Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 443: Building Momentum (5)

Chen Ning and Li Pei didn't wait for the new product to come out. After saying goodbye to Li Xingfu politely, they drove to the 798 park not far away.

At the gate, after chatting with an honest security guard for a while, the two big men strolled along the East Street of 798 Park.

"security guard!"

Li Pei sighed, "That Li Linna is cruel enough to let my cousin be a security guard here."

"She's too calm!" Chen Ning shook his head, and said regretfully, "Actually, it would be better to simply be a money-worshiping girl, and Zhao Song would be happier."

Li Pei looked at him in surprise: "You mean?"

"I didn't say anything!" Chen Ning quickly shook his head and changed the subject to: "I didn't say anything, let's get down to business."

Li Pei nodded, did not continue the sensitive topic, looked at his watch and said, "I have two news, two things to tell you."

"I'm listening."

"In the past two weeks, Tesla has completed the transfer of various intellectual property rights to Shenzhou. After 35 minutes, any intersection between Tesla and Shenzhou will be done in business."

Chen Ning looked at his watch. He knew that 35 minutes later, in Shanghai, Zhao Song would start negotiations with the three major investment banks. Although the content of the negotiations was said to be confidential, many people had their own guesses.

"Second news, when Director Gui Luyang came here yesterday, I accidentally overheard a part of her private phone call."


Chen Ning looked at Li Pei with interest.

"Brother Chen, the Tesla technology that many people dream of may have completed the first equity transformation!"

Chen Ning stopped when he heard the words, looked at Li Pei stiffly, and asked in a murmur, "You mean someone got shares in Tesla?"

"At least Gui Luyang got it!"


After standing there blankly for a long time, Chen Ning shook his head and said dejectedly: "Nothing, before the second round, only a few lunatics can get the equity, and people outside have no role!"

Li Pei twitched the corners of his mouth, holding back the smile in his heart - he felt a sense of refreshment when he saw the helplessness of the omnipotent second generation like Chen Ning.

As for Tesla's equity, it's good to have a look at it yourself, but the second generation represented by the one in front of you, why don't you just look at it.

"Let's talk about something."

Chen Ning glanced at Li Pei: "Is it related to driving ducks to the shelves and making me an HR?"


Li Pei nodded and continued: "The first thing is, our sales team is already in place. At 9 o'clock, the old factory building of 798, you will personally sign the personnel contract for them and introduce the company's status!"

Chen Ning frowned and asked, "Who are they?"

Li Pei took out a piece of information from his carry-on bag: "Let me introduce you with the exact words of the chairman: Most of them came from prestigious universities. Before 1998, some of them worked in central ministries and commissions. Some are journalists in well-known media, some are accomplished lawyers, some are senior managers in multinational companies, and some are from the most famous industrial companies in China!

Compared with those swindlers who sell health products, prosthetics, and salted fish, Li Xingfu's production management team and the sales team composed of these people are the real world's top elites. "

"The world's top elite?"

Chen Ning asked dumbfounded.

Li Pei nodded: "This is the original words of the chairman."

The old No. 1 factory building was already in sight, and Chen Ning suddenly felt that his legs could not move.

"What is the background of this group of people and that Li Xingfu?"

"From the dead Aiduo VCD!"

Li Pei looked at the information in his hand, and continued to introduce: "Even when Aiduo has collapsed, they still maintain first-class on-site and technical management, and create high-quality products; they have completed the integration of marketing strategies, and in VCD In a market where supply exceeds demand, there is even a phenomenon of out-of-stock.”


Chen Ning swallowed, and asked in disbelief: "It's been more than two years, how did that cripple get all these people together?"

He has always been brooding about Gui Luyang scolding him.


Li Pei frowned, looked at Chen Ning seriously, and said: "Brother Chen, that lame woman ran all the way to the prison in the south to meet Hu Dingbiao (the founder of Aiduo), and then she was still that lame woman, running all over the place. All over the country, these people are gathered here.

Brother Chen, she is not a cripple, her name is Gui Luyang, she is the human resources director of Tesla Technology, a new star in the capital's business circle, and a future billionaire. If it weren't for the chairman, she would never run around for us! "

Chen Ning waved his hands again and again: "Okay! An official like me, then Lao Shizi HR, is not lame! What about the second thing?"

Seeing his aggrieved look, Li Pei had no choice but to continue: "The poaching will be completed within a month!"

I'm good at this~

Chen Ning looked at his former subordinates with bright eyes, and a second-generation momentum spontaneously emerged, and he waved his hands grandly: "Who is digging?"

"Kaitian team!"

"What the hell?"

"Imagine the team that develops mid-to-low-end servers!"


Chen Ning wants to cry but has no tears.

Li Pei suppressed a smile, and said seriously: "Chairman Zhao Song said, two things, if done, it will be beneficial, if you can't do it, you can stay there, and don't participate in anything with Shenzhou Technology in the future."

"What's the benefit?"

"real estate!"


Chen Ning rolled up his sleeves, strode towards the old factory building, took out his mobile phone, and confidently typed:

"Shenzhou Technology, get ready!"

Shenzhen City, Great Wall Building.

When the second generation Chen Ning rushed towards the goal aggressively, the round girl whom she hadn't seen for a long time walked into the conference room second to last.

Not long after she sat in the front row, the new director walked in leisurely.

"How is the integration of Jiaming's shop?"

There were no pleasantries, no opening remarks, and the cleanliness of the new middle-aged director was astonishing.

Like many people, Yuanyuan Tangyuan has already adapted to this leader's style, without any surprise, he quickly replied: "The change of clothes was completed a week ago, and all the well-trained sales staff were in place yesterday. "

Director Li Suo nodded: "The expansion of Great Wall's sales channels from specialty stores to major electronic cities is an opportunity and a test for us. I hope you will not take it lightly and fight this sales battle well."


Director Lisuo nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Tang Yuan:

"Have you decided on the name of our main product?"

"It's been confirmed, it's called Zhimei!"

"To the United States~" Director Li Suo said silently twice before showing a smile, nodded and said: "Then wait for the news of our little richest man, try to catch his popularity, and strive for a good start! The meeting ends!"


Everyone got used to the director's five-minute meeting and left quickly.

Yuanyuan pursed her lips into a smile, quietly took out her mobile phone, and sent a text message that she had already typed:

"Great Wall Group, get ready!"

What Shenzhou Technology completed was the integration of Pengcheng and Jiaming stores, and some of Jiaming's extra stores were given to Great Wall, as mentioned above.

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