Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 445 Three Songs Determine the Universe (Part 1)

May 11, 8:00 am.

The top floor of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

The security personnel wearing headphones and uniforms stood separately under the command of Director Hong Taohong.

Ladies and sisters dressed in Haitian Xiangyun are rushing to arrange the venue, drinks, fruit plates, and coffee machines are placed in an orderly manner.

The meeting room is very large, and it is often used as a banquet place. Now its layout is completely for a formal business negotiation. On the side where Tesla is sitting, nearly 30 people are crowded together. whispering to each other.

In the southeast corner of the conference room, only Zhao Song was sitting alone, frowning and looking at the documents in his hand, talking to himself, the dark circles on his face were getting heavier, the lady from the secretariat had gone back to the room to get cosmetics went.

In the corner on the other side, Director Zhao saw the elite staff of the two bureaus among the crowd, cowering like quails, not saying a word, and suddenly became angry.

Turning his head to look at Da Xiong next to him, Director Zhao asked dumbfounded again: "Xiao Yu, why do you have to be sneaky when reading a book?"

"My brother won't let me read this book!" Behind Big Bear, Xiao Yu closed "The Legend of Wukong" and said sullenly.

Is this the period of youth rebellion?

Director Zhao smiled and asked curiously: "Xiao Yu, why do they all speak English?"

"Because we will be negotiating in English later."

Xiao Yu answered naturally.

"Not worthy of translation?"

Xiao Yu shook her head: "Not worthy, except my brother."

Seeing Director Zhao's increasingly puzzled eyes, Xiao Yu explained seriously: "Although my brother can already communicate in English proficiently, in order to prevent accidents, Professor Yangcai Peng, who is among the crowd, will do a simultaneous speech in the next room. Interpreter, do you see that line sticking out of my brother's ear?"

Chief Zhao nodded.

"That's what it's for!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyu continued to introduce in a tone full of small pride: "The four on the left are all professors from Yangcai, and those who look like dogs next to them are accountants from Xiangjiang. Professor Liu of Psychology at JFJ General Hospital, and those foreigners are the business elites of Weiwei Group, and these people will serve as Tesla's backup team next door in a while."

"Facing us are the main players in this negotiation. From left to right, they are: Ding Tao, Wen Zhenwen, Liu Cong, Zhao Rong, Yuan Wu, Gui Luyang, Wei Fang, Wan He'an, and Liao Yingzhu."

In order for Director Zhao to match the list in his hand, Xiao Yu introduced him by his original name.

Director Zhao showed a grateful smile, and asked thoughtfully: "The average education level of the six in front is really only technical secondary school?"

"Of course!" Xiaoyu nodded quickly: "I hope their opponents will think so too!"

"Uh..." Thinking of these people's increasing fame in the business world, Director Zhao was speechless.

"Xiao Yu, who is this one who just came in?"

"Li Linna, my brother's current girlfriend."

"Xiaoyu, here comes another..."

"Li Wei, my brother's first girlfriend."


Director Zhao was speechless again, and secretly prayed in his heart that this business negotiation would not turn into a big fight...


"Zhao Song."

Li Wei smiled gratefully at Li Linna who did not follow, sat opposite Zhao Song, and greeted her softly.


Zhao Song put down the materials, nodded at her, and asked with a smile: "How are those business elites?"

“Top class!”

Li Wei replied without hesitation.

"I hope so."

Zhao Song was noncommittal.

Li Wei gritted her teeth secretly, saw Zhao Song's two panda eyes, and held back an inexplicable smile:

"Zhao Song, after this negotiation, the Weiwei Group can enter the venue for one kilometer, right?"

"What good things are you thinking about?" Zhao Song said angrily, "Regardless of success or failure, for the sake of your help, I can only give you the right to negotiate with my sister."

Li Wei followed Zhao Song's finger and looked into the crowd, and immediately met Sister Da Da's half-smile eyes, and shivered all over her body.

"Zhao Song!" Li Wei roared, "Stingy!"

"Li Wei!" Zhao Song laughed happily, "Among so many women, you are the only one who can call me by my nickname."

"Zhao Song, you are still so shameless!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"


Li Wei stood up, stopped talking to Zhao Song, who was not in the same place, and glanced at Sister Da Da who was not far away, then left proudly with her head up—she didn't sign a confidentiality agreement, and she didn't participate in this negotiation s right.

"Zhao Song!"

Suddenly, Li Wei turned around.

"What else?" Zhao Song asked impatiently.

Li Wei paused, bit her lower lip before saying: "Crazy Joe is actually not that scary, except for those followers of Apple, everyone else hates him, especially those record companies, the harsh agreement offered to Crazy Qiao Very dissatisfied!"

Hearing this, Zhao Song stared blankly at Li Wei, then nodded slowly: "Thank you, I will take this opinion into consideration."

Most of the time, because of inertial thinking, he always put the Apple CEO on the altar. Li Wei's reminder can be said to be very timely, letting Zhao Song know that now, that lunatic is just a famous tyrant!

Looking at Li Wei's leaving back, the smile on Zhao Song's face gradually disappeared, and there was no fluctuation in his calm eyes.

"Have you two always gotten along like this?"

Li Linna smiled and sat beside Zhao Song, took his head and leaned it on her shoulder.

"Almost, since we met, we have been fighting each other." Leaning on Li Linna's soft shoulders, Zhao Song closed his eyes and said sullenly, "I am the one who loses in the end!"


Li Linna quickly covered her mouth.

"Who will lose this time?"

"Then you have to ask Sister DaDa, I won't serve you anymore!"

"." Li Linna pursed her lips and said softly, "Zhao Song, close your eyes for a while."


Zhao Song turned sideways and lay on the long legs that he had been thinking about for a long time.



Li Linna caressed her boyfriend's hair.

"The negotiation has actually started long ago. The information on the table lists all the efforts my partners have made before. Linna, read it carefully and study hard. This is my gift to you before you leave!"

That's right, the negotiations have started long ago, and this is a business negotiation destined to end shortly, because Tesla is running out of time.

Although Apple's confidentiality measures are very strict, Zhao Song knows without investigation that they are definitely speeding up. That IPOD is not far from the market, and with the ITUNES released at the beginning of the year, Crazy Joe's music empire plan will be on the way. Take the first step.

As a software for MP3 playback and CD burning, ITUNES has at least five competitors of the same type with millions of users in the United States. The reason why Zhao Song started to act now is because the difficulty is not the platform, but the digital music copyright!

Go to the record company and talk about this before you are fledgling, who cares about you!

As for the global sales of TPOD shulle 2 now!

In the elevator room on the top floor of the hotel, Li Wei looked at the beating numbers and waited quietly.


"Li Wei!"

"Hao Ying?"

Li Wei looked at her ex-girlfriend in surprise. At this time, she wore short boots with punk-style attire, heavy makeup and dark eye shadow on her face. The thick dark style made Li Wei feel amazing.

This is Hao Ying, a chick from Beijing with meatball head?

"Why are you here?"

Hao Ying said with a smile: "Here you come to sing!"

What you said makes sense, Li Wei opened her mouth and closed it again, speechless, isn't she just singing in this attire.

"Hello, Li Wei, long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Li Wei looked at Yin Mingyu among the people behind Hao Ying in surprise again, it was that cloudy day.

Cloudy day and Zhao Song, what are they going to do?

As if knowing half of the doubts in Li Wei's heart, Yin Mingyu smiled softly:

"This is a negotiation about music, of course it must be resolved with music!"

Two chapters today, more than 6,500 words.

The next chapter is a bit messy, so just read all the information you see as good news for the stock market.

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