Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 444 Potential Cheng (Part 1)

In this era when Internet heroes are still dormant, two major discussions on the economic path of flower growers have entered a stage of full swing.

We don’t go into how many bigwigs and important economists have participated in this big discussion, but just say a few topics about this discussion:

Private enterprises, restructuring of state-owned enterprises, retreat of the state and advancement of the people, heavy industry, real estate,!

Interestingly, in this protracted discussion, when Tesla was born, they avoided the name. When Shenzhou Technology fell from the sky, it also did not appear in this discussion. When United Semiconductor broke ground When it came out, there was still no waves.

But under the undercurrent, the name "Zhao Song" was mentioned in the roar of so many people, and it was studied over and over again by many institutions and individuals, that is not what we know.

Especially after Zhao Song's remarks with the Municipal Standing Committee and the big boss of Dianhai District were spread before Zhao Song avoided Shanghai:

"Shenzhou Technology and United Semiconductor are high-tech enterprises with state-owned capital as the main body, and the construction of relevant party and league organizations must not be left behind!"


As expected of a boy from the oil field, with my spirit of dedicating oil to the motherland, I have tossed out two state-owned enterprises as a white man?

"Zhao Song, your uncle!"

In 2001, a magical year full of changes and treacherous waves!

Compared with the climax at the end of the year, May is more like the breaking point of an absurd comedy!

Under the stage of this drama, a cold and calm eye stares at all this from the perspective of God who knows all the endings 17 years later.

A teacher who never forgets the past, among so many absurd dramas, Zhao Song's favorite is a drama that has nothing to do with him.

That is the orange-yellow water known as the first national enterprise for planting flowers and known as the "Oriental Magic Water".

There, a big drama that may be unique in the world's business history is happening at this time: the founder of the company is restricting the development of the company, all for the purpose of acquiring the company at the lowest cost in the future.

"Three waters flow and three waters are rich in rice cement and magic water; dragons are passed on from dragons to people, and human beings emerge from each other." The orange-yellow water has not had any communication with the local government that many people can't name for many years. and exchange.

At this time, the contradiction between the enterprise and the government has reached its peak, and the meager profits and taxes paid by the orange water have been suppressed.

We use a point of view as a premise: in peaceful times, any act of sacrificing personal interests for the so-called national interests is all hooliganism.

Then, the result of the future meeting to determine the ownership of the orange water will be a relief.

In that enlarged government meeting, 90% of the participants held a point of view: I will sell orange water cheaply to anyone, and I will not sell you Li Jing!

I can't even pay my wages. What does the rise and fall of orange water have to do with me?

Zhao Song really couldn't imagine, as the boss of Tesla, who couldn't afford the salary, and as the chairman of Shenzhou Technology, who didn't communicate with the city government for six years, what kind of death spirit would it be?

How far away from politics is it safe for entrepreneurs?

For thousands of years, there has been no definitive answer to this question, but it is clear that the answer given by the genius Li Jing who "looks up to the sky with tears in his eyes and does not say a word" is unqualified.

Zhao Song especially wanted to go to the "tragic hero" who was regarded as a "tragic hero" and ask: "With the money, the fame, and the power, what are you trying to do after such a toss?"

What else can I draw? The picture is endless greed!

So, Zhao Song gave his own answer—"State-owned enterprises" Shenzhou, United Semiconductor, and the last sentence to the big boss of Dianhai before leaving: "When Tesla went public, it was when I stepped down from Shenzhou and United Semiconductor. Semiconductor Chairman's Day!"


Before this genius kid's head is hollowed out, he has to sit in that position honestly! That is hollowed out, as long as there is a symbolic meaning, you have to sit.

So, at the moment Zhao Song got on the plane, a gleaming sword was erected over the capital. My child and I just disagreed, and it was not up to someone to teach me a lesson!

Under the raging waves, those involved in the detainment of the richest man were expedited. Warning and inquiry letters were scattered everywhere. Pingchang District and Dianhai District even excluded some companies from the list of centralized procurement. The Wubizi infringement case was speeded up.

