Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 441 Awe-inspiring righteousness, building momentum (3)

Shanghai Municipal Building, the largest office.

The secretary played with the exquisite packing box in his hand, and opened it after a long time.

Then, he saw a milky white player with an LCD screen.

"Beautiful!" He secretly praised.

Just as pretty as that little girl!

Take out the player, touch the switch, a red 'T' starts to flash on the screen until the playback interface appears.

There is only one built-in song in it, and the name is very unfamiliar. The secretary recalled it carefully for a moment and then gave up.

Putting the small player aside, he took out the letter paper in the box and opened it.

"Its name is TPOD Classic, and it has been developed for half a year on the basis of TPOD2 shulle.

It is a product of global collaboration, including decoding in Europe, storage systems in island countries, power management and encoders in the United States, circuit assembly by florists, and beautiful casings.

It contains 72 patented technologies and a number of intellectual property authorizations, and it costs millions (US dollars, permanently) just to obtain the authorization of the MP3 encoder. "

Seeing this, the big secretary's calm eyes flickered, and he looked more seriously:

"MP3 is a digital audio encoding and lossy compression format. It applies psychoacoustic theory and discards data that is not important to human hearing.

However, it is a lossy format after all. Even if this player supports MP3 files with a compression rate of 320K, it is almost indistinguishable from CDs. As a company that always focuses on users, we still have prepared Another format - WAV!

Thus, an almost perfect hardware product was born, but unfortunately, at the beginning of its birth, in the United States, Europe, and island countries, it faced the risk of becoming a delicate little brick:

In those major markets of Tesla, leading record companies such as Time Warner, Sony, and EMI abandoned their previous suspicions and formed a huge team of lawyers to encircle and suppress "music pirates" such as, Napster, eMule, and eMule. According to the copyright laws of various countries at this time, it is not a problem for them to win the lawsuit.

It is foreseeable that the pirated music that Tesla TPOD series products depend on will no longer exist there.

As a result, the three major investment banks and AOL came to find a way to survive for Tesla TPOD.

Digital music dissemination technology is like weeds growing wantonly, who will reap the benefits in the end?

Many companies have begun to desperately pursue the answer to this question, and Tesla is one of them.

Secretary, the reason why I introduce these is just to explain to you a fact, that is - the era of global knowledge economy has arrived!

As a strategic resource for an enterprise and even a country to improve its core competitiveness, intellectual property has begun to highlight its unprecedented importance.

In Beijing, Qingyun Company plagiarized but won the lawsuit against Tesla. Therefore, United Semiconductor was established. In the appendix at the end of the letter, there are more than a dozen chips with various functions, except for a few that were purchased from various channels in the United States. In addition, the rest are all redefining the same chip technology of Wanwan, that is to say, they are all copied!

It is a kind of behavior that relieves anger by treating the person's body in the same way.

However, I would rather not have this relief, I would rather win that lawsuit, and I would rather design those chips completely independently!

The intellectual property strategy has a long way to go. From now on, Tesla is willing to take the first step and pave a way for its domestic counterparts.

Tomorrow, we will go to a new battlefield to deal with those investment banks and record companies. Once Tesla achieves its goal, an ecosystem from products to services, from the Internet to reality will appear in the hands of our flower planters. inside.

Although it only includes music, who knows in the future?

A galloping horse can't take ten steps in one leap; a rough horse can ride ten times, and the merits are endless.

The road has to be taken step by step. With this step, who is sure that Tesla cannot stand in the position of the WTELL alliance? Who can be sure that flower growers will not be able to create a perfect world?

Yours sincerely.


Attachment: Part of the product catalog that United Semiconductor has passed the test. "

Gently putting down the letter, the secretary closed his eyes and began to think.

After a long time, he took out an earphone from the drawer and connected it to the TPOD classic - the lovely Xiao Yu said that this verification machine does not have earphones.

Touch the play button, and a gentle and soft string music comes.

The big secretary closed his eyes again, and then opened them loudly by the intervention of the metal rock style, and then, the singing sound made him close his eyes again:

"I don't know how many summers and autumns the sun and the moon rise

I don't know how long I've been running like this

fly with me

in the perfect world

go with me just like a bird

Nothing can stop the world of freedom


At this time, it was dusk, and the sun suddenly became shy.

At the gate of the city hall, my brother said goodbye to Dr. Zhang, then took the little hand protruding from Big Bear's body, and walked out of the gate.

The sycamores on both sides of the road are lush and lush, blocking the sunlight that shines here without a trace, making the street lights in the city hall light up in advance.

In the distance, the setting sun outlines the lines of the city with its afterglow, which makes this ancient magic city full of charm, and makes people unconsciously fall into the beautiful memories of the city.

The older brother took the big bear, and the little one held the big one.

"Xiao Yu, what did the secretary tell you?"

"He asked me if I wanted to go to school here!" A crisp voice came from Big Bear's body: "I said listen to my brother!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Yu's cute little head finally appeared from behind Big Bear, looked at Zhao Song suspiciously and asked, "Brother, are we not going back?"

"Go back!"

Zhao Song said angrily and amusedly, such a blatant poaching, I don't know how the capital will react if they find out.

"But if tomorrow goes well, I may have to stay here for a while!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Song looked at Xiaoyu: "If you don't want to go back, the secretary's opinion can be considered, and it is also good to experience the learning atmosphere of the magic city!"

"Say it again, say it again!"

Xiao Yuyan said insincerely that she neither wanted to go back nor go to school.

Zhao Song smiled. On this beautiful evening, it was rare to have a girl by his side. He didn't intend to make things difficult for Xiao Yu, so he changed the subject and said, "Xiao Yu, do you still remember what my brother said at the door of Zhong Hai's warehouse?"

"Hmm~" Seeing that her brother no longer mentioned the matter of going to school, Xiao Yu smiled, and hid her little head behind Uh Big Bear's body again, and said sullenly:

"At the beginning, my brother said, sooner or later, you will make all the things in that case!"

Zhao Song scratched his head, thought for a long time, and then nodded: "Although it is not the original words, it is almost the meaning."

"Brother, is this day coming soon?"

Zhao Song laughed dumbly: "It's early~"

"When will that be?"

Zhao Song looked up to the north, and said leisurely: "My brother has created a bunch of companies, and when they grow stronger, that day will come."

Shenzhou should be the fastest one.

Now, in addition to dealing with the upcoming three major peers, he is still waiting for news from Shenzhou!


Xiao Yu nodded half understanding.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go eat!"

Zhao Song smiled and patted Daxiong's belly: "Xiaoyu, this is Shanghai, there are 166,926 restaurants in total, my brother treats you to a good meal tonight!"


Xiao Yu happily replied, tightly grasping Zhao Song's big hand, hugging the big bear, and bouncing around.

Seeing the Oriental Pearl TV Tower shining brightly on Century Avenue in Lujiazui, Pudong New Area from a distance, I feel relieved. On the west coast of the vast Pacific Ocean, the north coast of Hangzhou Bay, the east of the Asian continent, the front edge of the Yangtze River Delta, and the mouth of the rolling Yangtze River, Xiao Yu behind Big Bear suddenly shouted loudly:

"Brother, look, I want to listen to "Perfect World""

"I don't know how many summers and autumns the sun and the moon rise

I don't know how long I've been running like this


One chapter a day is certainly not the norm.

Well, today's chapter.

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