Wanji Electronics.


Dr. Zhang nodded gratefully.

"It should be!"

Zhao Song didn't care, took two steps forward, licked his face and smiled: "Dr. Zhang, the four patents in my hand will be exchanged for the same number of cross-authorizations from you, and a few more engineers will be supported until our equipment is normal. run, okay?"

Dr. Zhang Rujing looked at Zhao Song seriously. This was the first time he saw young people who took the initiative to plunge into the quagmire of semiconductors on this land.

Suddenly, he said with a relaxed smile: "Let's exchange at equal value, Zhao Song, there is no problem with cross-licensing, what price do you want to pay for the technician?"

"Tap out!" Zhao Song stretched out a finger and said confidently: "In the future, in addition to taping out at Fujitsu, all the chips of my company will be done again at SMIC to help you master the process as soon as possible." !"

Dr. Zhang trembled all over, looked at him in surprise, and nodded heavily after a long time: "Thank you!"


Hold tightly with both hands.

At this time, the big bear also came to Zhao Song's side. Zhao Song gently stroked the two cute ponytails, showing a bright smile!

Today's chapter.

It's about to start

Rethink ideas.

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