May 9.

A piece of news suddenly spread in the capital:

It’s not just those competitors who have to teach Zhao Song a lesson, but also a big crocodile lurking underwater—in recent times, countless financial companies have come to their door, trying to persuade Zhao Song’s companies to buy their financial products , the highest interest rate was even offered to 22%, but Zhao Song rejected them all!

May 10.

A paper media in the capital, without warning, published an article on an important page, "The Delong Family--A Flower Planting Model of a 'Family-like Business'", which exposed the mysterious "Delong Family" to the world for the first time.

Afterwards, in the words of some people, it is "the old three stocks are no longer the facade of the stock market, let's take a good look at Shenzhou Technology!"

Yes, Shenzhou Technology.

When Zhao Song was angry at experts in the big conference room of Shanghai Municipal Government, Shenzhou Technology (600652) reached a price of 125 yuan per share at the end of the trading day, with a market value of 50 billion yuan.

While everyone was stunned, the first flower planted was born!

Ten billion star-level state-owned enterprises were born!

What does such a business mean to some people?

Please refer to the Sanjiu Group, which is in full swing at this time: its lineage is authentic, it has a brand, it has funds and a sales network, and entrusting the enterprise to them will not only save it from life, but also avoid the suspicion of selling state-owned assets at a low price. Therefore, it happens from time to time to send enterprises all the way, kneel down and ask others to eat their own factories.

In the afternoon of the same day, accompanied by the few remaining Shenzhou managers, senior officials from the capital inspected the Shenzhou Industrial Park.

The first and second leaders of Guangdong Province met with the Zhao Song business delegation represented by Shenzhou Li Bowei.

If you don't know what these three names mean, Jingcheng, Shanghai, and Guangdong Province, please read their first characters together.

The chairman of the first unit of Zhonghua, the richest man in China, no matter how young he is, he should not be humiliated!

Every effort must be rewarded. From this moment on, Zhao Song finally saw the long-awaited reward for his dedication, but he never thought that it would be so big!

May 11, early morning.

When Yuanyuan and Chen Ning sent text messages to Zhao Song respectively.

Five luxury buses stopped slowly at the Guancheng exit of the expressway under the police car clearing the way.

Li Bowei quickly got off the bus and walked towards the crowd not far away.

The secretary next to him glanced at the text message, and quickly said: "Manager, the five major teams in Guancheng City are here to welcome you!"

Li Bowei nodded solemnly, and immediately quickened his pace.

"Secretary, mayor, thank you for your welcome!"

"It should."

The warm and sincere smile seems to have infected Li Bowei, and he said solemnly: "Both leaders, I would like to make a promise on behalf of Mr. Zhao Song. We are investing with the greatest sincerity and real money. For specific matters, Let's talk again!"

"Okay~ okay~, let's talk, let's talk~"

The siren blared, and the huge convoy was on the road again. Li Bowei took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Zhao Song:

"We are ready!"

Shenzhou has a loan of 2 billion, and Tesla’s supporting factories all have their own assets. Only Tesla, how to invest, how much to invest, and whether the total amount can exceed Huashi, all depends on the negotiation with Shanghai!

At this moment, people all over the country and even the world who pay attention to the capital field all set their sights on that super five-star hotel in Shanghai City.

Half an hour later, the negotiation of the century is about to begin.

How much is Tesla worth?

What exactly is Zhao Song going to do?

Are the three big companies investing in Tesla, or setting up a new joint venture?

After the two state-owned enterprises, will there be a world-class enterprise?

Everything, wait and see!

The views in this chapter and this article are all partial and one-sided personal views. The analysis of some individuals and companies cannot be finished in a book, so there is no need to worry too much.

Regarding the update: I don’t know how to ask for leave. It’s still my stupid thing. I went back to Shantang. My parents are the same age in the Republic. I have worked hard all my life.

Work hard, don't sell miserably, just as a lesson, I hope everyone can watch the excitement, some things, if you can, don't touch them.

Let’s start with a new chapter to prove that I’m still jumping.

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